How will they rule ??!

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If you are wondering where your tax return check went....

Hachikosela Muchimba, 44, of Washington, D.C., fraudulently obtained and deposited close to 100 checks over a span of just under three years, according to a criminal complaint obtained by PEOPLE. Most of the checks were tax returns issued by the Treasury Department.
A lot of good stuff in this interview, including:

Musk: "The fraud we're seeing is over overwhelmingly on the on the left. I mean, it's not zero on the right, but these NGOs are almost all left wing."

"The single biggest thing they're worried about is that DOGE is going to turn off fraudulent payments of entitlements to illegals. This is the crux of the mater. This is why they really want me to die."

When individual donors were looked at in ActBlue, a bunch of them turned out to be diehard Republicans and people who've never given money in their life. Republican friends of mine found themselves on the ActBlue list and said "What the? That wasn't me."

Tesla Chainsaw Massacre.....

Chuck Schumer is going to make progress for the country in the gym: 'When you're on that bike in your shorts panting away next a Republican, a lot of the inhibitions come off' haha

He is also thinking about Elon on 3am:



Thought this was well said:

"These cowardly morons don’t seem to understand that all their power and authority is little more than a figment of the political imagination—once the desire to believe in the judicial tooth fairy is gone, it is gone forever, and nothing will bring it back.

Wiser men with far stronger backbones understood this for centuries—they knew their power as an institution was entirely one of perception, given the institution’s lack of any real power to enforce its rulings against the two far more powerful branches of the federal government.

The Supreme Court controls no army and no bank account. Its police can barely keep people out of its own building or away from the homes of its members. How on earth will it enforce rulings without the force of money or arms? The simple truth is it cannot, and its smarter members—until recently, at least—understood the court’s unique challenge: how to enforce rulings against two institutions despite any real power to do so.

Those with brains and no fear of their own shadows knew this was only possible if the politicians and the people believed the courts had the necessary credibility and reputation to produce long-term deference to its decisions.

We are rapidly approaching the point where that is no longer the case.

And if Justices Tweedledum and Tweedledee insist on closing their eyes and sticking their fingers in their ears in the belief that if they can’t see or hear or the consequences of their own idiocy and cowardice then there won’t be any, then their only precious legacy will be the destruction of the very institution they’re allegedly so desperate to save."
John Roberts, another huge mistake of Bush 43
You may be right that if we have a president who is so lawless that he ignores the federal court system, including SCOTUS, that there is nothing that anyone could do about it. But that's not going to happen because Trump is not that stupid (or lawless). For example, the USA's arguing in all of these cases that you claim activist judges are presiding over are making legal arguments. They are not just saying "we are the executive branch - FU" as you seem to want them to do.
Your starting premise is incorrect: that it is “lawless” to ignore an illegitimate order from an activist judge whose own daughter’s work presents a massive conflict of interest, the same activist judge who gave a slap on the wrist to the FBI agent that conspired against Trump, the same judge who was appointed by a man who ordered that Trump’s campaign be spied upon.

This country has already seen Presidents clash with the courts. Jackson, famously. FDR attempted to pack the court to get his way. I think we’ll survive.

The Constitution is literally designed to encourage conflict between the branches. So, the idea that conflict between the branches is lawless is silly.

What we really have here is the end result of 50 years of liberalism: the idea that the elites know better than the people. Predictably, the country has crumbled.

Trump absolutely should proceed with deportations. He has the people on his side. This episode is designed to do one thing: make the sheep upset with Trump.

The sheep would rather have Americans murdered, raped, poisoned, and burned alive on subway cars than to support a president that was elected by a majority.

Everybody let that sink in when they hear the sheep squealing about a constitutional crisis.
No one trusts Putin, but ending the war and getting some level of cooperation on other issues is a good thing. Neither the Russians or the US will completely live up to a deal made with each other, that has always been part of the game....but this situation is a thousand times better than where the Dems would have us right now.

