How will they rule ??!

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The “judges” that leftists are hanging their hats on to interpret law, everyone. Can you say “DEI hire?”

These judges were INSTALLED for one reason and one reason only, and that is to rule based on Leftist ideology and not based on the Constitution.

And yes, I believe this is just the next step in the never-ending law fare against Trump.
You know you’re a real POS when you mess with someone’s car.

I have three rules in terms of what you don’t do even to someone you hate.

1) You don’t mess with their car
2) You don’t mess with their food
3) You don’t mess with their family

I have never once considered damaging someone’s property cause they don’t support what I support.
"...Chansley, who suffers from mental health problems, served 11 months in solitary confinement during his prison stint..."

"...jail officials failed for four months to move ahead with treatment for one defendant who broke his wrist ..."

"According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia, of the remaining (approx 500) cases, 170 involve defendants who have either been convicted or pleaded guilty and are awaiting sentencing and approximately 300 involve defendants still awaiting trial."

"John Strand, who was released early from prison last week, said federal prison officials in Miami locked him in solitary confinement for four months of his term over accusations ranging from publicly revealing online how far he had to walk to reach a computer, to helping other Jan. 6 defendants in prison receive support from outside groups."

" accused in the Jan. 6 unrest was left partially blind and moved to another facility... after being beaten in police custody..."

"January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel has been held in prison without trial now since January 2021 (2.5 yrs at that point).

During his two-and-a-half years without trial Ryan has been moved around to 17 different facilities. Ryan has been beaten, abused, tortured, and neglected since his arrest in January 2021.

... photos from Ryan Samsel's prison cell at the FDC in Philadelphia. The cell was a size of a closet with a light on all of the time. The cell had a thin blue mattress, no sheets or blankets, no clothing, and he was kept here for five months straight."

All of these things violate legislated rights of the accused, and in particular are not appropriate/ fitting for the crime of trespassing. They are used more for prisoners of war and/or murderers.

Just a sampling as well
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These judges were INSTALLED for one reason and one reason only, and that is to rule based on Leftist ideology and not based on the Constitution.

And yes, I believe this is just the next step in the never-ending law fare against Trump.

Part of the slow coup. It was OK when Obama got rid of judges and appointed activists in their place. It was OK when he and Biden created new positions to fill with "unelected" activists and bureaucrats.

It's a "constitutional crisis" when people trying to restore and keep the constitution are about to replace them.

This is WAR, not politics. We have to understand the difference.
Don’t worry, the republic is in good hands…

Great stuff. We wouldn’t let someone this old coach a college team but we let them make decisions for the country and the world.

RGB was falling asleep and drooling and we let her handlers serve as a Supreme Court Justice, we let a guy with a brain tumor in McCain vote to keep Obamacare, we let Fetterman who was mentally just effed get elected, we let McConnell stay in the senate despite mentally gone, let Feinstein get pushed around in a wheelchair like a nursing home patient, we had a guy serve as a president where he had dementia and had handlers signing shit for him that he wasn’t even aware of.

This is such a scam system of nothing but fake corrupt bullshit.
Looks to me like they already have.

The right is made up of law-abiding citizens. They don't fear people that sit there and take it, and unfortunately that's what the right has done and keeps doing. The ones that have done something, even if it's a minor thing, are sitting in prison or bankrupted for standing up.

I'd like to think we can change it, but our AG and executive branch are just doing photo ops on these issues. No idea when or if they'll get around to actually prosecuting the offenders destroying the country and its people.
Law abiding my ass.

She never was attractive lol.

None of this matters if nobody's arrested.
I’m starting to wonder if anyone in the deep state is even capable of being held accountable for all the nefarious stuff they do. At this point I’m kinda numb to it all and have very little faith that true justice can even be served if you are part of the Swamp/Uniparty.
I’m starting to wonder if anyone in the deep state is even capable of being held accountable for all the nefarious stuff they do. At this point I’m kinda numb to it all and have very little faith that true justice can even be served if you are part of the Swamp/Uniparty.

....and that has always been the plan. Slow trickle of any info and no real action until the people get tired of hearing about it. Then the crimes get swept under the rug while more crimes and frauds are committed. Give you hope, then slowly squash it. Over and over and over again
Hate to go back to it, but I warned all this would happen when doge let usaid back up off the mat. They got their money back and its been the easily foreseeable onslaught ever since. Everything from lawfare, to doxxing, to organized violence; all usaid trademarks.

Wait till it gets warm again and it will be the massive protest shut down again of the country, just like afl-cio planned if trump won in 2020. Benz talks about that, with receipts in this stunning video

Now all that swamp draining momentum is gone and it will be a massive battle. Massive opportunity lost. Will turn out to probably be the biggest mistake of trump 2.0.

