How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Just remember: the residents of DC could be absorbed back into Maryland to gain representation, with no need to admit a new state.

The naked grab for power begins.
Wyoming, Vermont, North Dakota, Alaska, and Delaware can also be absorbed into another state.
Except the state of PA didn't change was the state's AG.........I guess you are right in one sense.......precedent has been set on how to say F'ck the state constitution and the federal constitution.....
The law was passed in October of 19 allowing “no question” mail in voting.
It’s so obvious these swamp creatures are scared to death of all Trump supporter. They are scared that the Constitution will be the law of the land. The media will try by any means necessary to bury the America First Policy of Trump and all his supporters. It won’t work.

Stand fast.
As of right now the Senate still needs 60 votes pass any legislation. Joe Machin is the firewall. If he doesn't vote to use the nuclear option on the 60 vote rule then Joe Biden will still be limited to executive orders. Things like the Green New Deal will not pass. It all depends on what Joe Machin decides to do. Will he stab his own state in back? Time will tell.
welcome to 8 years ago you goof. simple majority vote is all it takes.
I knew it!! I knew she was no angel. A RECORD! Can't BELIEVE the right & MAGA are trying to make her a SAINT!

Am I doing this right?

It seems to be lost on many the sad irony of a veteran who served to protect rights, was shot and killed in the Capitol, while exercising a right.

The symbolism and metaphor of a lady who fought for liberty being gunned down and now dragged through the mud...
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DoJ says they will charge the rioters with sedition and insurrection. LMAO! bet those trumpsters now spending 5+ years in federal prison are happy Trump pushed through that change.
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That’s an amazing clip. A long time Republican congressman basically openly mocking Republican voters for being dumb and gullible enough to believe what they say.

But I guess ole Trey figures he can finally tell the truth now that he’s out.
Between their Republican congressmen admitting to lying to them for money, and fox & Alex Jones having to admit under oath to making up false stories/ not being news but entertainment in court, it makes sense why they are the way they are.
It seems to be lost on many the sad irony of a veteran who served to protect rights, was shot and killed in the Capitol, while exercising a right.

The symbolism and metaphor of a lady who fought for liberty being gunned down and now dragged through the mud...
what right was she exercising? the right to try and kill congressmen and the VP?
Proceed with TrumpTV or whatever it will be called. We will hear more about Trump than we will about Biden because Biden simply won't produce enough buzz. MSM won't be able to resist using Trump's name for the ratings.

Trump will have an impact on the 2022 elections like Newt Gingrich did in 1994.

That, or set up a new capital in Palm Beach and encourage the followers of states to elect reps to declare independence and allegiance to the new country. Continue leading a resistance movement against the Democratic States of America.

Probably the former.
That last statement of yours is very rich.......and many Democratic leaders stood in front of podiums and chanted resist, resist, resist since's what gets me about you use confession by accusation.........the whole DNC mantra for the last four years was because 50% of the people who voted are upset because of the blatant cheating............following the edicts of the constitution to try to remedy said cheating and you are saying that they a resistance movement.........but if he did lead such a f'king movement I like many others are about fed up with the Bullshit that is and has been going on for the last five years by the liberal commie's you all inclusive liberal morons that think giving up your guns will change something........the people of the other side are armed and about full of the BS...............
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Democrats have been handled a silver platter and instead they're going full on identity politics. Saying if it would have been black ppl they'd have been, the capitol police did shoot a woman yesterday...and killed her
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But don't shoot a black man carrying a knife towards other people. So racist. Everything you crackpots say is exactly what the people you support have been doing for years. Look in a mirror some time.
Confession by accusation......
So dramatic. Lol

The hilarity in this discussion is that so many of you who are upset over the lady getting shot and dying are the same who said things like "if they would just comply they wouldn't get shot".

We don't have the facts on the capital shooting, but if you actively chase or try to go after the president, VP, Speaker or Majority leader, you get shot... If somebody had done this exact thing at the white house secret service would have been and should have shot to kill. We are fortunate that the capital police exercised the restraint they did yesterday. it was wise to not be too conformational because the mob would have escalated and it would have been a bloodbath.

"stand your ground", right?
Democrats have been handled a silver platter and instead they're going full on identity politics. Saying if it would have been black ppl they'd have been, the capitol police did shoot a woman yesterday...and killed her

Armed Black Panthers took over a federal capitol building. How many got shot? Zero. Dems love to rewrite history.
So, big tech can shut down the President pretty damn easily, but Trump was the tyrant who needed to be stopped to save America a few weeks ago? Why didn’t they just deplatform him before?

Because it’s all about profit, you goddam lefty rubes. You’re all being played like out of tune fiddles.
So MAGA morons dont wear helmets and gear? only antifa does?
This is a freaking MAGA state congressman joining the charge into the capital building all geared out.
The hilarity in this discussion is that so many of you who are upset over the lady getting shot and dying are the same who said things like "if they would just comply they wouldn't get shot".

We don't have the facts on the capital shooting, but if you actively chase or try to go after the president, VP, Speaker or Majority leader, you get shot... If somebody had done this exact thing at the white house secret service would have been and should have shot to kill. We are fortunate that the capital police exercised the restraint they did yesterday. it was wise to not be too conformational because the mob would have escalated and it would have been a bloodbath.

"stand your ground", right?

Dude, they were let in by the cops. Taking selfies with them and standing around chatting. No politician lives were anywhere NEAR endangered. This shit was planned, allowed, and went by the book my man except for the off duty cop not getting the memo.

Few hours later they all reconvened and the Dems delivered moving speeches citing specific dates and instances in history to compare to such an unprecedented event. They must’ve done the research while hiding in the tunnels right? Complete bs.
Fascist Lives Matter!!

Dude, they were let in by the cops. Taking selfies with them and standing around chatting. No politician lives were anywhere NEAR endangered. This shit was planned, allowed, and went by the book my man.

Few hours later they all reconvened and the Dems delivered moving speeches citing specific dates and instances in history to compare to such an unprecedented event. They must’ve done the research while hiding in the tunnels right? Complete bs.

Please expand. "It was all planned"...

This should be good.
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Looks like "foment" is the new media buzzword. They bring a couple of these out every year to signal to each other.