(full read out if you hit 'show more')

- Trump and Putin agree a ceasefire is necessary, negotiations for that + permanent peace will begin "immediately" in the Middle East
- "Enormous" economic deal between U.S./Russia expected after Ukraine peace.
- Both say Middle Eastern cooperation between U.S./Russia is necessary to prevent future war
-Both want better U.S./Russia relationship.
- Both agree Iran cannot be in a position to destroy Israel.

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(full read out if you hit 'show more')

- Trump and Putin agree a ceasefire is necessary, negotiations for that + permanent peace will begin "immediately" in the Middle East
- "Enormous" economic deal between U.S./Russia expected after Ukraine peace.
- Both say Middle Eastern cooperation between U.S./Russia is necessary to prevent future war
-Both want better U.S./Russia relationship.
- Both agree Iran cannot be in a position to destroy Israel.
So respected. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Your starting premise is incorrect: that it is “lawless” to ignore an illegitimate order from an activist judge whose own daughter’s work presents a massive conflict of interest, the same activist judge who gave a slap on the wrist to the FBI agent that conspired against Trump, the same judge who was appointed by a man who ordered that Trump’s campaign be spied upon.

This country has already seen Presidents clash with the courts. Jackson, famously. FDR attempted to pack the court to get his way. I think we’ll survive.

The Constitution is literally designed to encourage conflict between the branches. So, the idea that conflict between the branches is lawless is silly.

What we really have here is the end result of 50 years of liberalism: the idea that the elites know better than the people. Predictably, the country has crumbled.

Trump absolutely should proceed with deportations. He has the people on his side. This episode is designed to do one thing: make the sheep upset with Trump.

The sheep would rather have Americans murdered, raped, poisoned, and burned alive on subway cars than to support a president that was elected by a majority.

Everybody let that sink in when they hear the sheep squealing about a constitutional crisis.
This is just stupidity. The judge is a federal judge. His order is legitimate, whether an appellate court deems it wrong or right. You're just lapping up the "activist judge" BS and this stuff about a supposed conflict of interest - it's catnip to you and your ilk. Trump has no business mobilizing his angry mob against the judicial branch. If he keeps it up, it will be something out of a third world dictatorship. But as I said, I don't think he's stupid enough to do that.
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Deranged leftists are burning cars and destroying property. They’ve been destroying property for years now. If there’s any person that believes that they won’t also use the courts to destroy their opposition (lawfare), then that person is a fool. We have entered a conflict phase because of TDS. We’re just at the beginning.
This is just stupidity. The judge is a federal judge. His order is legitimate, whether an appellate court deems it wrong or right. You're just lapping up the "activist judge" BS and this stuff about a supposed conflict of interest - it's catnip to you and your ilk. Trump has no business mobilizing his angry mob against the judicial branch. If he keeps it up, it will be something out of a third world dictatorship. But as I said, I don't think he's stupid enough to do that.
Oh, a “Federal Judge!”

I’m sure they are always apolitical!

You go find out for yourself if the judge has a conflict of interest. That would seem to be an important thing to know for someone who reveres the “Judiciary” as much as you.
Deranged leftists are burning cars and destroying property. They’ve been destroying property for years now. If there’s any person that believes that they won’t also use the courts to destroy their opposition (lawfare), then that person is a fool. We have entered a conflict phase because of TDS. We’re just at the beginning.

Germans ain't feeling TruMusk either.
Tesla Chainsaw Massacre..... 🤣🤣🤣

You ARE a DA. Capital D. Capital A.


The market for a home in CHEVY CHASE is different than the market for a home across TATES CREEK or RICHMOND RD in Hollywood, or Kenwick. Don't even have to cross a major road to Indian Mound, or Woodlake and the value would still be different. Could be built exactly the same on the same size lot and be very differently priced.

