How will they rule ??!

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Interesting stuff. how can you prove those suit cases were Biden filled and not Trump filled ballots? How do you know they arent ballots meant to help Republican senate candidates? or even if its real and not camera footage from days after the counting ended?

Every single bit of evidence always being questioned even with perfect videos of the crime. “ How do you know?.....Wahhh, Wahh, Wahh.”
I guess OJ was framed too, huh?
I think we have discovered a problem in our American judicial system. People do not know what evidence is. Apparently some of the judges do not know either.

We are a screwed up mess as a country.
Don't forget that the Attorney General of the United States and the entire Dept. of Justice would also have to be on your list of not knowing what evidence is because Barr instructed the DOJ to look for evidence and they came back empty handed.

But Rudy Giuliani, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and Donald Trump seem trustworthy enough so I agree with your point that we should just assume the entire Department of Justice and the Federal and State Courts across the country are wrong and that fabulous collection of impeccably trustworthy legal minds of yours and their vast collection of drunken witnesses, tweets, and blank papers waving around in the air are what we should all have enough faith in to overturn 80 million votes and 306 electoral votes.

Well made case, sir.
14th will not mean anything. State legislatures may ultimately wind up selecting Trump.

Bet you didn’t know that when the VP counts the votes on Jan 6 he can throw out any votes from a contested state.

Roberts rule of order.
I dont jump at conclusions . I let courts decide. You are killing your integrity by throwing due process out the window just because you want orange man to remain in power so you can stick it to the libs

Throwing due process out the window? This video was shown to the GA Congress today. That is due process.
Lets say and pretend the person in georgia was committing fraud... you can only fit 1 batch of ballots in a suitcase.... 50.... so what .. you invalidate 1-2K ballots ... that doesnt overturn the election. if the person is guilty, they deserve to face the consequences but also deserve due process. Still doesnt overturn the election
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Don't forget that the Attorney General of the United States and the entire Dept. of Justice would also have to be on your list of not knowing what evidence is because Barr instructed the Dept. to look for evidence and they came back empty handed.

But Rudy Giuliani, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and Donald Trump seem trustworthy enough so I agree with your point that we should just assume the entire Department of Justice and the Federal and State Courts across the country are wrong and that fabulous collection of impeccably trustworthy legal minds of yours and their vast collection of drunken witnesses, tweets, and blank papers waving around in the air are what we should all have enough faith in to overturn 80 million votes and 306 electoral votes.

Well made case, sir.

Roger stone calls himself the dirty trickster of politics.. yeah lets believe that criminal...... Bannon... criminal.... Powell and Lin Wood manipulated evidence by cropping out dates......... by the way, Roger Stone created stop the steal 5 years ago. yeah we should absolutely just believe what those people say LOL

Roberts rule of order.

Throwing due process out the window? This video was shown to the GA Congress today. That is due process.

Due process is hearing their side of the story. its called an investigation
Lets say and pretend the person in georgia was committing fraud... you can only fit 1 batch of ballots in a suitcase.... 50.... so what .. you invalidate 1-2K ballots ... that doesnt overturn the election. if the person is guilty, they deserve to face the consequences but also deserve due process. Still doesnt overturn the election

You need to wake up. This SHOULD force a signature match recount despite all the protests against it. Once that happens, game over.
you guys better get your act together quick because you only have 11 days to overturn the election through courts. but I feel pretty confident when supposedly judges, dems , reps/rinos, cia, doj, fbi are all in on it to get trump out. seems like the deep state was just called america and it was trump and his radicals that were the fringe
They could overturn the election but they're just not quite sending in enough money to Trump's slush fund with no personal use clause attached to it. If they just dig in deep and send in more cash, I'm sure things will turn out well for them.

Put your money where your mouth's are, Trumpers. Send in that caaaaiiiiiissssshhhhh! The Lord will call him home if you don't and Trump has a 430 million dollar loan to pay off! Chop, chop!!
Every single bit of evidence always being questioned even with perfect videos of the crime. “ How do you know?.....Wahhh, Wahh, Wahh.”
I guess OJ was framed too, huh?
You believe in kangaroo courts obviously. this is why investigations happen.... you get both sides........ you gather other facts you can get. just that video doesnt tell the whole story.

Take for example the Lin Wood video of "ballots being shredded" they said that in the video and you couldnt see what was in the garbage can... turns out its perfectly normal for large voting centers to shred paper and it wasnt ballots. proving that just video...doesnt tell the whole story
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School shootings are down because... wait for it... a lot of schools are closed!


Want to bet they go up big time in the next 5 years?
You missed my point. Just pointing out one suicide as reason to open schools is just as silly as what I was saying.
Now, I actually do think it is hurting kids to be home every day but the virus is so bad right now it makes it difficult to have in person school. So many teachers, admins, bus drivers, custodians and cafeteria workers are getting no subs are available. It's not that kids or adults are dying as much as it is just making it almost impossible to run the school with missing adults.
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No doubt there was fraud. And it needs to be dealt with. Harshly.

I still doubt there was enough to change the election. And if there was, I sincerely doubt the clowns investigating it are good enough to fix it.
As far as the election. You do realize there has not been one single court case of relevance to back up your claim about election fraud. Not a single one. There is a reason for that. Guilliani can go on television and say any crazy thing he wants....but the standard for proving

Seriously, do I need to do a zoom meeting with you to point out the data in the link I sent you?

I never said we were "AVERAGING" 3,000 deaths per day. I was pointing out that we are now hitting a mark of 3,000 deaths per day or close to it. You guys are dense as hell. This is directly from the CDC website on daily totals. This is from noon today.....BTW, the day is not over yet.
CDC COVID Data Tracker
+2,762 New Deaths **** This is JUST FOR TODAY

Are you aware that claiming 3000 deaths per day, or close to it is, you know, actually the exact definition of 'AVERAGING'?

