That's the thing... people think we are "angry" because of this... It's more of disbelief that people are going along with this crap. If Thomas wants to dress as a woman or get top and bottom surgery... Fine by me. Don't make me pay for it and don't make anyone have to do anything to affirm his choice.
But it is actually a crime for a man to expose himself to a woman. The ncaa forced women to sit in a room while a dude did just that. 5 years ago everyone would be irate over this. Whoever at the ncaa made that call would be fired and publicly humiliated. Now we have to pretend that because he grew his hair out and wore makeup that he's a girl. We are sacrificing a generation of kids just to feel good about how accepting we are.
A fallacy has been stated in this thread by at least 2 posters, both of whom use the fallacy to avoid the central issue. The fallacy is premised upon the misrepresentation that if you know and love a trans person, your perspective on the central issue will somehow miraculously change. The false assumption is that people who believe it is scientifically unfair for biological men to compete in women’s sports don’t know trans people. They ignore the people who inform that they, in fact, do know trans people, but knowledge of a person does not change the truth about physiological differences between biological men and biological women.
The red herrings presented by these few posters don’t change the truth.
Likewise, whether you like Riley Gaines or not does not change the truth. So, harping on her personality or secondary motivations is just a red herring. Or, laughably, the way she looks, as one goofhead did. The truth remains the truth.
One last thing, and I hesitate to mention this, because the red herring lovers will simply just focus on this one point, I sincerely doubt that my friend who now identifies as a woman would want to reveal his penis, if he still has one, to a room full of women. If you truly wanted to be seen as a woman, you would not want the obvious evidence to the contrary to be revealed. No woman has a penis (yes, we know goofiness may attempt to reject this truth and we will have contrarians talk about hermaphroditism in a fruitless attempt to oppose truth, but it remains true). Because no biological woman has a penis, I don’t think my friend would want his on display as he “transitions”).
Lia Thomas appears to be right where he wants to be, portraying a woman while still physically being undeniably a man. First, that belies his claim to womanhood and, second, that denies any theoretical right he may have to compete as a woman.
I will let the experts refute this, if there is a rebuttable, but he appears to be more transvestite than trans woman. From an identity perspective, if you keep your penis, you are not truly committed to portraying a woman, let alone being a woman.
All that said, as long as he keeps it in his skirt, he can do what he wants. When he forces women to see his junk, he is just being weird and we don’t have to force his weirdness on others. I hope the lawsuit is successful.