To my knowledge Trump hasn’t conceded to the judges yet. Seems like he’s telling them to shove it. But at some point the SC has to step in, and that is where my faith is pretty limited. ACB seems much more like the angry soccer mom keying Teslas after drinking Pinot Grigio at lunch on a Tuesday than she does a semi-conservative Justice. And I’m 10000% convinced that the deep state has some pretty juicy dirt on Roberts that keeps him under their thumb.
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Also, since we’re playing this corrupt game, Trump should send the SEC after anyone and everyone who’s trying to destroy Tesla. Certainly anyone who is short and is supporting the terrorism.

They’re not even trying to hide the fact they think they’re going to be able to drive Tesla so low it will force a margin call and destroy Musk for trying to save America.

I’m fine if we use some of the DOGE savings to prop him up.

Sounds like Commie thinking. Prop it up with more govt cheese and ban short selling.

And i have been a Tesla shareholder since 2020 or so. Still holding, because I'm way up. But, getting uneasy about earnings in Q1. Canada and EU sales are rumored to be down.
While it obviously isn't going to change state-wide elections in California, still interesting to see a big surge in Californians registering Republican and Independent in just a few months. Could be the difference in certain districts adding a GOP congressman or two.

Allowing entire cities to burn because of inept policies might actually be waking some of those liberals up.
Sounds like Commie thinking. Prop it up with more govt cheese and ban short selling.

And i have been a Tesla shareholder since 2020 or so. Still holding, because I'm way up. But, getting uneasy about earnings in Q1. Canada and EU sales are rumored to be down.

If I owned individual stocks, I’d probably rely more on the fact that we are in the infancy of an AI revolution with an administration that’s going to unlock American energy production and Tesla is at the cutting edge of battery technology and has more proprietary data related to vehicles being driven on roads than any other company in the world. But, 1Q25 earnings may show the company is in severe trouble.
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Also, it’s absolutely commie thinking. It’s why the democrats sent the SEC and every other federal agency after musk to begin with. I’m not above giving them a taste of their own medicine.
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Liberals don't OWN anything.

They deflect, they change the subject, they move the goalposts, and they say things like, "well, so and so did that 15 years ago," like a child would. They will never own up to anything. It's always someone else's fault.

In fact, that's how you can tell a conservative from a rino. A rino will NOT own up to them being wrong. For example, if they said Trump was wrong when he talked about tariffs, yet refused to say they were wrong when his talk about tariffs produced the desired outcome, they aren't conservatives.

I didn't think the JFK information would be released. Not any of it. I was wrong. I have yet to see something important I hadn't already known about, but I was still wrong.
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Well obviously it’s a real issue. There are people torching cars.

What do you propose to help these people?
There are people literally suffering from mental breakdowns and instability over the election of Trump. It's on full display all over social media and the media in general. It's not debatable. It's a fact that large numbers of people are suffering from mental health crisis related to Trump. If you want to come up with something more PC to call it than TDS then OK, but it is a real issue that needs to be addressed.
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I’m convinced. I think we should import millions more of these third world savages to enrich our land and our people. Clearly productive.
Sadly that young lady more than likely espouses a world view that facilitated that stalker ending up where he was and harassing her. It's going to take more and more instances like that for them to wake up to what the ramifications of those views they hold actually are.
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To my knowledge Trump has ceded to the judges yet. Seems like he’s telling them to shove it. But at some point the SC has to step in, and that is where my faith is pretty limited. ACB seems much more like the angry soccer mom keying Teslas after drinking Pinot Grigio at lunch on a Tuesday than she does a semi-conservative Justice. And I’m 10000% convinced that the deep state has some pretty juicy dirt on Roberts that keeps him under their thumb.

Pretty clear by now acb was put on the court for one reason. Granted she followed through but there wasn't much actual gain. All the same people are still getting abortions and now we're stuck with another judge that has their eye on public appeal.
To my knowledge Trump has ceded to the judges yet. Seems like he’s telling them to shove it. But at some point the SC has to step in, and that is where my faith is pretty limited. ACB seems much more like the angry soccer mom keying Teslas after drinking Pinot Grigio at lunch on a Tuesday than she does a semi-conservative Justice. And I’m 10000% convinced that the deep state has some pretty juicy dirt on Roberts that keeps him under their thumb.

Everyone knew it was going this way, but only a few said it out loud because the rest legitimately hoped. Unfortunately, the SC is not going to step up.

