How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
That's kind of why I'm optimistic. Of course, a Trump win would have been great but even if not, I'm happy with the following:

-- Minority voter turnout for GOP looks promising. (and scary if you're a dem)
-- A super close election despite cheating, a loud mouth for pres, covid.. shows there's still plenty of rational folks in the US.
-- The House made moves.
-- ACB rammed in last month.
-- Biden and Dems still need to navigate COVID, which will likely hamstring them for another year, maybe 2 (and whatever lasting affects). Good luck in 2024.

Social media and news outlets can try, but you just can't keep the masses quiet anymore. All information before mid 2010's was funneled by MSM. And that just won't be the case going forward. Minorities are waking up. And these numbers show it.
So what happens from here? If Biden (Harris) take over. I have to hope they really work on taking the house and increasing their hold on the Senate in 2022. What happens if the republicans can take control of both the House and the Senate? Will that open the door to expose the Dem corruption? The biggest thing I hope is that they can stave off any momentum the Democrats have. Their biggest mistake was assigning a running mate to Biden who is unelectable in any other circumstance. Harris rode Biden's coattails to the Presidency. (barring a miracle, She WILL be the President, that's a given).

So who in 4 years do the Republicans put out there to face off with her?

Ted Cruz? I like him more and more, just not sure he has an enthusiatic backing.
Kristi Noem? Could be a good one, but I see her more as VP material first.
Tim Scott? Could really bring in the non-white vote, but are enough Republicans ready to elect a black President? (I know I would vote for him in a heartbeat)
Nikki Haley? she was the hot name for a while, but has shown some RINO colors.
Rand Paul? Is he electable?
Does Marco Rubio give it another shot? Will Romney throw his name in the hat again?(GOD NO PLEASE) Somebody like Devine Nunes? Jim Jordan?
Dare I say...Tucker Carlson?

Who can the Republicans start to push out there for 2024 to face Harris. (or Michelle Obama, I can see that happening too)
There was a 42k Trump only swath shortly thereafter, they were just input separately.

Isn't it odd that any single candidate vote totals get added and released to the public as opposed to releasing the numbers for BOTH candidates ? Very strange
People on Twitter confident that Trump can and will in the end win Arizona. And pointing out that AZ + PA puts him over the top (does it?). Problem there is I just don't see how he holds on in PA, where the Secretary of State basically said yesterday "Trump cannot win here."
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Isn't it odd that any single candidate vote totals get added and released to the public as opposed to releasing the numbers for BOTH candidates ? Very strange
I would guess it was a quick trigger finger by whoever input it, might be nefarious but I'd wager an innocent mistake.
Soooo disappointed in Fox , they have went the way of Drudge .. they spent 1/2 the f’in morning talking about Trumps big win in Florida , hell that’s ancient news at 9-10-11 am today .. their entire calling Arizona early when no one else was ?? Stinks to high heaven —- not one word I’ve seen about 100-130k votes showing up in Wisc with ZERO , none going to Trump .

Damn the Trump train turned into the little bitches express real fast. Lmao! This shit isn't over, just sit back and enjoy the show.
Any additional sources on this? I don't see any sites indicating a closing of the margin in AZ.
It's just Trump's people doing their job and keeping their baby employer happy. They have no idea where az will finish. I'm sure Bidens people are saying the exact opposite.
I believe the 130,000 thing is from a media graphic only which means someone got 2 vote counts and entered Bidens in first. There is no basket of 130,000 votes that were 100% Biden. No one is reporting that they just showed a graphic.
Don’t you at least find it odd that big cities in battleground states just stopped counting with no reason given? Even if everything was on the up and up it still looks shady. You’re giving people reason to speculate and question what is going on.

If Biden wins, Trump supporters will point to this and issues like the swing states not requiring signatures. If it ends up going to court and Trump wins, the left won’t accept that either. I fear it’s going to be a cluster f from here on out.
Here’s a thought, and it’s admittedly conspiratorial.
The early call for Arizona was odd, I think most would admit that. What if it was a head fake to get other states to show their cards?
If Trump wins Arizona, GA, NC and PA he’s re-elected.
Hes far ahead in PA, Wi and Mi have shown their cards now so PA will be under the spotlight if they try to find ballots.
So what happens from here? If Biden (Harris) take over. I have to hope they really work on taking the house and increasing their hold on the Senate in 2022. What happens if the republicans can take control of both the House and the Senate? Will that open the door to expose the Dem corruption? The biggest thing I hope is that they can stave off any momentum the Democrats have. Their biggest mistake was assigning a running mate to Biden who is unelectable in any other circumstance. Harris rode Biden's coattails to the Presidency. (barring a miracle, She WILL be the President, that's a given).

So who in 4 years do the Republicans put out there to face off with her?

Ted Cruz? I like him more and more, just not sure he has an enthusiatic backing.
Kristi Noem? Could be a good one, but I see her more as VP material first.
Tim Scott? Could really bring in the non-white vote, but are enough Republicans ready to elect a black President? (I know I would vote for him in a heartbeat)
Nikki Haley? she was the hot name for a while, but has shown some RINO colors.
Rand Paul? Is he electable?
Does Marco Rubio give it another shot? Will Romney throw his name in the hat again?(GOD NO PLEASE) Somebody like Devine Nunes? Jim Jordan?
Dare I say...Tucker Carlson?

