What a weird way to love. Damn people to hell who are predestined to go there because God knows all.Sorry you don’t get to define love or God. Seems like demanding things of God is your thing.
What a weird way to love. Damn people to hell who are predestined to go there because God knows all.Sorry you don’t get to define love or God. Seems like demanding things of God is your thing.
What a weird way to love. Damn people to hell who are predestined to go there because God knows all.
Ohio now determines judgment. It’s clear, Ohio thinks he is god.8 million people on this little blue marble we call home. And 2.6 million claim to be xian.
If they are right, 5.4 million people are destined for an eternity in the burning pits of hell. If I am right, nobody burns in hell.
Who do you hope is right?
Your estimates are way off. Out of the 2.6 billion that claim to be "Christians", the majority do not have a relationship with God, whatsoever. I could only wish it was that many...8 billion people on this little blue marble we call home. And 2.6 billion claim to be xian.
If they are right, 5.4 billion people are destined for an eternity in the burning pits of hell. If I am right, nobody burns in hell.
Who do you hope is right?
Your estimates are way off. Out of the 2.6 billion that claim to be "Christians", the majority do not have a relationship with God, whatsoever. I could only wish it was that many...
If you have a problem with how God runs things, take it up with Him dude. If you don't believe God exists, then your post is irrelevant, as yet again, like every single atheist I come in contact with, they try to bash the character of a God that they say doesn't even exist. Absolute insanity.
I look forward to spending eternity with my Lord and Savior.Since my previous estimate of xians was way too high, way more than 5.4 billion people burn for eternity if they are right. If I’m right the number is still zero.
Who do you hope is right?
You may want to re-read my post. Point to where I said I want people to burn for eternity.Aren't most of those people you describe in jail? Wanting people to burn for eternity does not sound very Christian to me.
God deals with sin. No other man made gods do. We are all accountable for our actions, even the ones we get away with.I never said I wanted them to get away with it. But burning in hell for eternity is a little extreme and sadistic. Always with the extremes. You can also believe in Karma, reincarnation, and all other things that can keep people from getting off scott free. None of us know the answers. I don't pretend to have them. I believe in the law; but of course it is not perfect. I actually have a job that helps people; I'm not off doing awful things in my free time.
It has been discussed ad nauseum in these 30+ pgs why we worship God. There is nothing new we can say that you or any other atheist in this thread hasn't heard. We have said 100 times that all people deserve separation from God. We, including myself, are all terrible people. I recognize my need for a Savior. You guys don't and then bash the character of God. We have answered your legitimate question 100s of times, but you don't like the answer. To which I said, take it up with God. Not sure what else you want me to say.It's not insanity. People are asking you why you would choose to worship someone who does such things. It's a legitimate question. We all deserve to burn in eternity? Really? For being born? Wow.
Oof, the Yankees?? Still ticked, as a Cubs fan, that I have to watch Anthony Rizzo in a Yankees uniform. Brutal on my end. The Rays are on fire, will be interesting to see if they cool off.I never said I wanted them to get away with it. But burning in hell for eternity is a little extreme and sadistic. You can also believe in Karma, reincarnation, and all other things that can keep people from getting off scott free. None of us know the answers. I don't pretend to have them. I believe in the law; but of course it is not perfect. I actually have a job that helps people; I'm not off doing awful things in my free time. Well other than cheering for the Yankees.
I'm not as terrible as a god who murders the world, sends angels of death to murder innocent babies, etc.It has been discussed ad nauseum in these 30+ pgs why we worship God. There is nothing new we can say that you or any other atheist in this thread hasn't heard. We have said 100 times that all people deserve separation from God. We, including myself, are all terrible people. I recognize my need for a Savior. You guys don't and then bash the character of God. We have answered your legitimate question 100s of times, but you don't like the answer. To which I said, take it up with God. Not sure what else you want me to say.
You may want to re-read my post. Point to where I said I want people to burn for eternity.
Dude, what planet are you leaving on? There are thousands upon thousands upon thousands of unsolved murder cases. You can't be for real on what you said, right?
I am glad God will judge all wickedness and those who have gotten away with sickening crimes. If you are an atheist, those people will get away with it and never be held accountable. How awesome is that..
It has been discussed ad nauseum in these 30+ pgs why we worship God. There is nothing new we can say that you or any other atheist in this thread hasn't heard. We have said 100 times that all people deserve separation from God. We, including myself, are all terrible people. I recognize my need for a Savior. You guys don't and then bash the character of God. We have answered your legitimate question 100s of times, but you don't like the answer. To which I said, take it up with God. Not sure what else you want me to say.
See, this is where I find religions to be very dangerous. Because they teach people that they are less than worthy of love. It's cultish. They tell you that you are terrible instead of lifting you up and telling you that you are a good person. I hope you find the inner strength to leave. Live your life knowing that you are not a terrible person.
Lol. See we have common ground. My sister lives in St Pete and is a Rays fan. Yankees are a hot mess. And for the record I am not an athiest I just have tons of doubt at the moment.
See what I mean Chris...we explain why we worship God. And then on cue, Ohio turns around and tries to make us look morally inferior by attacking the character of a God he says doesn't exist, and then asks how do we sleep at night? Like we are the ones who created hell and eternal separation from God. Like I have said a billion times, take it up with God.So, in order for thousands of murderers to be punished, you're OK with billions of innocent people burning for eternity? And...you're OK with the same punishment for every crime? Murderer get an eternity in a pit of fire. Someone guilty of lust, or any of the other 7 misdemeanor sins, gets an eternity in a pit of fire.
Wow! How do you sleep at night?
