Rings of Power series on Amazon in Sept

Sure man, go right ahead. I don’t see anyone or anything stopping you
Sweet I have watched House of the Dragon trailers so I think I will go in that thread and tell everyone that it is the greatest thing I've never seen......
HOTD is actually pretty darn good. It's viewership has more than doubled since opening week.

Some of us have been following ROP production for a couple years now and were worried about a bunch of choices. If you aren't a FAN of Tolkien then I could see how you could just watch it as content. I could see how people could like it in that context. But it's wild how people are attacking people for not liking it. There is plenty to not like too.
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You completely miss where I was going with that. RoP is mediocre at best for non fans and a complete disservice to fans. I was criticizing him for NOT watching and parroting what he has read on the internet.
You completely miss where I was going with that. RoP is mediocre at best for non fans and a complete disservice to fans. I was criticizing him for NOT watching and parroting what he has read on the internet.
I saw trailers too. It's not parroting if I looked at it and said... nah, that's just not something I wanna spend time on. If I can't decide if I want to watch it or not from a trailer, then what's the point in even having em?
HOTD is actually pretty darn good. It's viewership has more than doubled since opening week.

Some of us have been following ROP production for a couple years now and were worried about a bunch of choices. If you aren't a FAN of Tolkien then I could see how you could just watch it as content. I could see how people could like it in that context. But it's wild how people are attacking people for not liking it. There is plenty to not like too.
I think the LOTR and the Hobbit are fantasy classics. And, for that, I think Tolkien is awesome, but when I read others understanding of his mythology, I realize I don’t touch fan status. I see the hokie nature of some of the dialogue, the problems with some of the acting, and flaws in storyline. Definitely not a must see. But, I am enjoying it as television. I thought the latest episode was pretty good.
I think the LOTR and the Hobbit are fantasy classics. And, for that, I think Tolkien is awesome, but when I read others understanding of his mythology, I realize I don’t touch fan status. I see the hokie nature of some of the dialogue, the problems with some of the acting, and flaws in storyline. Definitely not a must see. But, I am enjoying it as television. I thought the latest episode was pretty good.

I think it's really good. I'll admit my ignorance on the lore as I never spent as much time on this stuff as others.

My enjoyment of the show went through the roof when I started watching the YouTube episode breakdowns by "nerd of the rings". There are tons of lore packed into every episode that just slides by 99% of us. It's crazy the level of detail they put into this. Makes it all the more shame the mishandling of galadriel and worse that mishandling is of the main character; but oh well.

I really think the breakdowns will immensely increase people's appreciation and enjoyment of the show. I know it did for me. They're so good I'm surprised Amazon hasn't bought their channel
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I think it's really good. I'll admit my ignorance on the lore as I never spent as much time on this stuff as others.

My enjoyment of the show went through the roof when I started watching the YouTube episode breakdowns by "nerd of the rings". There are tons of lore packed into every episode that just slides by 99% of us. It's crazy the level of detail they put into this. Makes it all the more shame the mishandling of galadriel and worse that mishandling is of the main character; but oh well.

I really think the breakdowns will immensely increase people's appreciation and enjoyment of the show. I know it did for me. They're so good I'm surprised Amazon hasn't bought their channel
Can you link?
I think it's really good. I'll admit my ignorance on the lore as I never spent as much time on this stuff as others.

My enjoyment of the show went through the roof when I started watching the YouTube episode breakdowns by "nerd of the rings". There are tons of lore packed into every episode that just slides by 99% of us. It's crazy the level of detail they put into this. Makes it all the more shame the mishandling of galadriel and worse that mishandling is of the main character; but oh well.

I really think the breakdowns will immensely increase people's appreciation and enjoyment of the show. I know it did for me. They're so good I'm surprised Amazon hasn't bought their channel
I watch that nerd of the rings channel. He does really good character "travels of" videos. The first age stuff is pretty awesome the way he does his videos.
As a fan who grew up reading Tolkien's works, this show is heartbreaking in how bad it is.