Who can the Republicans start to push out there for 2024 to face Harris. (or Michelle Obama, I can see that happening too)

Honestly asking, what would be the betting odds of Harris taking over for Biden? It's a fun joke, but I don't think we're *there* yet. And while she scares the hell out of me... I really believe she'd be absolutely crucified, just don't see her making substantial progress and ultimately gets WAXED in 2024. Trump was THIS close to winning, and none of us really like him... The country will go heavy red in 2024 if Harris is on the ticket. She's gonna be in over he head, COVID lockdowns will have wrecked the economy. I just don't see people wanting to vote for her in 4 years. What will have she accomplished that make people want to vote her again? Results matter.

I don't have answers to specifics, more just thinking broadly where the country is going. I do worry about "who is next?", Trump may have paved the way for other business leaders to run. Cruz and Scott would be good. I think we'll see some new names pop up.

We have the courts, at high and low levels. House moved a bit, Senate ours.
Soooo disappointed in Fox , they have went the way of Drudge .. they spent 1/2 the f’in morning talking about Trumps big win in Florida , hell that’s ancient news at 9-10-11 am today .. their entire calling Arizona early when no one else was ?? Stinks to high heaven —- not one word I’ve seen about 100-130k votes showing up in Wisc with ZERO , none going to Trump .
The 138,000 is a copied media graphic and doesn't even show where it came from. It is not real unless someone has a link to a real source. It's also easily explained if you know anything about computers. Let's say they get a count of 250,000 ballots and 138,000 were for Biden and 122,000 were for Trump. If the news source entered in Bidens count first then that is what the graphic would show until they entered Trumps in. Again the image is one news sites graphic and does not represent anything official. It is extremely dishonest to act like it is real.
Here’s a thought, and it’s admittedly conspiratorial.
The early call for Arizona was odd, I think most would admit that. What if it was a head fake to get other states to show their cards?
If Trump wins Arizona, GA, NC and PA he’s re-elected.
Hes far ahead in PA, Wi and Mi have shown their cards now so PA will be under the spotlight if they try to find ballots.

One thing's for sure.. Trump is a business man.. he didn't get to where he was without a few tricks up his sleeve.
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Don’t you at least find it odd that big cities in battleground states just stopped counting with no reason given? Even if everything was on the up and up it still looks shady. You’re giving people reason to speculate and question what is going on.

If Biden wins, Trump supporters will point to this and issues like the swing states not requiring signatures. If it ends up going to court and Trump wins, the left won’t accept that either. I fear it’s going to be a cluster f from here on out.

Where did anyone stop counting votes? This morning I am hearing Republicans demand vote counting stop and now you are questioning why vote counting is stopped. Neither is happening. You all are fu**ing exhausting to keep on the truth. Just rampant speculation and citing of tweets as truth.
I can actually deal with Biden. Guy is pretty middle of the road. It's Harris and the puppet masters that scare me. And they'll be in control sooner than later. The last 2 years of this Presidency when Harris takes over will be terrifying.
In any other normal situation I think most people would agree that we could settle for Biden and move on. 12 years ago, back in the 90's, yeah sure. but now he's old, in cognitive decline and WILL NOT be the President in relatively short order.
People on Twitter confident that Trump can and will in the end win Arizona. And pointing out that AZ + PA puts him over the top (does it?). Problem there is I just don't see how he holds on in PA, where the Secretary of State basically said yesterday "Trump cannot win here."
With the PA SOS making a comment like that, it indicates he knows something. The statement alone should have him investigated for voter suppression and influencing the public vote. If he makes a comment like that nad Biden erases a near 650K deficit a day after the election, the fix is in.
You know if we went by popular vote the election would be over already and you nancies wouldnt be crying about how long it takes. Or if the EC was split like maine and nebraska. You win each individual district and the % winner gets the 2 Senate votes. Your all getting to see in real time why our election setup including the EC is so stupidly backwards.
The mere fact that Wisconsin is above their registered voter count is enough to call that entire state into question. Especially the sneaky dump at 4am.

But like it's been said, Arizona, Pennsylvania, NCarolina and's over. Alaska needs to wake up too. Those 3 votes may end up being huge.
You are easily duped by fake twitter news and manipulated media graphics. They aren't past their registration total and they also allow voters to register as they vote.
  • Wow
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You know if we went by popular vote the election would be over already and you nancies wouldnt be crying about how long it takes. Or if the EC was split like maine and nebraska. You win each individual district and the % winner gets the 2 Senate votes. Your all getting to see in real time why our election setup including the EC is so stupidly backwards.

That's because you don't believe in the right to property, states rights, and other fundamental building blocks of America, DA!
The mere fact that Wisconsin is above their registered voter count is enough to call that entire state into question. Especially the sneaky dump at 4am.

But like it's been said, Arizona, Pennsylvania, NCarolina and's over. Alaska needs to wake up too. Those 3 votes may end up being huge.
I already debunked this, but you don't want to listen to reason so enjoy the sand, don't get it in your eyes.
Why the confidence for Trump in Arizona? This 10k vote thing even true? I saw looking at three sites just now he’s down 100k
If you go by popular vote then every state is now in play. No more campaigning in 8 states to win the election. You have to be a real candidate, not a swing state ass kisser. It wouldn't go as poorly for conservatives as they always think. Californians can be swayed to vote red if their vote actually matters again.
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How to rig an election in a battleground state:

1) Send out mail-in ballots to everyone
2) Count ballots on election night
3) Stop reporting totals when the guy you want to win is losing
4) Add fake ballots overnight to get your preferred result
5) Resume reporting next day

and knows how many were mailed in for trump but they were tossed in the trash