Cutting to the chase, why is this such an important question? In a perfect world, this would be an interesting academic discussion, but so very sadly it's all gotten much deeper than that.
The Church throughout history, and ancient religions before the establishment of the Christian Church has always been at the forefront of blocking human knowledge and progress. Sickness was the result of offending God or the Gods, sin, evil spirits, demons, or take your pick. One would think that the great, Omniscient, God of the Hebrews might have said.."by the way, there are these things called germs" but Religion/the Church was equally antagonist toward scientific and social progress, threatening anyone that dared to disagree with it's narrow beliefs with torture, and maybe even death.
All that is bad enough. We can only wonder where we would be if the church hadn't been fighting our progress tooth and nail-but it gets worse.
I can argue until the cows come home with
@Caveman cat or
@SDC888, but at the end of the day, I don't have any real vested interest in "converting" them or anyone else to atheism. If they are happy with their beliefs and their projected home in heaven, then I am truly delirious for them. Since I don't have anything in a way of an afterlife to offer anyone, my only goal is for all of us to just live in peace and be as happy as we can be.
Christians, Muslims, Jews and those most enthusiastic members of most if not all major religions are a little different. Their respective religions demand that they not only proselytize to, but convert others. In and of itself this wouldn't be so bad, BUT believers are naturally infected with a certain undeniable chauvinism that inevitably creeps into their attitude and world view. Think of how arrogant it is to assume that only you or a small group of like minded folks have a corner on all the truths of the Universe. I could go on about this mindset, but it easily leads to trouble.
What concerns me most is Christians and Muslims in particular, show no propensity to settle for their own personal freedom and leave everyone else alone. They seem to driven to remake our social and political systems in accordance with their own narrow religious beliefs. I can see some of the usual suspects reply to this thread with "we don't care what you do" but of course that's not true at all. They care greatly. Just look at the great battles in our society right now. Why shouldn't gay folk have equal rights and protection under the law? Religion. Why are trans folk under constant attack? Religion. Why are we turning back 50 years of settled abortion law, and imposing draconian penalties for women that get raped or even need an abortion for their own mental or physical well being? You guessed it. Why are women deleting their menstrual trackers and other private information off their phones? Religion. Why is our Supreme Court tossing around the idea of making contraception against the law? Religion.
The thing about the ultra religious is they don't compromise and they don't stop. We are in the middle of the most frightening religious assault on our Constitutional freedoms in my lifetime. I would say the most optimistic projection for surviving this religious assault on our Constitution is only 50/50.