Nothing to see here…just DJT kicking leftism right in the teeth.
Ah, word salad. The interweb equivalent of nonsensical jabbering when trying to evade the truth.Have you reached out for help yet?
That the first step, maybe those around you will give you a second chance once you get treatment.
People with narcissistic personality disorder are extremely resistant to changing their behavior, even when it’s causing them problems. Their tendency is to turn the blame on to others. What’s more, they are extremely sensitive and react badly to even the slightest criticisms, disagreements, or perceived slights, which they view as personal attacks. For the people in the narcissist’s life, it’s often easier just to go along with their demands to avoid the coldness and rages. However, by understanding more about narcissistic personality disorder, you can spot the narcissists in your life, protect yourself from their power plays, and establish healthier boundaries.
Treatment for narcissistic personality disorder
Due to the very nature of the disorder, most people with NPD are reluctant to admit they have a problem—and even more reluctant to seek help. Even when they do, narcissistic personality disorder can be very challenging to treat. But that doesn’t mean there’s no hope or that changes aren’t possible.
Mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and antipsychotic drugs are sometimes prescribed in severe cases or if your NPD co-occurs with another disorder. However, in most cases psychotherapy is the primary form of treatment. This can take place in-person or via online therapy.
Working with a medical provider, such as a skilled therapist, you can learn to accept responsibility for your actions, develop a better sense of proportion, and build healthier relationships.
You can also work on developing your emotional intelligence (EQ). EQ is the ability to understand, use, and manage your emotions in positive ways to empathize with others, communicate effectively, and build strong relationships. Importantly, the skills that make up emotional intelligence can be learned at any time.
how did Trump and republican congress get elected then?So, you think we live in a democracy? I think I have found the root of your problem. Ignorance.
Thank you Joe Biden for the highest production of oil EVER in US History!
It's called the weave.Ah, word salad. The interweb equivalent of nonsensical jabbering when trying to evade the truth.
It's wild how nationalism is cool when you oppose Trump but not to protect Canada from foreign invaders that actually hate them. Canada will destroy itself to stand up to Trump. LOL. It's nuts.
Most sociological studies agree that a huge disparity in wealth between members of a society is a bad thing that can lead to internal conflicts. That has played out in history more than once. It has worked here so far because we all have "stuff".The top 1% owns 33% of the country's wealth. Top 10% owns like 70% of it. Not exactly healthy.
Some people choose to not have money but rather spend every last penny. How do you fix that stupidity, genius? You could give that 33% to the bottom 50% & within 10 years the top 1% would have it back. You really think that if you gave $100K or $500K to every adult on welfare that they'd have any of it in 3 years? Absurd thought. The only way to fix this is to assure everyone has nothing.The top 1% owns 33% of the country's wealth. Top 10% owns like 70% of it. Not exactly healthy.
Good overall post.2. Taxing wealth instead of income is a disincentive to accumulate wealth,
It's easy to go with the physicists over this opinion. I mean look who the physicists are opposed by.Or.... our understanding of physics is totally wrong.
I think Billionaire's should have their wealth taxed significantly. The idea they are "job creators" is nonsense.
Buyers aren't going to pay more for apartment buildings because rents are up due to more taxes because they are smart enough to know those taxes come out of their rent collections such that there is no added net value to them. I've been there. It ain't hard."A rising tide lifts all boats," as a low tide sinks all boats.
Raise taxes on rents= rents increase
Rents increase= property values increase
The top 1% owns 33% of the country's wealth. Top 10% owns like 70% of it. Not exactly healthy.
Is there a limit where you'd say it's no longer good? Like let's say the top 1% controls 99% of the wealth. Would you say, "yep, free market!"?Ok, Bernie.
Those are called property taxes or wealth taxes. Who is going to decide everything's value each year?a luxury tax on houses over $1M and vehicles over $100K or what I think would be nice is tax on art... If Hunter wants to say his paintings are worth $250K a piece then pay taxes on it big boy. LOL.
It's only 9 years younger than the Constitution, 1798 vs. 1789.
Well the constitutionality of some of those pardons themselves should be in question. such as those pre-emptive pardons for crimes they have not been prosecuted for yet.I have not had time to read about this. Is he trying to void those pardons and is that constitutional?
(I have no doubt they were fraudulent, like everything else about the democrats.)
I just want to know how much of their wealth is OK for the Government to confiscate?The left is bitching and moaning about the government contracts that helped Elon become a billionaire or some sh*t.
What about the government money Jeff Bezos got? $4.7 BILLION. And not a peep from the left.
