Rowan County Clerk Refuses After Supreme Court

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I think the woman should've been punished for not issuing the licenses just to make that clear.

But just look at the illegal immigrant situation going on now. Elected officials are knowingly not enforcing these laws. Why is ok for these laws to be not enforced?
I think the woman should've been punished for not issuing the licenses just to make that clear.

But just look at the illegal immigrant situation going on now. Elected officials are knowingly not enforcing these laws. Why is ok for these laws to be not enforced?

It is not ok. They are not enforcing immigration laws based on what they perceive as moral. Now there's some irony for you. Too bad there isn't a process in which those elected officials would be required to refuse an American citizen a certificate of validation (something equivalent to denying a marriage license) each and every time they refuse to enforce immigration laws for each and every illegal immigrant they allow on our land. By not enforcing those laws they allow illegal immigrants to enter into a personal relationship with the land and people of the United States. By not issuing a marriage license the Rowan clerk does not disallow gays to remain in their personal relationship. These are interesting thoughts. Nonetheless, the clerk woman should be in jail. I doubt she lasts 3 full days before announcing that god has spoken to her about tolerance and understanding.
Do you have a specific example in mind of an elected official not following the law in comparison to what Ms. Davis is doing? I must have misunderstood what you meant.

She was jailed for being found in contempt by the federal judge she was defying. People fail to follow laws all the time and get by with it. But when a judge specifically mandates you follow a law and you don't, you get put in jail.
Well, Ning rekindles people from her county both straight and gay that filed the law suit that has lead to this. They're only people that could. You and I couldn't sue for not doing it. People that share her belief and elected her are not getting service either. That's the rub, she knows she is wrong and is trying to deny everyone in attempt to make it look fair. The rest are just along to see how far she is going to take it.

I'm not a fan of someone who has lived their life recklessly suddenly finding religion and then goes out of their way to force what they never did onto others. This is not what the bible says to do. It's stupid and a self serving interpretation.
So you feel her past is a
Well, it was people from her county both straight and gay that filed the law suit that has lead to this. They're only people that could. You and I couldn't sue for not doing it. People that share her belief and elected her are not getting service either. That's the rub, she knows she is wrong and is trying to deny everyone in attempt to make it look fair. The rest are just along to see how far she is going to take it.

I'm not a fan of someone who has lived their life recklessly suddenly finding religion and then goes out of their way to force what they never did onto others. This is not what the bible says to do. It's stupid and a self serving interpretation.
"Not a fan of someone who lived recklessly suddenly finding religion" Wow. Good to know. I guess you are judging her past as a reason to not like her view. That is completely hypocritical. The great thing about Christianity is forgiveness. You have apparently always been perfect
I stated very clearly I was against it. And don't think they are not already infringing on religious freedom. It will not stop here. They don't want it mentioned from a pulpit in church and will try to stop it there as well. Already are. It happened in Houston. Gods word is not subject to man's law and never will be.

You applaud this as a victory. It is not. It's another brick in the wall of freedom being removed. Just beware when something you strongly believe in becomes a crime when you are told you must conform. You won't be as joyful then.
How in the F'k has anyone's freedom been removed? What is the difference between what Kim Davis is doing and if you had an NFL coach who refused to work on Sundays for religious reasons?
She is free to do whatever her religious beliefs lead her to do but if her religious beliefs conflict with her job then she should step down from that job. Go get a job that doesn't require her to do things that are contrary to her beliefs.
"Not a fan of someone who lived recklessly suddenly finding religion" Wow. Good to know. I guess you are judging her past as a reason to not like her view. That is completely hypocritical. The great thing about Christianity is forgiveness. You have apparently always been perfect

Don't worry, I'm not going to say anything that can't be forgiven later.

You might not be able to see it but this lady is not doing this because of her religious convictions, clearly she has shown in her life that religion isn't important. She hates gays and is hiding behind religion as her excuse.
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Don't worry, I'm not going to say anything that can't be forgiven later.

You might not be able to see it but this lady is not doing this because of her religious convictions, clearly she has shown in her life that religion isn't important. She hates gays and is hiding behind religion as her excuse.

Actually John, she's probably gay herself. Either that, or she has borderline personality disorder. My bet she's as queer as they get. 4th marriage. This woman clearly doesn't need to be with men, unconsciously to her.
Today I came to work and my boss told me I had to stand out in the street dressed as a bear.