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So twitter says it is disputed. I watched it on TV LIVE as it was presented to the Georgia legislatures. There is nothing disputed. Twitter is an enemy of the people

Many of our liberal friends get all of their news/talking points from sources that Twitter and Facebook approve of.

Meanwhile, Twitter and Facebook openly dispute facts.

It must really be sad to be stuck inside the mind of a lib who doesn’t comprehend that they are being manipulated by the MSM and social media.
Don't forget that the Attorney General of the United States and the entire Dept. of Justice would also have to be on your list of not knowing what evidence is because Barr instructed the DOJ to look for evidence and they came back empty handed.

But Rudy Giuliani, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and Donald Trump seem trustworthy enough so I agree with your point that we should just assume the entire Department of Justice and the Federal and State Courts across the country are wrong and that fabulous collection of impeccably trustworthy legal minds of yours and their vast collection of drunken witnesses, tweets, and blank papers waving around in the air are what we should all have enough faith in to overturn 80 million votes and 306 electoral votes.

Well made case, sir.
You understand a DOJ spokesman clarified the media’s rush to declare that Barr had finished their investigations and not found substantial fraud? Right? They have closed nothing. They will continue to investigate credible reports of election fraud. You Karl Marx fanboys sound scared. You didn’t really think that many people voted for sleepy Joe did you? Hahaha. That’s precious.
You can count the people on one hand that have managed to maintain their integrity and honor during Trump's assault on everything American and decent. Christopher Wray has somehow managed to do that despite withering attacks and I am very happy Joe is keeping him on.

The Biden vaccine, The Biden stock boom, and the Biden economic recovery are all right on track and I look forward to more of these positive stories showing the impressive progress he's already made in making American great again.
School shootings are down because... wait for it... a lot of schools are closed!


Want to bet they go up big time in the next 5 years?

I absolutely cannot believe someone tried to make that point. Wow. Wow.
Lets say and pretend the person in georgia was committing fraud... you can only fit 1 batch of ballots in a suitcase.... 50.... so what .. you invalidate 1-2K ballots ... that doesnt overturn the election. if the person is guilty, they deserve to face the consequences but also deserve due process. Still doesnt overturn the election

Why do you think they only could fit 50 ballots in a suitcase?
"Everyone is idealogue and full of shit...except me and mine"

Once again, will be looking forward to your unbiased, non-political, crusade against idealogues, ridiculous claims, and domination of narratives over the next few years...
Oh please stop mister you're scaring me so much. You post like a child pal.
Why do you think they only could fit 50 ballots in a suitcase?
how many ballots can be in a suitcase? i guess it depends on how big those suit cases are but it absolutely couldnt of been 11K ballots to overturn the election in those suitcases.

like i said.. if the investigation turns up that was ballots and it was fraud........... the people doing that deserve to go to jail and those ballots need to be invalidated.

Some may want to disenfranchise every vote in atlanta.........but thats not how election laws work. you cant just take out 500K votes because someone committed fraud on 2K or so

Are you aware that claiming 3000 deaths per day, or close to it is, you know, actually the exact definition of 'AVERAGING'?

This is such a weird hill to die on. Any source you want to use has the US between 2500 and 3000 deaths yesterday. That’s not a positive thing for our country, no matter how much you want to scream about SCIENCE.
No doubt there was fraud. And it needs to be dealt with. Harshly.

I still doubt there was enough to change the election. And if there was, I sincerely doubt the clowns investigating it are good enough to fix it.

Are you an idiot? If the states reject an amount of the mail in ballots that is even remotely close to normal Trump takes AZ, GA, NV, and WI with ease. The problem is that they aren't checking for illegal ballots. If they did it's game over. This election was not even close.
Are you an idiot? If the states reject an amount of the mail in ballots that is even remotely close to normal Trump takes AZ, GA, NV, and WI with ease. The problem is that they aren't checking for illegal ballots. If they did it's game over. This election was not even close.
wrong. there is no normal due to the circumstances of the pandemic and mail in ballots being in mass this year.
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how many ballots can be in a suitcase? i guess it depends on how big those suit cases are but it absolutely couldnt of been 11K ballots to overturn the election in those suitcases.

like i said.. if the investigation turns up that was ballots and it was fraud........... the people doing that deserve to go to jail and those ballots need to be invalidated.

Some may want to disenfranchise every vote in atlanta.........but thats not how election laws work. you cant just take out 500K votes because someone committed fraud on 2K or so

Why couldn’t there have been 11000 in them? It’s a piece of paper, and the suitcase were loaded as you can tell by how they were pulled. Every illegal ballot has disenfranchised legal votes.
Voting fraud is an attempt to overthrow the govt.
On top of that, this was just one instance where a camera was located, how many other instances were there? Do you seriously think this only happened in this one instance?
Are you an idiot? If the states reject an amount of the mail in ballots that is even remotely close to normal Trump takes AZ, GA, NV, and WI with ease. The problem is that they aren't checking for illegal ballots. If they did it's game over. This election was not even close.

And you expect the great brains like Rudy G, Wood(a Democrat), Powell, etc., to fix it?

Trump is a billionaire. He could hire the greatest legal minds to work on this. Why didn’t he?

Talk about being an idiot.
And you expect the great brains like Rudy G, Wood(a Democrat), Powell, etc., to fix it?

Trump is a billionaire. He could hire the greatest legal minds to work on this. Why didn’t he?

Talk about being an idiot.

More than anything Trump needs people that are loyal and who he can trust. Rudy may have lost a step but he's very very loyal. Hiring some left wing law firm who doesn't want you to win may not end well. This is also a very easy case to make. Simply match the signatures as the law requires and it's over.