If tax rates are different, that there's just one of many clues the market is different. School system. City services. Subdivision. Etc. 30 yrs in the industry financing and rehabbing homes and consulting people on properties has made me good money. Done talking with you on this and anything else.
Thanks for making my point. All those non-structure differences can exist for identical buildings. THE POINT is that just because those difference exist doesn't mean A can charge higher rent over B just because the cost to operate A are higher. Why does a couple w/o kids care one iota about those differences? They are going to pick the lower rent B - better value. If A wants a customer, they need to lower rent towards B despite their higher costs & not say I'm going to charge more.

Just who would GAS about A's costs' issues? I mean a landlord's cost doesn't mean a thing to the renter. When you buy an orange, are you higher to buy the higher priced one because it cost more to get into the store. Wake up & think about it.
DOGE derangement syndrome...

This reminds me of the damage, vandalism and destruction on Jan 6th.
Guess y'all think this is ok too. Or would some cops being beaten make it better for you??
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Oh, a “Federal Judge!”

I’m sure they are always apolitical!

You go find out for yourself if the judge has a conflict of interest. That would seem to be an important thing to know for someone who reveres the “Judiciary” as much as you.
Because of a job his adult daughter has? Why don't you read up on what it takes to create an actual judicial conflict of interest (as opposed to a twitter one) - it is a very high bar. The same rationale applies to why J. Thomas does not have a conflict of interest with respect to the gifts he has received from wealthy friends.
Cernovich- “Alexander Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Paper No 78 that the judiciary, unlike the Executive and Legislative branches, has "no influence over either the sword or the purse." Hence judges must not exceed their appointed role, nor legislative from the branch.

Americans are watching DC judges appoint themselves as Head of HR, by demanding fired employees be reinstated. Now a judge, who cooperated with FISA court fraud, and himself should have been impeached and removed from office, has proclaimed he has the power to determine how Trump may use his power in matters of removing illegal immigrants who belong to terrorist gangs.

Trump can say, No. Courts can issue contempt findings. Who is going to serve the arrest warrants? US Marshals? The Marshalls fall under Executive authority.

Congress, of course, has the power to impeach and remove Trump from office. Judges lack any such authority, and it would be unfathomable to our Founders to see this vulgar power grab and use of show trials in DC.

Because Trump's actions are popular at the 80-20 or even 90-10 level, there is no appetite for the democratic remedy of impeachment.

In this conflict between activist judges, some of whom sleep in the same beds (literally) of people who represent the opposing side and work for Trump-hater groups, Trump will win.

This is not my opinion. This was proven this last November.

Judges must conduct themselves appropriately, which is to say, they must admit Trump has the power to deport illegal criminals, fire employees, and interpret the full use of his Article 2 powers independently.

Hyper-partisan judges drunk on stolen power haven't thought this through. They will lose the standoff.

For the sake of the country, Roberts must bring these lower courts to heel.

Otherwise judges will be in the position of issuing orders Trump is not obliged to follow, and as is his prerogative, he will not obey them.”

Roberts has no concern for the sake of the country. He's in it for himself as the Uber RINO of the bench. ACB, like Roberts, should never have been appointed. Heck, Cavanaugh isn't even conservative enough.

The show trials and abuses in regard to Jan 6th demonstrators need to be prosecuted and our judiciary and dept of justice house cleaned. We're a long way from addressing that right now, unfortunately.
Because of a job his adult daughter has? Why don't you read up on what it takes to create an actual judicial conflict of interest (as opposed to a twitter one) - it is a very high bar. The same rationale applies to why J. Thomas does not have a conflict of interest with respect to the gifts he has received from wealthy friends.
“A legal conflict of interest for a judge occurs when their impartiality might reasonably be questioned, encompassing situations like personal bias, financial interests, prior involvement in the case, or family relationships with parties involved.

This took all of 30 seconds to find. What are you even thinking about?
I know I’m always fighting the pro Israel crowd on this forum but how does someone see this and not see that we are owned by Israel?