In Tolkien's stories there numerous examples of just how serious oaths are taken and breaking them presents dire consequences. If you have only seen the movies note what happened to the men under mountain after they broke their oath to Isildur. So writing Gil Gahad into strong arming Elrond to break his oath is complete character assassination.

That is just one of many instances they write into every episode.
As a fan who grew up reading Tolkien's works, this show is heartbreaking in how bad it is.

In Tolkien's stories there numerous examples of just how serious oaths are taken and breaking them presents dire consequences. If you have only seen the movies note what happened to the men under mountain after they broke their oath to Isildur. So writing Gil Gahad into strong arming Elrond to break his oath is complete character assassination.

That is just one of many instances they write into every episode.

Understand the point and agree except they definitely could be building a really cool twist....if they're unwittingly being manipulated by a gift giver
I only recently discovered the channel. great content imo
Those character "travel of" videos are a decent overview of each person/elf. He covers their life in like 15 to 20 minutes. Same production quality. He doesn't get too deep but just hits the basics. I can't remember specifics about the Simarilian because of how its written and I like to watch those videos to keep that stuff fresh and to catch stuff I missed.

This shouldn't be a spoiler for the show. Most of this should precede the stuff in the show.
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Those character "travel of" videos are a decent overview of each person/elf. He covers their life in like 15 to 20 minutes. Same production quality. He doesn't get too deep but just hits the basics. I can't remember specifics about the Simarilian because of how its written and I like to watch those videos to keep that stuff fresh and to catch stuff I missed.

This shouldn't be a spoiler for the show. Most of this should precede the stuff in the show.

I love those too. Was surprised to find a video on the history of hobbits where they discussed the fact there was three types of hobbits.... including one type that were the harfoots.
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Going back on this.... Who would it be to make it more interesting to you? Just curious on this line of thinking.

Good question. For me personally I think it's more about who he can't be. I think he can't be sauron. Also can't be gandalf nor saruman as those two characters already saw iconic portrayal by two of the greatest actors ever.

For the general public, seems it might not matter as much. Viewership is much higher than I anticipated.

Why does the galadriel actress so intent on massive rbf?

She is by good measure the least likable character and performance of the series. Way worse than even the insufferable harfoots.

Although to be fair, she doesn't get much help from the content. The overbearing insistence on displaying her physical prowess is just a major unnecessary distraction
The harfoots are terrible. They couldn't get Hobbits so they made up some Irish speaking weed trolls.
The harfoots are terrible. They couldn't get Hobbits so they made up some Irish speaking weed trolls.

I thought so too, but apparently they did exist in the lore. Apparently three subsets of hobbits. I had no idea until I started watching that YouTube channel
I thought so too, but apparently they did exist in the lore. Apparently three subsets of hobbits. I had no idea until I started watching that YouTube channel
Noticed that too. I'm liking this series more each episode. Halbrand has to be Sauron. Hopefully they soften galadriel a bit.
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Good question. For me personally I think it's more about who he can't be. I think he can't be sauron. Also can't be gandalf nor saruman as those two characters already saw iconic portrayal by two of the greatest actors ever.

For the general public, seems it might not matter as much. Viewership is much higher than I anticipated.

I just saw one really cool theory that it was a balrog that got it's memory wiped and just crashed back to Earth. Not sure if the guy had an actual story for that theory going forward but it being a balrog was something I had not considered and would be interesting to contemplate.
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The good part of the last episode was the tactics used by both sides. They both had smart well thought out plans which is rare I feel in fantasy warfare.

Somehow the Numenoreans show up at the right place at exactly the right time despite having only a vague idea where they are going.

Galadriel has graduated to complete genocidal psychopath. It's a small wonder she didn't kill Frodo and take the ring.

Also no one going to look and see if the sword is in that cloth? So dumb. Speaking of the "key", that is what it was for?? They could have achieved that outcome without wasting time looking for that sword. They were treating that thing like it was the one ring.

No one writing this show took a geology class before evidently.

