How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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As of right now the Senate still needs 60 votes pass any legislation. Joe Machin is the firewall. If he doesn't vote to use the nuclear option on the 60 vote rule then Joe Biden will still be limited to executive orders. Things like the Green New Deal will not pass. It all depends on what Joe Machin decides to do. Will he stab his own state in back? Time will tell.
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You’re the moron to make a statement like that. Trump isn’t in charge of the capitol building nor can he deploy the national guard as you describe. You are right in that those who breached the capitol in a threatening way should have been shot. If they were serious about protecting congress they would have been put down immediately, but there was no perimeter, they marched their ass right up to the front door and into the building because the USA has become a pussy republic who won’t secure its borders, its schools, government buildings and this the friggin Congress. Congress btw is in charge of protection of the capitol building. Now you know why they suck they can’t even protect their own work place. Pussy republic
Back in mid-70's, you could walk up Capitol steps & right in, no guards. DW did it on two occasions, me once.
If Harris and her police state mob think we're gonna go quietly into the gulag she is mistaken. There will be blood in the streets and the fields by summertime. War is hell but it's a lot better than slavery

They did state they were forming lists. The Nazi's done the same thing before they took them to extermination camps.
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So wearing a tactical vest means being “armed” now? Ffs

I'm sure that having arms attached at the shoulder is being armed. Probably what the "framers" meant to prevent the sharia government from cutting people's arms off.

Reminds me of the last few days when they thought Mitch not being majority leader meant he was thrown out of office altogether

Dc will be so they can get two more lib senators and pump even more money into DC. All for a town a few miles in size.

Curious what will happen with PR. No doubt Dems want to make yet another state but PR voted against the candidate there that wanted state hood. We know Dems won't care but curious to watch
If Dims do that, it will be a never-ending battle of cutting up states to make more that favor your preferred policies.
I knew it!! I knew she was no angel. A RECORD! Can't BELIEVE the right & MAGA are trying to make her a SAINT!

Am I doing this right?
If Dimd do that, it will be a never-ending battle of cutting up states to make more that favor your preferred policies.

Apparently it's very difficult to alter any existing states but fairly easy to add new ones.

What's gonna happen when all these people end up paying more taxes and don't get their free stuff as promised? Who's fault is it then? Still republicans and conservatives faults?

Of course. Obama still blames bush. Anything bad will be Trump and anything good Biden.
Sure can't, and luckily it's catching on. Donnie will have 2 impeachments on record. Lol!

Luckily? He’s got what, week and half left? Lol Utter waste of time and money for a “we gonna show you” moment.

Keep poking that bear though and see what comes of it. It can get much worse than it did yesterday for these people. An attempt at unity would be much better served for the 70m that feel disenfranchised. But what more can we expect from Ms. “some people did something”
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Luckily? He’s got what, week and half left? Lol Utter waste of time and money for a “we gonna show you” moment.

Keep poking that bear though and see what comes of it. It can get much worse than it did yesterday for these people. An attempt at unity would be much better served for the 70m that feel disenfranchised. But what more can we expect from Ms. “some people did something”
No it's not a waste, he won't be able to run again... Ever.
Does anyone have the capabilities to put together a solid montage comparing how the media treated the protests following Trump's election, all throughout his term, and how they've treated right-leaning pro-Trump marches and the protests yesterday...

Would be very interesting...and worth posting...
How much you paying?

Couldn't help but laugh at the staging of the photo on the right. You have a congresswoman on the floor, while somebody in the row behind her was standing up and taking a picture with his phone.

Oh, and the man on the right (laying on the ground) looking like he's posing for Playgirl on the hood of a convertible.

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When I posted "Burn It All Down" a few days ago I rec'd a nice note from the mods: "Please don't go there"... and had my post deleted.

I find this ironic in the sense that all the Left has done for 4 years is to "Burn It Down"... both literally and figuratively.

For 4 years they've (the Left) done everything from called us names to attempted murder.

Now they want us to toe their line... some have even called for "unity"... lol.

You reap what you sow, as many have said.
Republican Trey Gowdy making fun of the dummies who actually BELIEVED Pence could overturn the election...

That’s an amazing clip. A long time Republican congressman basically openly mocking Republican voters for being dumb and gullible enough to believe what they say.

But I guess ole Trey figures he can finally tell the truth now that he’s out.
NO they weren't. Courts decide what is legal and illegal. mail in voting has always been legal if the legislatures authorize it. Hell, in KY it doesn't even take the legislature. I don't like mail in voting, it helps democrats. But if the people with the state constitutional authority to allow it, allow it, then it's legal.
Except the state of PA didn't change was the state's AG.........I guess you are right in one sense.......precedent has been set on how to say F'ck the state constitution and the federal constitution.....