Rowan County Clerk Refuses After Supreme Court

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Mar 27, 2009
Model Citizen. Zero Discipline.
Maybe this is part of the political thread, but seems like a big issue.

5 times she has refused to perform her legal duties. She cant be fired, but can incur financial penalties with jail time.

Anyone think she gives it up?
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No, she thinks she's one of god's soldiers. I'm sure a bunch of religious people are giving her money as well.
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Yeah, she should be fired. Prayers for the people though that have to drive 15 minutes to another county until she is fired.
Not as big an issue as another cop being killed today in Chicago.
I have no problem with any two people having the same rights as any other couple. If my wife can receive benefits because she's my wife, why shouldn't my neighbor be able to pick or woman to receive the same benefits. If my employer allows me to add my wife to my health ins policy, why shouldn't my colleague be permitted to add the person of his choice to his policy? As a Christian, while I don't agree with same sex marriages, I have no problem treating people fairly.

That said, IMO a distinction needs to be made between marriage and government approved unions. Marriage is a spiritual matter between males and females ordained by the church. If couples want to form a union in the eyes of the government, they should be able go to the clerk, fill out the papers, pay the license needed, no ceremony required. When they walk out the door, they are officially unified in the eyes of the government. The clerk is the one that "unifies" them in the eyes of the government. Couples could then go out and have a party to celebrate their union.

If a couple then wants to be the church, they can then do so...plan a wedding, make arrangements with a pastor, etc... In the Rowan Co case, the clerk would be performing a governmental act, not a spiritual act.
I like how she and some others keep contorting religious freedom and the first amendment. If anything she is violating it, she is imposing her interpretation of christianity on everyone. No one is violating her one said she can't go to church, pray, etc. She can leave and be as hateful as she wants..she is free to do so and no one will tell her she cant. However, we have this thing called seperation of church and know because christianity isn't the only religion thats granted freedom.

My real question is when does Lifetime phone Kathy Bates with the script for the made for TV movie?
In my opinion, if she issues one for a divorced person with a living ex, she has gone against her religion as hard as a gay marriage could ever be.

I hope she shares some camera time with the bicycling Casey county guy so he will go away.
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Good for her! Really stupid move though and to take a stand here like this means she has someone's support in what she is doing no doubt. Glad she is proud of herself and her religion enough to stand up, but most likely sitting down would be the best play here.
So much dumb here.
1. When you take the office/position, you know what you are getting yourself in for. Just like a teacher knows that if they take a public teaching position that you are expected to leave your religion out of it. She took this job knowing that she is to do the same here. Now, she either faces: stepping down, being impeached, or jail time.

2. She's not even the one that issues the license. She just sits in the back while the real people in the office that do the work at the front desk issue the licenses.

3. She uses her religion to condemn others for their marriage practice while she's on her 4th marriage.

4. Instead of just.......ahhhh, going to the next county.....there are a few couples that keep going back to her to get rejected. Sure, they may be trying to prove a point, but come on they certainly are soaking up all the media coverage aren't they?
She's actually going against the Bible. "Give to Caesar what is Caesar, give to God what is God's."
That and there's no theological argument for what she refuses to do. She is not being asked to condone the marriage, bless it, participate in it, perform it... Her role is to sign a legal document stating that the government acknowledges that this is happening. There's no way you can read the Bible... fundamentalist, backwards, sideways or upside down that prohibits that.
Lady is the perfect definition of a serial marriager. No different than a serial killer. Except she prolly nags them death. Someone here said she's on #4. Lol.
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I keep thinking that we are seeing a version of the segregation supporters who said they were doing God's will by keeping those heathen black kids from getting educated.

This was supposedly aimed at Trump but it applies here.
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What this broad is doing in Rowan county is what all people are entitled to do in this life. You may declare your war on your terms and be prepared to suffer your consequence. one of my favorite examples of this is those stupid idiots on the TV show "Whale Wars." I don't support what they do, but I totally support their right to go out in the ocean, using whatever monies and political support they can muster, and declare their private war against the Japanese whaling industry. In turn, I totally support the Japanese whaling industry's right to drop anchor through the stern of the Bob Barker and sink those stupid fker's clean to the bottom of the Pacific. Free entertainment either way for me. A win-win.

This woman in Rowan County has declared her war against gay marriage. In private, she may very well be a hateful beeyatch, the sort of insensitive skank that would refer to such quality persons are queers, fags, goober smoochers, rump rangers, and other careless terms that the rest of us wouldn't dare scribble. But in public, she has committed to taking her chances on the outcome, and I've got to admit that the story of the two men running back to their car holding hands in tears earlier today, after being rejected for a license, really made me think. Because those guys don't have their own anchor. The US supreme court does. But when they drop it on this woman she won't sink. Probably what will happen is you'll get a 1/2 dozen gay marriages that will be permanently traceable to the public psyche. And 5 years from now a documentary will prove that all they ever wanted was attention, and not a life together.
Good for her. I'm for anything that pisses off the left, so I hope she tells them to eff until the end of her term.
After moving back to Kentucky, the bureaucracy and illogical local government hierarchy made me think: this bitch probably doesn't even care about gay marriage. She's just putting up a fuss so they create a Special Assistant County Clerk Responsible for Same-Sex Marriage to be filled by one of her backwoods relatives (with full benefits and early retirement, of course).

Roughly half the people in this state are seemingly employed by the government at the behest of some non-immediate relative who, in turn, landed their job via the same method.
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After moving back to Kentucky, the bureaucracy and illogical local government hierarchy made me think: this bitch probably doesn't even care about gay marriage. She's just putting up a fuss so they create a Special Assistant County Clerk Responsible for Same-Sex Marriage to be filled by one of her backwoods relatives (with full benefits and early retirement, of course).

Roughly half the people in this state are seemingly employed by the government at the behest of some non-immediate relative who, in turn, landed their job via the same method.
There are waaaaaaay too many people employed by the government. No wonder our economy is such shit. Easy to bitch about the deficit and then turn around and ignore the fact that your 8:30-4:30 job making $75k a year with $15 a month health insurance with a $100 deductible and full pension, 4 weeks of vacation and 20 sick days for doing absolutely nothing but pushing paper.
We will see how strong her "faith" is thursday. she has been summoned to judge David Bunnings courtroom, and he is the one that ordered her to FOLLOW THE LAW. I will bet he puts her ass in jail

Probably, and he probably should. Free entertainment. People who say they're embarrassed by this woman while typing anonymously only make idiots out of themselves - sort of like achieving an internet misnomer in a most peculiar way - call it electronic irony. Funny shit, that's not shit.

Serious question for our legal knick knocks: is it a lawful requirement for circuit court clerks to be in the business of issuing marriage licenses?
Jail will bring out the martyr mentality in her. Monetary consequences will cause her to "see the light" with a quickness.
I don't think they will put her in jail. Fine her, and it's going to be interesting what the fine is.

I've said from the start she should follow the law and do her job despite her beliefs, she wasn't elected to write laws. That said she is standing up for her beliefs and there is no doubt a bunch of people who share her beliefs as well. I don't think she has entered new territory.
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