So, with all the thousands of gods, hundreds of religions, and dozens that have a carrot/stick - reward/punishment system, what happens after you die if you only believe in one? So you’ve accepted one god and rejected all the rest. If you believe in an afterlife, isn’t there now one god that wants to reward your acceptance by putting you in heaven? And then dozens of others that want to punish your rejection by putting you in hell?
How can the conflict be reconciled? Fight it out amongst themselves? Draw straws? Does the winner get your entire soul? Or will they use that “wisdom of Solomon” logic and divide you up? So, like, your left arm goes to heaven, and lots of other sections of you wind up in various hells?
And can you try the Pascal’s wager game, expanded version, and accept all of them, thereby guaranteeing a spot in heaven? But then would your entire soul go to just one heaven, or would you still be divided up and bits of you go to dozens of heavens?
It seems very complex. It really would be so much easier with just one god. Why did man have to go and create so many?