I told him no.

He said well you're fired.

I said nuh-uh and am not doing my new job and you're still going to pay me.
So you feel her past is a

"Not a fan of someone who lived recklessly suddenly finding religion" Wow. Good to know. I guess you are judging her past as a reason to not like her view. That is completely hypocritical. The great thing about Christianity is forgiveness. You have apparently always been perfect
You left out the rest of his statement. The important part of that statement.
Why the hell should tax payers of that county be forced to go to another county to get a marriage license?

Actually the people that keep going back to Rowan County to get licenses aren't from there, at least one of the couples is from Ohio.

The guy from Casey Co still isn't issuing same sex marriage licenses, it's just that apparently there are no gay people in the area that want to get married or are willing to go to Casey Co to do it.
You might not be able to see it but this lady is not doing this because of her religious convictions, clearly she has shown in her life that religion isn't important. She hates gays and is hiding behind religion as her excuse.
again, you are just another one who is just too darned small minded and fooled by Davis' act. She doesnt give an ish about gays one way or another, but is very smartly using this to make a stand and make herself famous NATIONWIDE. Not just famous, but a RELIGIOUS HERO. She's gonna get so rich off of this thanks to those like you, on both sides, who take this so very serious and think it is so damned important.
I think you're lost here. She chose to run for this position knowing what the responsibilities of it were. Once elected she has decided she doesn't want to do the job but wants to keep getting a pay check. Those people pay her salary and have every right to demand service for their money. If she wants to fight for her opinion she will have to do that on her dime, not the public's.

We don't pay the ACLU, or muslim's to fight for their beliefs and we are not going to pay her either. By law she has to perform her duties or she will be jailed and removed from office. It's the American way.

It's too bad that this doesn't apply to the president
She's a bureaucrat, not a chief executive. Hell, most people who "voted" for her probably didn't even know who she or her opponent were. They *might* have read the letters next to the names, if that.
She's a bureaucrat, not a chief executive. Hell, most people who "voted" for her probably didn't even know who she or her opponent were. They *might* have read the letters next to the names, if that.

Apparently you don't understand how important local elections are in small counties. And now everyone knows who she is, she just reassured reelection for years.
She's a bureaucrat, not a chief executive. Hell, most people who "voted" for her probably didn't even know who she or her opponent were. They *might* have read the letters next to the names, if that.

No person is supposed to be above the law in the US. If we start thinking a chief executive is above the law, we basically turn them into a King or Queen.
The funny thing is...the 15 million plus christian churches in america will talk how there is a war on their religious freedom this sunday....irony
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What if this wasn't about religion, but this bitch self identified as someone who follows the law but just wasn't issuing marriage licenses? Then do we have to respect her self identification and call her a hero like Bruce Jenner?

I mean, if being a man and having a cock isn't definitive proof of being a man, how can refusing to issue marriage licenses really be definitive proof of not issuing marriage licenses?
Illegally entering the country and then politicians ignoring the law is a choice.
Bill, the lawsuit forced the judge's hand - he had to order her to perform her sworn duties based on US laws, which she refused to do.

Hypothetically, if a US citizen filed a lawsuit against a cop in a sanctuary city saying his rights were being trampled because the cop wasn't following the laws regarding illegals, and a judge ruled in his/her favor, then the judge could order the cop to enforce the laws, and jail him for contempt if he refused. Maybe then what you're talking about would be similar to the Kim Davis case.

But I do not think US laws are as clear on immigration as they are on the laws of gay marriage, which obviously was decided by the SCOTUS.
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The funny thing is...the 15 million plus christian churches in america will talk how there is a war on their religious freedom this sunday....irony

Doubtful. My old church is all in with the gay stuff, and they are old an ornery as hell. You just can't condemn gays. It doesn't happen in my backwards ass city. Maybe at the smaller snake churches, but not at jig churches. They welcome everyone and I assume that's be case most everywhere now.

But, please, continue to stereotype. Your mind is just as closed as Kim's.
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Doubtful. My old church is all in with the gay stuff, and they are old an ornery as hell. You just can't condemn gays. It doesn't happen in my backwards ass city. Maybe at the smaller snake churches, but not at jig churches. They welcome everyone and I assume that's be case most everywhere now.