What about those who bought it 20+ years ago when it was $550/oz?
Those of us who invested in gold and silver the last 4 years sure are looking smart......
Ash's go to move when he doesn't like someone. LOL.He's a troll. You're better off ignoring him.
Some people choose to not have money but rather spend every last penny. How do you fix that stupidity, genius? You could give that 33% to the bottom 50% & within 10 years the top 1% would have it back. You really think that if you gave $100K or $500K to every adult on welfare that they'd have any of it in 3 years? Absurd thought. The only way to fix this is to assure everyone has nothing.
Sounds like shit Hitler would do.
Is there a limit where you'd say it's no longer good? Like let's say the top 1% controls 99% of the wealth. Would you say, "yep, free market!"?
Step 1 is making small steps in getting big money out of politics.Most sociological studies agree that a huge disparity in wealth between members of a society is a bad thing that can lead to internal conflicts. That has played out in history more than once. It has worked here so far because we all have "stuff".
That said, taxing isn't the way to go because these people will simply move to New Zealand or wherever and continue on. Also, the common man will always shoulder the majority of the burden of paying the country's bills. There simply aren't enough billionaires to cover the costs.
The only way to really close the gap is to enforce anti monopoly laws and make companies compete. There will still be billionaires but it will be much harder to achieve and sustain because these people tie all their wealth to their multiple companies. Then you must get money out of politics so that those with the money can't do something like, I don't know, buy a presidency.
We'll see it pop up more soon.That "wealth control" argument has been a staple for socialists and extreme radical leftists for many years when they have gripes against the current economic situation. When the economy is going well, you never hear about it, nor is it relevant to anything in the day to day activities of the business world.
Yeah buddy.Lundergan’s Lexington based company, Emergency Disaster Services (EDS), got two no-bid contracts from King Andy during the Covid lockdowns.
Field hospital on UK’s campus = $7 million
Field Hospital in Louisville = $6 million
Total no-bid contracts awarded = $13 million
Total # of other companies allowed to bid = 0
Total # of patients seen = 0
Seems legit.
That "wealth control" argument has been a staple for socialists and extreme radical leftists for many years when they have gripes against the current economic situation. When the economy is going well, you never hear about it, nor is it relevant to anything in the day to day activities of the business world.
He's been know to, and got caught for, handing out a few suitcases full of the green stuff also.Would it be 3.25M or 1.3M? You know, a 10% tithe to the Dem/lib/gods.
Seems like they are in the right place to bust that ass for the houthis.My "put" should have been "puts". The point was/intended to be that he controls where they are. But you knew that.
This all changed once I started writing about the pandemic. Soon people started talking about me the way I once thought about conservatives. This led to a complete identity collapse as I came to understand that my old worldview was hateful and ignorant, that I hadn't understood what I had been judging.I cannot forget the hearing that led to my dismissal from medical school a year after I started writing. During the hearing, people talked about me as if I wasn't human. My behavior was interpreted in the worst possible light. Complete fabrications were created. Nobody was concerned with the truth, only horrified at my apparent "unprofessional behavior", which was really a mirror of their unprofessional behavior directed at me. They structured the hearing to make it virtually impossible for me to speak and explain that what was being said was a lie. And nobody seemed to have any problem with this. Why? Because I was bad. If I am bad, then every mistreatment and every violation of the school's own policies became justified. A person who is bad does not deserve any rights. They only deserve punishment.But the thing I remember most was the allusions to my social media activity. They said, "Kevin is driven by resentment from his childhood." I wasn't. I was on good terms with my parents. They alleged that I needed psychotherapy to deal with this trauma. It was a completely fake story that they had constructed about me, to demean me, to marginalize me, to try to explain the views I had expressed: that something terribly wrong had happened during the pandemic. They couldn't imagine that I might have legitimate points. So they reduced me to the same kinds of psychological caricatures that I once reduced conservatives to in my own mind.
Shows clearly that lower & middle choose not to save. How do you propose to change their minds?Besides the fact that the top 10% are the ones doing all the spending, this...
Like I said… name your bet. You’re delusionalYou aren't reading anything outside of MSM are you? Alberta is leaning more and more that way. The left in Canada has the western part of Canada pissed. It's not 100% but certainly isn't 0% anymore.
It's common knowledge that practically every university in the country went full "woke" and discriminated against whites and asians alike in favor of lesser qualified applicants.BS.
Dumbass far right loons cutting off cancer research because a black man and Asian woman are working in an office somewhere at John Hopkins.