I think the latter (JR) is just a rino with no interest in the constitution or justice. He has no business being on the SC. ACB is not conservative at all. She's a cino. We failed to secure the SC for constitutionality and it's biting us in the assets now.
Arizona Death Row

Well here's one where the murder was 23 years ago, the defendant clearly did it, the defendant is stating he wants to get the execution over with because he deserves it, and the courts are still freaking delaying it.

Somehow someone is or some people are making money off of the delay. No other reason to make anyone wait. Not the family of the murder victim, and not the murderer. Is the prison waiting for a longevity bonus? Are the attys for the defense milking the state of more funds for billable hours? Find out who's making money off of it and we'll all know why it continues.

This sht needs to end
If you watch her when on tv or walking with the president, she seems to be enjoying the moment. Spotlight is all she is there for. Not indifferent to the way the Obama's acted when on camera. Many of these politicians and leaders either have no clue as what to do or they don't care and are just there for the ride.
I have no idea how quickly Bondi can reverse things in the DOJ and get indictments rolling, and being that it’s only been < 2 months, I’m willing to give her a bit more time. But so far she’s been quite disappointing.
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You will achieve the exact opposite of your intent.

If you think about it, it’s quite terrifying how mentally broken a decent chunk of our population is simply because they have been brainwashed by the media to think Orange Man/Tesla Man bad.

It’s essentially mind-control w/out having to implant anything into their leftist brains.
What little im reading of people's jfk files takes, i find the most interesting:

1) Israel involvement are the maybe the only redactions in the entire document. Many are speculating they did it, but i think its more complex than just that.

We know the cia started forever ago running its dirtiest ops through other countries so they could a) maintain deniability and b) avoid having to keep files on those activities. They still the exact same thing today.

So i think the cia enlisted israel to either provide intel, take the shots, and/or be backup in case shots missed.

2) this thread shows how the cia planned and actually executed a plan of setting up elaborate movie sets and filming movies to pretend certain things happened elsewhere that never happened at all.

In the example here, Hollywood movie industry people provided all the services, sets, etc to shoot a scandalous sexual encounter in Hollywood but make it look like it was a prominent Russian official and it happening in Moscow.

I was already skeptical of our trip to the moon but now i am pretty sure it was this exact same elaborate setup. We know for sure theyd do it to tarnish russian targets, so why wouldn't they do the same thing to promote us exceptionalism?

The best part of this is that people are finally looking at things with a skeptical eye, trying to figure things out.

This information has been out there for the past 60+ years, but people had to read entire books to get bits and pieces of it back then. They had to listen to people speak about it in person or on the radio in the dead of night, and decide what was plausible on their own. People needed to be prepared for it slowly so they could process it, because NOT MANY COULD just 6 years ago.

To all of those people I say, "Welcome! Glad you made it. So much to talk about."

Now if they could just do the same thing with regard to health and "medicine" ......
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You will achieve the exact opposite of your intent.

Hitler figured out that people just needed a scapegoat upon which to vent all their anger, disappointment, guilt, failure, and heartache.

They needn't have done ANYTHING to YOU personally. They just need to be able to be hated without fear of recourse. They need to be external- an easily distinguishable subset. That's really it. Teach a dog to rage and hate, and it will eventually tear up anything towards which you point.

Can't do that until you divide people, but you also can't do it until you unite them in a way that defies all logic and all reason. We're there. We're at that point. The point where your family members will turn you in for "suspecting something" simply because you disagree with them, and they're afraid of losing their home, car, or job.

We are here^

Right where Hitler found Germany.

Pretty soon it leads to.... Anyone wanting to do right is wrong. Anyone wanting to help a neighbor is suspect. Anyone speaking truth is distrusted (has been this way actually for decades).
If I owned individual stocks, I’d probably rely more on the fact that we are in the infancy of an AI revolution with an administration that’s going to unlock American energy production and Tesla is at the cutting edge of battery technology and has more proprietary data related to vehicles being driven on roads than any other company in the world. But, 1Q25 earnings may show the company is in severe trouble.

If we're being honest and looking at Tesla objectively, the company was in trouble already.

True EVs were not selling well outside of North America and were set to be replaced by hydrogen powered vehicles elsewhere within 10-15 yrs anyway (as they should've been before the true EVs were pushed on people). The trucks are atrocious looking. The grid can't handle EVs. And the price is hilarious, even with tax rebates and other incentives.

They were never worth the price without free electricity on a capable grid. They were virtue and wealth signaling. That's it. They have zero positive impact on environmental pollution/ destruction and "climate change" as well.

Musk, too, had to have seen that end coming for Tesla, even with all of their innovation
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