How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
How to rig an election in a battleground state:

1) Send out mail-in ballots to everyone
2) Count ballots on election night
3) Stop reporting totals when the guy you want to win is losing
4) Add fake ballots overnight to get your preferred result
5) Resume reporting next day

Or just "Count all votes"
Where did anyone stop counting votes? This morning I am hearing Republicans demand vote counting stop and now you are questioning why vote counting is stopped. Neither is happening. You all are fu**ing exhausting to keep on the truth. Just rampant speculation and citing of tweets as truth.

Election officials in some states, including Nevada and Georgia, called it a night and planned to resume the count in the morning.

That means they stopped counting last night. I don’t recall that ever happening in my life time. But I’m done going back and forth. We aren’t going to change our stances.
What happened to @AustinTXCat and Gassybutts great friend, KRJ? Last I saw he was asking people if they wanted to do hardcore drugs with him late last night and now I don't see any posts from him since 5:55 last night?

He was getting sufficiently hammered. Pussy. I finished my bottle of Mezcal and here I am, sunglasses on and a hoodie because it's really bright in here..
Sow doubt? The mail in ballots have been counted in Arizona, they go heavily Dem. What they have left is Election Day voting, which goes heavily Rep. The vote left to count cones from areas that skew Republican and there 400-500 thousand votes left to count.
So you're saying with 2.7 mil votes cast, and 2.7 mil absentee votes returned, 100% of the current count is mail-in and 0 day-of vote has been included. I'm sorry but I don't buy that.
You know if we went by popular vote the election would be over already and you nancies wouldnt be crying about how long it takes. Or if the EC was split like maine and nebraska. You win each individual district and the % winner gets the 2 Senate votes. Your all getting to see in real time why our election setup including the EC is so stupidly backwards.
Plat dragon queen doesn't understand a republic or hates minority rights?
It would almost as easy to fraudulently vote in person as it would be to do it in the mail. In the picture on my license I have no glasses on and my long hair is slicked back so it looks like it's very short. When I voted, I was wearing glasses, a hat with my hair down, and a mask. It could've been anyone around 6' tall.
If you go by popular vote then every state is now in play. No more campaigning in 8 states to win the election. You have to be a real candidate, not a swing state ass kisser. It wouldn't go as poorly for conservatives as they always think. Californians can be swayed to vote red if their vote actually matters again.
Popular vote is moronic and any civics 101 class will tell you why. A state like Kentucky becomes totally irrelevant. 100% of Kentuckians can vote for one candidate and the city of Chicago can completely erase that vote and same if they went the other direction.

New York City, LA, Chicago, Miami, and other big cities shouldn’t get to decide the politics for the entire country.
Popular vote is moronic and any civics 101 class will tell you why. A state like Kentucky becomes totally irrelevant. 100% of Kentuckians can vote for one candidate and the city of Chicago can completely erase that vote and same if they went the other direction.

New York City, LA, Chicago, Miami, and other big cities shouldn’t get to decide the politics for the entire country.
The other side of that is a bunch of corn and wheat shouldn't decide politics for a vast majority of people.
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It would almost as easy to fraudulently vote in person as it would be to do it in the mail. In the picture on my license I have no glasses on and my long hair is slicked back so it looks like it's very short. When I voted, I was wearing glasses, a hat with my hair down, and a mask. It could've been anyone around 6' tall.
Seriously? You honestly believe it is just as easy to present an ID in person that looks nothing like you and everyone overlook it as compared to signing a ballot that isn't yours and sending it in the mail?

It would almost as easy to fraudulently vote in person as it would be to do it in the mail. In the picture on my license I have no glasses on and my long hair is slicked back so it looks like it's very short. When I voted, I was wearing glasses, a hat with my hair down, and a mask. It could've been anyone around 6' tall.
Yeah, right. Do you also leave your ID in the street to be picked up and used for fraud, or do you think somebody will know you haven't voted and go to the trouble to make a fake of your ID? Dumb.
So you're saying with 2.7 mil votes cast, and 2.7 mil absentee votes returned, 100% of the current count is mail-in and 0 day-of vote has been included. I'm sorry but I don't buy that.

I didn’t say zero Election Day votes had been counted, I said mail in ballots had been counted.
The vote left is primarily Election Day ballots.
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Seriously? You honestly believe it is just as easy to present an ID in person that looks nothing like you and everyone overlook it as compared to signing a ballot that isn't yours and sending it in the mail?

As I explained, the picture on my ID looks nothing like what I looked like when i voted.
If Conservatives keep their heads, this can be the moment of resurrection of the Republican Party.

* Biden - a near senile certain one-termer - comes to power on the basis of a "Dump Trump" vote by Democrats. Has anyone heard even a strident liberal say "I LOVE Biden?." No. The entire vote was about Trump and Covid. Biden's mandate will be minimal.

