How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
It's all a lie. Outside of about 20 people sitting in circles around Creepy Joe, did anyone else ever see a crowd shot of his? At any of the rallies with all the honking horns, etc.? Anywhere? But this guys turns up hundreds of thousands of votes where he needs them most, overnight? C'mon man!

DAMN I didn't notice that last night, what a set up
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I know this is a tense moment, but there is some bigly gamesmanship going on with these states and vote counting. They are holding these vote tallies close to the chest.
The media refuses to call GA and NC. The game is afoot!!
Maybe it's nothing. But it certainly deviates from the norm. And anything that deviates like that, for not a real good reason, like being sleepy, needs to be investigated.

The analogy I use all the time: Your kid brother is the Monopoly banker.. all the sudden he's buying hotels after his 3rd dice roll.. you ain't gonna to ask him some questions?

Because that IS how this feels to me on the surface. Dems telling everyone to "look over there!" and when we turn back around, they just magically pulled something out of their pockets.

But again, maybe it truly is nothing. Hopefully we find out.
I don't know how many different ways I can ask this...

Why did democrat-run counties decide to break from the norm and stop counting votes? When has this happened in the past?

I'm getting beat-around-the-bush answers from you two. "Well, they're sleepy!" and "Counting takes time!". Those are not good enough answers.
You question is so stupid. These people have been working since polls opened yesterday. They aren't ****ing robots. They can't count votes for 2 days straight. They are humans that eat, shit, and sleep. Like any normal job, once they hit their limit the boss said go home and finish up tomorrow. Not a single state is at 100%.
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You question is so stupid. These people have been working since polls opened yesterday. They aren't ****ing robots. They can't count votes for 2 days straight. They are humans that eat, shit, and sleep. Like any normal job, once they hit their limit the boss said go home and finish up tomorrow. Not a single state is at 100%.

Has it happened before? What there's no shifts? These counties are that dumb(corrupt) to put everyone on at the same time? There's no bathrooms there, either?

Please give me some proof.. anyone here.. that counties will just stop counting in such a close race. I don't recall ANYTHING like this happening in 2016.
I think this data is lost on you loons.
Indiana 84%
Mississippi 70%
Montana 90%
Alaska 36%
North Dakota 90%
Utah 78%

The important states aren't the only ones still counting a shit ton of votes. You just don't care about them because they have been called.
Nothing I said has been any kind of gloating, I'm just looking at facts. Snowflake? %#!? your feelings? Lol

Nice try. I just called you out for being a fair weather clowns how. Enjoy your day, fake outrage! Wild cat St. Louis will play with you, I guarantee it. PS, people like you that act like Biden isn't a pathetic liar are cute.
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Nice try. I just called you out for being a fair weather clowns how. Enjoy your day, fake outrage! Wild cat St. Louis will play with you, I guarantee it. PS, people like you that act like Biden isn't a pathetic liar are cute.
You seem to know a lot about my ideaology that I haven't shared. It's less about being happy for Biden and more about being glad we have a chance that the seven deadly sins wrapped into a person won't be representing our nation to the world.
Upon further reflection, it seems like the MSM wanted to make sure Biden was in the lead as far as optics by night's end.

They wanted to 238 - 213 heading into today and going forward.

That way whether Trump numbers come in over the next week, or things go to court it appears as if Trump or somebody doing his bidding "steals" the election.

Why they had Joe come out and say "the path looks good"
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You seem to know a lot about my ideaology that I haven't shared. It's less about being happy for Biden and more about being glad we have a chance that the seven deadly sins wrapped into a person won't be representing our nation to the world.

the face isn’t all that’s limp. See ya, sally.
Upon further reflection, it seems like the MSM wanted to make sure Biden was in the lead as far as optics by night's end.

They wanted to 238 - 213 heading into today and going forward.

That way whether Trump numbers come in over the next week, or things go to court it appears as if Trump or somebody doing his bidding "steals" the election.

Why they had Joe come out and say "the path looks good"
The path looked good because of the wide margin mail-in was leaning for Dems. It's not rocket science. How else did people think this was gonna go? Cling onto the conspiracies though, world is out to get you.
No way that holds in four years. Hopefully I'm wrong.

Also with latino vote: next cycle trump won't be on the ticket and Texas latinos are not the same as florida and others. That's why Texas is so tight to begin with.

In four years, those same issues will multiply beyond this margin. The only chance is likely a Latino candidate for president. Virtually open borders swung the entire history of our nation
Ellen Troxclair, local conservative commentator and former ATX city council member, shared the following valuable insight this earlier morning:

Texas is redder than ever. Democrats outspent Republicans in Texas by a margin of at least 3-1, but they didn’t make a single gain in the TX House (critical going into redistricting), reelected every incumbent R to Congress, and lost every statewide race by large margins.

Trump won by a LARGER share of the vote than four years ago (2016-52.23%, 2020-52.31%). Trump got close to winning in the Rio Grande Valley 43% (Cameron Co), 47% (Starr Co), 44% (Willacy Co), 41% (Hidalgo). The closest a Rep has gotten in modern history along the border

If more Republican Latino/people of color run for elected office in Texas, the better I think R's can hold political influence. Between Silicon Valley and Michael Bloomberg, Dems spent at least $98 M in Tejas and received nothing in return. Wendy Davis and MJ Hegar each lost for the second time. These losses were huge, in my opinion.
Local talk....still trying to wrap my head around the DNC spending $70M on Maverick. She had a better shot at landing a role in Top Gun than beating Mitch.

Matt Jones doing some reminiscing He better find him an HOA board gig and leave big boy politics alone.

Can Barr win Mitch's seat when he hangs it up? I think he would do well.
Time for all of us who have talked a big game to start fighting back. Me included. Open borders which will happen. Is the end of our republic.
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The only thing we learned so far. The country told conservatives to take their war on drugs and shove it up their clenched asses.
Depends on what you define as a war. Pot? No problem. De-criminalize the crap out of it nationwide. Great, promising industry with tremendous economic potential.

Oxys and Roxies? Never mind the 5,000 or so American souls who died monthly -- REPEAT: MONTHLY -- from GD opioid abuse before President Trump made this particular substance abuse a policy focus.
I want a new catpaw political law - IF YOU ARE FROM CANADA OR CALIFORNIA...STFU.

(John and I haha)
  • Haha
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The path looked good because of the wide margin mail-in was leaning for Dems. It's not rocket science. How else did people think this was gonna go? Cling onto the conspiracies though, world is out to get you.

I'm not personally affected by elections. Don't care. I'll be fine either way.

I've always just found the game of politics interesting.

Interesting is just that...interesting.

Dems screamed bloody murder for mail in thanks to mail in appears they will win...interesting

Trump campaign on the ground, rallies, registering more folks, pushing folks to go vote in person seemed to work for him in the areas he needed it to work...but maybe not by enough to off set vote by mail in more densely populated cities...interesting

It was real easy to call Biden states fairly early on into numbers rolling in last night...what seemed to be pretty strong Trump states...verdict still out...interesting...

As far as conspiracy theories...let me know when washington stops everything to investigate whether Biden is a Russian asset, then impeach him for a phone call and perhaps being a bit aggressive in diplomatic affairs.