The Justice Department and FBI announce a new task force to target Hamas over Oct. 7 attack

Why the hell are we focused on this? This should not be our government’s fight or how our resources should be used. We have enough shit to worry about on our own soil.

Just know that after the boomer conservatives are gone, the support for Israel will hit rock bottom from everyone but Jews and those who take money from their lobby.

Maybe because they also kidnapped and killed Americans....

Have we gotten our citizens back?

You seem to want to fight everyone. Whether they are "pro-Israel" or not, you seem to lump everyone into the same bucket. A person can be pro US, anti-hamas, and not worship Israel. It's not either or
“A legal conflict of interest for a judge occurs when their impartiality might reasonably be questioned, encompassing situations like personal bias, financial interests, prior involvement in the case, or family relationships with parties involved.

This took all of 30 seconds to find. What are you even thinking about?

No thinking involved on the left. Best to assume they are all bots and NPCs
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I want all these judges making these ridiculous rulings financial records investigated thoroughly by conservative groups. Not just their finances, their spouses, siblings, grown children...any way money could have been funneled to them through USAID or some other way. Including John Roberts.

This sh-t has to stop. Charlie Kirk: 'In case it wasn't explicit enough that the only two clauses of the left's constitution were "thou shalt have open borders" and "All American money will be sent abroad."

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If you’re ever bored, google what the spouses and family members of these judges, or of any high level member of an agency, do for a living.

Essentially, they all make their money (millions, often) from government spending.

Ask yourself: how are the people ever going to reclaim the government from the bureaucracy in this context?

Also, realize this: the function of importing 10 million 3rd worlders was to create an eventual electoral supremacy that would insure that the kind of bureaucratic feudalism I just described can never be undone.
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I know I’m always fighting the pro Israel crowd on this forum but how does someone see this and not see that we are owned by Israel?

The Justice Department and FBI announce a new task force to target Hamas over Oct. 7 attack

Why the hell are we focused on this? This should not be our government’s fight or how our resources should be used. We have enough shit to worry about on our own soil.
Because, for those who believe in the's the Abrahamic Covenant.

Gen 12:1-3

1 The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.
2 “I will make you into a great nation,
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.[a]
3 I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.”[b]

Just know that after the boomer conservatives are gone, the support for Israel will hit rock bottom from everyone but Jews and those who take money from their lobby.

When us boomer conservatives (who you constantly deride) are gone ..... there will be plenty of Christian conservatives to take our place.
Since you are far more concerned with acting like a 10 year old losing at Call of Duty than anything else (and you won’t admit who your’e a sock account for), you’re gonna have to join your other identities on ignore.
Then do it. Sick of you following me around.
Deranged leftists are burning cars and destroying property. They’ve been destroying property for years now. If there’s any person that believes that they won’t also use the courts to destroy their opposition (lawfare), then that person is a fool. We have entered a conflict phase because of TDS. We’re just at the beginning.

It's lawfare and violence always with the left.

They ignore that the Biden administration had funded appropriations for and contracted to buy $400M in armored electric vehicles from Tesla before Musk went to work for the new administration. Then just like that they canceled it. Musk never whined about it.

It's time we fight fire with fire. They understand nothing else.
It's lawfare and violence always with the left.

They ignore that the Biden administration had funded appropriations for and contracted to buy $400M in armored electric vehicles from Tesla before Musk went to work for the new administration. Then just like that they canceled it. Musk never whined about it.

It's time we fight fire with fire. They understand nothing else.
You don’t have the balls to drive a Tesla.
I want all these judges making these ridiculous rulings financial records investigated thoroughly by conservative groups. Not just their finances, their spouses, siblings, grown children...any way money could have been funneled to them through USAID or some other way. Including John Roberts.

This sh-t has to stop. Charlie Kirk: 'In case it wasn't explicit enough that the only two clauses of the left's constitution were "thou shalt have open borders" and "All American money will be sent abroad."

This country is cooked. We finally have somebody who wants to stop spending money like drunken sailors on shore leave and judges won't let him.