Then tell God that. Not me.I'm not as terrible as a god who murders the world, sends angels of death to murder innocent babies, etc.
Well I am praying for you dude (not cause you are a Yankees fan haha)...there are tons of questions I have about God as well.Lol. See we have common ground. My sister lives in St Pete and is a Rays fan. Yankees are a hot mess. And for the record I am not an athiest I just have tons of doubt at the moment.
See what I mean Chris...we explain why we worship God. And then on cue, Ohio turns around and tries to make us look morally inferior by attacking the character of a God he says doesn't exist, and then asks how do we sleep at night? Like we are the ones who created hell and eternal separation from God. Like I have said a billion times, take it up with God.
Wait...within the phrase "How do you sleep at night", which you asked, there are positive connotations with that? Nothing negative? Nothing that attempts to make one look inferior?I simply asked some questions? If my questions make you feel morally inferior, that’s on you. I can’t control your reaction to a question.
Wait...within the phrase "How do you sleep at night", which you asked, there are positive connotations with that? Nothing negative? Nothing that attempts to make one look inferior?
I am eagerly awaiting your rationale, so that I can use that phrase in a non-demeaning way...
Hell is just a scare tactic to keep you under a religion's rule. That's it. No loving being would damn people for eternity for refusing to believe in them.See what I mean Chris...we explain why we worship God. And then on cue, Ohio turns around and tries to make us look morally inferior by attacking the character of a God he says doesn't exist, and then asks how do we sleep at night? Like we are the ones who created hell and eternal separation from God. Like I have said a billion times, take it up with God.
"God works in mysterious ways." The ultimate Christian retort to anything they know is awful and confusing yet refuse to question.Looks like our thoughts and prayers are coming up a little short on this whole mass shootings with semi automatic killing machines. Nine dead so far in a mass shooting in Dallas.
On the bright side, I did hear that winning Jockey in the Kentucky Derby praise God for his win, so maybe God has other priorities?
That's the great work around: isn't it? Since none of it makes any sense, as even you know, when things go awry, you have to blame creation, rather than the creator.That is the way you choose to see it. If there is a God, how amazing to permit you to hold such ugly thoughts about Him. But, let’s be clear His judgment is perfect and if you are damned, you damned yourself.
Don't forget "who can understand the mind of God" as a close runner up. It's a slippery slope arguing with anyone that can fall back on magic and omnipotence when they can't answer the questions."God works in mysterious ways." The ultimate Christian retort to anything they know is awful and confusing yet refuse to question.
Philosophically, there is no possible way a perfect creator could have created an imperfect creation. Not possible. So the very awkward and clumsy story of Adam and Eve is inserted to explain it all away.
Dude, what is your preoccupation with bringing politics into this thread? You are obsessed with it. Like I said earlier, take that garbage to, you know, the thread about politics.That's the great work around: isn't it? Since none of it makes any sense, as even you know, when things go awry, you have to blame creation, rather than the creator.
Philosophically, there is no possible way a perfect creator could have created an imperfect creation. Not possible. So the very awkward and clumsy story of Adam and Eve is inserted to explain it all away. Even though Adam and Eve didn't know right from wrong as we're told in Genesis, they were placed in an an environment where they would be tempted by a magical yet malevolent creature to create a wrongful act against God. (take all the time you need with that one). Kind of like putting a two three year olds with no concept of right and wrong in a room by themselves with a big chocolate Cake laced with arsenic, telling them to not eat the cake, then leaving them alone in the room with a psychopathic teenager who tells them it's fine to the cake and how good the cake is going to taste and how great they're going to feel after they eat it. If you did this with your three year old, you'd rightfully be convicted of child abuse.
But wait..there's more. Not only do Adam and Eve get sent out of the Garden and are severely punished-BUT every human that is ever going to draw breath is also going to be condemned for their crime. Now no white Conservative that I ever met feels he or she is responsible in any way whatsoever for any of the evils of their ancestors. Slavery and lynchings? No problem!! Native American genocide? A-OK. IF you really want to see a Conservative go into an angry lather of indignation, suggest reparations for slavery or the treatment of the Native Americans, all events that happed only a couple of hundred years ago. Yet condemning every one of us for an act our original two ancestors did thousands of years ago seem to be fine and dandy.
The point is not about politics at all, although you seem very overly sensitive and defensive. The point is about responsibility. Should you be held responsible for the sins of your ancestors? Either "yes" or "no will for work fine, but you can't have it both ways.Dude, what is your preoccupation with bringing politics into this thread? You are obsessed with it. Like I said earlier, take that garbage to, you know, the thread about politics.
Then take it up with God dude. If you don't like what Christians believe and it bothers you, exit the thread. Ignorance is bliss. Nobody is forcing you to read this.Hell is just a scare tactic to keep you under a religion's rule. That's it. No loving being would damn people for eternity for refusing to believe in them.
Naw...I 100% understand what you wrote, and anyone with a brain knows. Keep that crap outta here.The point is not about politics at all, although you seem very overly sensitive and defensive. The point is about responsibility. Should you be held responsibilie for the sins of your ancestors? Either "yes" or "no will for work fine, but you can't have it both ways.
Understand now?
I'm in the same boat. No one wants to talk about the tough questions..they just chortle on about "Adam and Steve", which by the way..If you buy into it...God Created Adam, Eve, and Steve.My parents are Christians so I certainly don't think less of believers. For me it always seemed like the more I thought about it the more it seems like it's something we tell ourselves to feel better. I've also never felt anything like I hear people talk about. I've tried praying. And then basically got told I wasn't trying hard enough. But I am open to the possibility. But too many things just don't make sense to me.