Everyone good and bad just died of pyroclastic flow. Maybe the show can focus on making these rings in the title.
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This is hilarious. Thus guy's channel is pretty good overall too.

Meh I don't think it's nearly that bad. I actually enjoy it. I think if you overlook the awful writing for galadriel, the show is excellent. Even with it, it's still pretty good.

I think some people just don't want to admit the show much improved after it's awful start
I would have bought dark magic creating the volcano over what they chose.
Is this the thread where all the nerds get together and complain about how their fantasy magical elf dragon flying wizard show isn’t realistic enough?
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He says on a board dedicated to following young men throw a ball in a hoop or get it over a line on a field... usually not even on real grass.

That’s a really long winded way to type out the word reality.
*With really nasally high pitched voice*: “I can’t believe they had gargamesh ferry across the sea of tarpons in only 2 middle earth nights, in the 7th series of books she doesn’t have the stamina to make it in under a fortnight!! It took me completely out of the story!!”

*in even more nasally and high pitched voice*: “Well if you would’ve read the 13th prologue in the hidden scrolls you would’ve known she always has the crystal of Asgard with her when past the elven village, which gives her the power to teleport past water pathways when summoning the strength of the orks!

*in insanely nasally and high pitched voice*: “Looks like someone didn’t study the maps of Alvaro, which clearly state that she didn’t need the crystal, as at that point she had achieved higher wizardry through the pact of zavalgarf, giving her supreme summoning power!!”

I mean Jesus you guys are making Jeff Bezos look cool and normal,
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*With really nasally high pitched voice*: “I can’t believe they had gargamesh ferry across the sea of tarpons in only 2 middle earth nights, in the 7th series of books she doesn’t have the stamina to make it in under a fortnight!! It took me completely out of the story!!”

*in even more nasally and high pitched voice*: “Well if you would’ve read the 13th prologue in the hidden scrolls you would’ve known she always has the crystal of Asgard with her when past the elven village, which gives her the power to teleport past water pathways when summoning the strength of the orks!

*in insanely nasally and high pitched voice*: “Looks like someone didn’t study the maps of Alvaro, which clearly state that she didn’t need the crystal, as at that point she had achieved higher wizardry through the pact of zavalgarf, giving her supreme summoning power!!”

I mean Jesus you guys are making Jeff Bezos look cool and normal,
It’s like JRR was reincarnated for this very moment!!!!
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Another rally good episode imo. I think it's building towards a really strong finale.

Surely halbrand is sauron. Still curious about the stranger.
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Who were those three women/creature things that burned down the harfoot’s carts?

also, why is everyone so convinced that Halbrand is Sauron? I’ve only loosely paid attention.
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Who were those three women/creature things that burned down the harfoot’s carts?

Good question.

also, why is everyone so convinced that Halbrand is Sauron? I’ve only loosely paid attention.

If he isn't, the show and actor are doing a great job of making the viewer think he is. Things just keep falling into place for him while he's never the actual catalyst, showing his ability to manipulate. His ability as a smith and his immense strength. I think this will be how they work in his meeting celebrimbor. Galadriel will take him.

Granted all my knowledge comes from reading the mainstream books and watching podcasts, but I don't recall there being much if any detail about how he came to the elves. Just that he came as as a gift bearer of fair appearance but was not trusted by gil galaad and elrond but was trusted by celebrimbor
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The writers are dumb. They drop a bomb that Celeborn and her are actually married and he is MIA. Well there was your fix for Galadriel. Make her motives from the start her trying to find her husband because in her heart of hearts she cannot believe he is dead. Much more relatable and WAY more in line with Tolkien than being out for revenge.

"Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement."

My favorite part though was when Galadriel sees NotSauron's wounds and says "This needs elvish medicine." I 💯knew she was going to say that as a call back to LOTR. It's like oh does he? Frodo needed it cause he was stabbed with a Morgul blade. Was he impaled by a morgul blade flung from the volcano? Does the Queen's eyes not need elvish medicine? Haha
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