* Assuming the GOP holds the Senate, very little legislatively will get done for two years. Biden will look worse and worse to people, pushing job-killing taxes and 'Global Warming' legislation and catering to groups like BLM.

* In two years, more Democrats will be vulnerable in Senate races -- and the party of a first-term unpopular president usually gets killed in mid-terms.

* The House shifted a bit right last night. I'm calling it now: It will be in play in two years.

* In four years, Kamala Harris will be the weakest White House contender in history - a mixed race woman from California who has backed policies insanely to the left of most Americans.

Don't wallow away in misery today whatever happens. Embrace a new resolve, and the political future of America is bright, while the present is at least not overly threatened by a tottering old loony who'll get little done.
Agree with some, but Biden's mandate will be whatever he wants. the dude rode the basement floor for months. He has the traditional media and the social media COMPLETELY in his corner, to include FNC. The dude was on the dole from China, Ukraine and Russia and more than 50% can only say orange man bad. We have a very conditioned, apathetic citizenry right now.
It would almost as easy to fraudulently vote in person as it would be to do it in the mail. In the picture on my license I have no glasses on and my long hair is slicked back so it looks like it's very short. When I voted, I was wearing glasses, a hat with my hair down, and a mask. It could've been anyone around 6' tall.

So you think that’s “almost” as easy filling out a ballot in private with no verification necessary?

Election officials in some states, including Nevada and Georgia, called it a night and planned to resume the count in the morning.

That means they stopped counting last night. I don’t recall that ever happening in my life time. But I’m done going back and forth. We aren’t going to change our stances.
You are calling going home to get some sleep stopping counting ballots? That's normal. Human beings don't function well working 20 hours in a row.
In any other normal situation I think most people would agree that we could settle for Biden and move on. 12 years ago, back in the 90's, yeah sure. but now he's old, in cognitive decline and WILL NOT be the President in relatively short order.

With the PA SOS making a comment like that, it indicates he knows something. The statement alone should have him investigated for voter suppression and influencing the public vote. If he makes a comment like that nad Biden erases a near 650K deficit a day after the election, the fix is in.
Didn't the Supreme Court or someone use Trump's tweets against him in a court case to show his intent? Why would this be any different? I know--pretty much rhetorical.
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In the end we will discover what most of us already knew. The media elects Presidents.

The media maintained that Trump was a Russian surrogate for 3 years and yet totally ignored the Biden China scandal. Totally.

Lots of blame will go around and some valid. Trump is a Matt Bevin candidate....good actions, unappealing person. That hurt him badly at a time where COVID has taken down the economy and grabbed headlines. People, especially women, couldn’t look past the personality in a lot of cases.

In reality, the race should never had been close. But the media refused to tell people the truth about anything and our sheeple electorate relies heavily on what they are told by CNN, FOX, MSNBC and their ilk.
You really are pathetic. "Unappealing person"? Get a freaking clue negative Nancy. Trump pulled numbers tonight that are remarkable. He's pulled other Republican candidates to amazing wins last night. He greatly enlarged the tent of the Republican party. Had amazing support from Hispanic and minority communities.
Then you come on here and spew this absolutle garbage about him being unlikable. Did you not see the rallys, the numbers, the parades and car caravans?
This reason there is even a doubt about the lection right now is from rampant cheating and voter fraud. Just amazing how inept you are and understanding realities.
You are calling going home to get some sleep stopping counting ballots? That's normal. Human beings don't function well working 20 hours in a row.

I mean, he's got a point. Since when has this happened? People being too tired to find out election results? What self respecting person who CHOOSES a career in politics/elections could possibly stop counting and actually sleep?

You talk about sleep but won't look at this as an anomaly. In your favor, this IS an odd election with covid and mail-in. But I still don't like the idea we're just going to stop counting, and then, poof, Biden clears ground. That shouldn't pass ANYONES eye test.
Looks like noise to sow doubt from what I can tell.
That's what Trump feeds on. Liars love to make people who tell the truth look crazy with irrelevant details and misquotes. These people are showing a media graphic without any branding on it to go check it's validity as proof that Wisconsin added 138,000 votes in and 100% of them were for Biden. Nevermind no one is reporting it, nevermind no one knows where the graphic came from, nevermind no one has a source for it at all other than a tweet and a picture. It is gospel truth proof that this election is fraudulent. Then they claim that Wisconsin has higher turnout than they have registered voters which also isn't true and has no basis in reality and the truth is Wisconsin is seeing a 10% increase in turnout which is right in line with the rest of the country. They run with lies and tell them over and over again and if enough people tell the same lie they believe it. It is insanity. It makes us start to think we are crazy.
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