But, please, continue to stereotype. Your mind is just as closed as Kim's.

Nope won't steretype...just going by every christian person who has expressed opinion on fb, twitter, of course that isn't all of them..but your major religious leaders and christian politicians who have spoken have done enough to help everyone with your supposed stereotype
I've been in churches all over south east Kentucky and central Kentucky. All are against and borderline hate homosexuals. I've been to several churches in the city I currently live in. A city of nearly 2 million people. I've heard at least one sermon in each of them condemning homosexuals. I think the majority are behind Kim Davis and feel their freedom is being attacked. Persecutory delusion is a large part of Christianity in the US. Sorry Mash.
What would happen if someone wouldn't issue a conceal carry permit on the grounds that it was against their belief?
Actually the people that keep going back to Rowan County to get licenses aren't from there, at least one of the couples is from Ohio.

The guy from Casey Co still isn't issuing same sex marriage licenses, it's just that apparently there are no gay people in the area that want to get married or are willing to go to Casey Co to do it.

At least one couple is from Rowan County. In the video they posted they said they have been Rowan County residents for 10 years.
I don't attend church but I support Davis.

Hope she keeps the media circus rolling as it gives the GOP something to rally around.

Maybe the GOP can use this to court the mostly Christian Hispanic voting block.

I'll support anything that that keeps the Dems out of the White House in '16 .

America is at it's best when we ride down the middle.

8 years in the left lane is too long.
I don't attend church but I support Davis.

Hope she keeps the media circus rolling as it gives the GOP something to rally around.

Maybe the GOP can use this to court the mostly Christian Hispanic voting block.

I'll support anything that that keeps the Dems out of the White House in '16 .

America is at it's best when we ride down the middle.

8 years in the left lane is too long.

In case you missed it. Davis is liberal democrat. But hey carry on....
I've been in churches all over south east Kentucky and central Kentucky. All are against and borderline hate homosexuals. I've been to several churches in the city I currently live in. A city of nearly 2 million people. I've heard at least one sermon in each of them condemning homosexuals. I think the majority are behind Kim Davis and feel their freedom is being attacked. Persecutory delusion is a large part of Christianity in the US. Sorry Mash.

I'm not a fan of airing dirty laundry but I will say that events at my church have had an effect on my opinion of this matter.
A couple of years ago we had a guest speaker who had a power point presentation as he spoke. He often referenced "how bad things are" and would post a picture from a gay pride parade or something similar. His message had nearly nothing to do with the topic, but every time he mentioned the world's end being 'nigh, he put up pictures of someone stereotypically gay. I was sitting in a congregation with couples who were openly cohabitating without marriage, people with addiction problems, etc, and these were all welcomed with open arms. These problems were considered just normal behavior but homosexuality was being treated as an unforgivable sin, up to the point that it was being used to frighten and motivate people to support his organization. I decided there that I would always do my best to see the person first and the faults afterwards.
interesting legal discussion I heard in line for lunch...the deputies are issuing the licenses today, but they are completely invalid per Kentucky state law without THE County Clerk's (Davis) signature
First, didn't know she was Apostolic Christian, didn't even know we had those in Kentucky.

Second, would like to understand the selective nature of what's going on here....

Gavin Newsome, Mayor San Francisco, issues marriage licenses in clear contravention of law. No jail for anyone, not even discussed.
Kim Davis, county clerk, refuses to issue marriage license in clear contravention of law. Jail.
Why is it wrong when Davis does this kind of thing, or when Judge Roy Moore of Alabama unilaterally declared federal law wrong and defied it by installing a Ten Commandments monument in a courthouse – but it’s OK when Newsome or Jerry Brown violates the same laws but in the other direction?

The answer is to disregard all this nonsense about "a nation of laws" and "elected officials are held to a duty to uphold the laws". Sometimes yes, sometimes no, even on the same issue......
I've been in churches all over south east Kentucky and central Kentucky. All are against and borderline hate homosexuals. I've been to several churches in the city I currently live in. A city of nearly 2 million people. I've heard at least one sermon in each of them condemning homosexuals. I think the majority are behind Kim Davis and feel their freedom is being attacked. Persecutory delusion is a large part of Christianity in the US. Sorry Mash.

This is one of the most ignorant and misinformed comments ever.
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