How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Trump could hire the greatest legal minds to work on this. Why didn’t he?

Maybe the death threats?

There is no pandemic exemption in the Constitution.
Mail in ballots have always been allowed as long as there is an excuse. And the pandemic has made it an excuse for anyone that wants to get one. Both sides agreed to this months ago. any legal challenges should of been made months ago.

to disenfranchise so many people would be deception...... tricking people they could vote a way and then pulling the rug out from under them. is that the america you want to stand for just to have your side win?
More than anything Trump needs people that are loyal and who he can trust. Rudy may have lost a step but he's very very loyal. Hiring some left wing law firm who doesn't want you to win may not end well. This is also a very easy case to make. Simply match the signatures as the law requires and it's over.

they did match signatures. They also agreed on looser match signature requirements months ago. no one signs their name twice the same way in a row. everyone knows that.

if you want to find envelopes that are inconclusive and then with those go to call or go find each person and ask if that was them that signed it... go for it. thats the only way it would actually be fair investigation
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Pharmaceutical companies looked at the way Trump has undermined masks, science, facts, logic, and reason and they wanted no part in him being associated with their hard won vaccines.

So partnering with the new President, Joe Biden, they have closely worked with his team to give the American people confidence in their work. The end product of that teamwork is the Biden vaccine. It makes much more sense to align yourselves and your products to 80 million Americans that know masks save lives, believe in science, and live in a fact based world rather than the mystical Trumpers hiding in their safe space bubbles piping in fake tweets and phony news 24/7 just so they can get by one more day. No point in trying to appeal to those people and thus in that context it makes perfect sense for this new Biden vaccine to be administrated, distributed, and implemented by Joe's steady leadership.
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You still here claiming not to be a Liberal snowflake? ROFLMAO !
Good lord.
Lmao Good Lord I get tired of seeing this type of BS from brainwashed people, like yourself. You’re blaming the wrong set of people for the overthrow of democracy. STFU already.
Baghdad Bob or Tokyo Rose?
While I want Trump to win, even if he doesn't the sh!t being stirred & thrown in Libs faces is totally delicious. 4 More years of it!! F Lib unity.
14th will not mean anything. State legislatures may ultimately wind up selecting Trump.

Bet you didn’t know that when the VP counts the votes on Jan 6 he can throw out any votes from a contested state.
Every single bit of evidence always being questioned even with perfect videos of the crime. “ How do you know?.....Wahhh, Wahh, Wahh.”
I guess OJ was framed too, huh?
The Ignore button was made for dealing with certain posters.
Has Lin Wood been muzzed yet? By his math, he wants Trump to win but us to throw away the Senate so Trump would preside over a Democratic Senate and House.

Somebody gag that embarrassment.
Google for the last 5 years of deaths in the USA. Also in that same google check how many Americans died from heart disease, blood pressure and so on. Your gonna see there is no difference in the last 5 years of deaths in the USA versus what the left claims today. No difference. You will see lower deaths involving heart disease, blood pressure, or diabetes. Those levels dropped. But COVID spiked. Do the math. Lol the death rate of people in the last 5 years in the USA is basically the same as today. Lol
One America is showing the committee meetings live from Georgia. Are you catching/ falling for the mask effect the dems are showing. Every dem has a mask. GOP guys no mask. Lol
Love wikipedia’s description of oan — 😄 One America News Network, also known as One America News, is a far-right, pro-Donald Trump cable channel founded by Robert Herring Sr. and owned by Herring Networks, Inc., launched on July 4, 2013. The network is headquartered in San Diego, California, and operates news bureaus in Washington, D.C., and New York City. Its prime time political talk shows have a conservative perspective, and the channel has described itself as one of the "greatest supporters" of Trump. Trump himself has promoted both the network and some of its hosts. The channel is prominent for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories. On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy, for falsely claiming a COVID-19 cure.Wikipedia
Lin Wood is a disgusting POS. He's a 2 time Obama donor registered Democrat, has voted in Dem Primary's, etc.

SCUM lawyer probably getting paid massively to act like a Trump supporter.
Love wikipedia’s description of oan — 😄 One America News Network, also known as One America News, is a far-right, pro-Donald Trump cable channel founded by Robert Herring Sr. and owned by Herring Networks, Inc., launched on July 4, 2013. The network is headquartered in San Diego, California, and operates news bureaus in Washington, D.C., and New York City. Its prime time political talk shows have a conservative perspective, and the channel has described itself as one of the "greatest supporters" of Trump. Trump himself has promoted both the network and some of its hosts. The channel is prominent for promoting falsehoods and conspiracy theories. On November 24, 2020, YouTube suspended and demonetized OANN's channel for one week as a first strike under its three-strike community guideline violation policy, for falsely claiming a COVID-19 cure.Wikipedia

it’s all about the visual effect. The most effective tool ever to convince Karen’s. Visual effect.
Lin Wood, a liberal plant sent in to scuttle the Trump defense by all reports, seems to have made impressive progress. We must reward him with extra carbon credits and two maskless Thanksgivings for his efforts.
And Detroit was one of the targeted cities to stuff ballot boxes.

how many ballots can be in a suitcase? i guess it depends on how big those suit cases are but it absolutely couldnt of been 11K ballots to overturn the election in those suitcases.

like i said.. if the investigation turns up that was ballots and it was fraud........... the people doing that deserve to go to jail and those ballots need to be invalidated.

Some may want to disenfranchise every vote in atlanta.........but thats not how election laws work. you cant just take out 500K votes because someone committed fraud on 2K or so

So now you’ve devolved to defending at least some fraud.

But Trump is immoral.
See where after he won reelection, was helped/endorsed by Trump, Lindsey back to his old self. Headling on

Sen. Graham to Trump Legal Team: 'You Gotta Prove' Election Fraud Claims
And he added: “To the Trump legal team: You’re making all these claims … you gotta prove it. Doing a video is not proof. You need to take these claims into a court of law and get relief.”
Well I hope Mr Graham was watching the video of ballot stuffing in State Farm Arena in Atlanta, GA. If that is not evidence nothing is evidence

Now Mr Graham get out there and get involved in making sure Trump is back in office the next four years. He won the election and he campaigned for you. Now you step up.