How will they rule ??!

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  • We are $37T in debt. Bezos, the Waltons, and Amazon and Walmart shareholders specifically made a lot of their wealth due to the government borrowing money that was used by our population to buy things from those two companies. A significant portion of their wealth is due to deficit spending.
  • The taxes are not to punish Amazon and Walmart (and other companies), but to shift the tax burden from income to wealth. And by the way, in terms of earnings, the US is at an all-time high right now of earnings coming from investment vs labor.
  • I pay roughly 50% of my overall income in taxes each year. Let's say I'm worth $2.5M and I make $1M (of which I get taxed at 50%, state, fed, SS, etc.). The combined government is hitting me at like 20% of my wealth EACH YEAR. How about a dude making $50K not worth anything. He probably pays $15K in taxes each year combined - so like 30% of his wealth. Meanwhile, the Waltons pay what in taxes? Would venture to guess it's not close to 2% of their wealth each year.
Wow. So much in here that I feel is completely misguided.
1. Taxes - which taxes? Income, sales, employment, SS, Medicare, estate, capital gains, gasoline, etc. - lot of things make up 'taxes'. Corporations and very wealthy people don't pay all these taxes?
2. Taxing wealth instead of income is a disincentive to accumulate wealth, is it not? Would it not behoove someone to spend all their income and accumulate no assets under such a regime (an extreme case, obviously)? Punish individuals for accumulating savings, 401ks, home(s), etc.? Really, THAT'S your solution?
3. Seriously doubt a $50k/yr worker pays 30% of his income in taxes. Total tax burden - maybe. Income tax - no way in hell. If you want to talk TOTAL tax burden, the wealthy pay a whole lot more than the $50k/yr guy.
4. Another thing to consider: these awful multi-millionaires and billionaires can afford, literally, to live anywhere. You think they'll just absorb a 'wealth' tax year after year and not think, 'Hmmm, maybe the Caymans or Australia or Canada or... might be nice to live in and avoid this dumba$$ tax policy'? When Elizabeth Warren floated it in her dismal campaign for Dem party, Bill Gates said, if passed, he'd have to look at where he lived and how the wealth tax would affect him.
5. You say you're getting hit with 20% tax on your wealth every year under your example. But, you're making $1M a year in income. How does the math change if you're making $150k? Drastically. If you make $150k a year, should you be taxed at that same 20%?
6. Why does a dollar saved by a billionaire trigger a tax when a dollar saved by a middle class individual not? If you want 'fair share', why not a flat tax on all income? Why not a consumption tax which, logically, would hit high earners/wealthy harder than middle class?

The whole 'the tax system isn't fair' and 'billionaires don't pay their fair share' is horse hockey and has been disproven about a million times.
This appears to have been the biggest Sunday media blitz by the Trump administration yet. And oddly enough, they didn't even bring out JD Vance, but Rubio, Hegseth, Bessent, Leavitt, Waltz, Witkoff and Trump himself all were out there today. (I left out some of Hegseth cause I think they were already posted). The Rubio one might be his best line of the day.

A Rubio one not posted earlier:

Bessent and Witkoff:

That Next News guy has been pretty solid. Wasn't sure about him pre election but he evidently has good sources and finds legit stories.
Unless Einstein and the vast majority of physicists through out time are completely wrong, there is zero chance that aliens are visiting us from outer space.
Or.... our understanding of physics is totally wrong. They could be right on one hand but just have no knowledge of higher levels of physics... I'm not smart enough to follow some of the physics stuff but I do understand the math doesn't always come out how they predicted and that makes me think there are variables we aren't accounting for.
We get it, you're a dumbass. You don't have to keep showing it off to us
Wow. So much in here that I feel is completely misguided.
1. Taxes - which taxes? Income, sales, employment, SS, Medicare, estate, capital gains, gasoline, etc. - lot of things make up 'taxes'. Corporations and very wealthy people don't pay all these taxes?
2. Taxing wealth instead of income is a disincentive to accumulate wealth, is it not? Would it not behoove someone to spend all their income and accumulate no assets under such a regime (an extreme case, obviously)? Punish individuals for accumulating savings, 401ks, home(s), etc.? Really, THAT'S your solution?
3. Seriously doubt a $50k/yr worker pays 30% of his income in taxes. Total tax burden - maybe. Income tax - no way in hell. If you want to talk TOTAL tax burden, the wealthy pay a whole lot more than the $50k/yr guy.
4. Another thing to consider: these awful multi-millionaires and billionaires can afford, literally, to live anywhere. You think they'll just absorb a 'wealth' tax year after year and not think, 'Hmmm, maybe the Caymans or Australia or Canada or... might be nice to live in and avoid this dumba$$ tax policy'? When Elizabeth Warren floated it in her dismal campaign for Dem party, Bill Gates said, if passed, he'd have to look at where he lived and how the wealth tax would affect him.
5. You say you're getting hit with 20% tax on your wealth every year under your example. But, you're making $1M a year in income. How does the math change if you're making $150k? Drastically. If you make $150k a year, should you be taxed at that same 20%?
6. Why does a dollar saved by a billionaire trigger a tax when a dollar saved by a middle class individual not? If you want 'fair share', why not a flat tax on all income? Why not a consumption tax which, logically, would hit high earners/wealthy harder than middle class?

The whole 'the tax system isn't fair' and 'billionaires don't pay their fair share' is horse hockey and has been disproven about a million times.
2. Thats what you think that would stop people from trying to accumulate wealth? lol.
4. If you keep the tax loop holes open that let them colonize the US worker and tax shelter their incomes off shore thats what you get.
Create laws and/or remove loopholes to allow that.
6. Progressive tax is the best tax, it take more % of a 50k a year person to live then a 5 mil a year person.

Trickle down economics has been a joke and the ever widening wealth inequality and worker to executive pay gap is from those flawed promises. think Biden was aware of ANYTHING in the last week of his "presidency?" Even the major news networks have conceded this. Are you the last diehard believer that Biden was in possession of his faculties? Did we just find the final retard?
Biden wasn't even on the East coast when some of these were 'signed'. LOL. Dore sure does find for the democrats on every single legal issue... just following the law and the facts as usual.
Covid, and Covid related "stuff" was, and continues to be, the stupidest sh*t I've ever witnessed in my life.

Dumbphuks with masks on in their cars even though they were ALONE.

Wrecking what was, at the time, one of the most prosperous economies in post war America.

Making public education, which was already the dregs, even WORSE.

People constantly removing their virtue signaling but utterly useless masks so that they could yell at you for not wearing a mask (ironically, people constantly F***ING around with those stupid GD masks exponentially increased hand to face contact, which is just about the quickest way to catch/spread a virus.

And then the ultimate stupidity; making the illogical argument that people that were not vaccinated were selfish and "putting all of US AT RISK!!!" I never was able to get an explanation for that one; IOW if YOU'RE vaxxed/protected, then how am I a danger to you if I am not?

Those two things/states cannot logically both be true.

And all for what amounted to nothing more than, for the VAST majority of people on earth, A F***ING COLD.

Like I said, it was the dumbest sh*t I"ve ever witnessed. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Spot on. I had to switch doctors because after the "vax" came out he said he would no longer see anyone that wasn't "vaxxed" because he was "high risk". He was probably in his mid 60's. Tried to tell me I was reading all the wrong stuff about it. But to your point. How was I a risk to him if he was "vaxxed" ?
This is not the flex or argument you think it is, and you're completely missing the point. We currently tax INCOME. Meaning if you go bust your ass to provide goods and services for the economy we tax you pretty significantly. I'd rather REDUCE income tax on labor and make up for it by INCREASING taxes on rents and investments. This would make American labor more attractive (e.g., more jobs and better pay for workers). The investment class would still get theirs, but it wouldn't be so lopsided.

"A rising tide lifts all boats," as a low tide sinks all boats.

Raise taxes on rents= rents increase
Rents increase= property values increase
Property values increase= fewer people can afford homes

Increase taxes on Investments= people move investments elsewhere
People move investments elsewhere= ROI decreases= less money in circulation
ROI decreases= economy stagnates= people remove their money from circulation

Nothing happens in isolation. Everything within an economy is interdependent. When an economy is PROPERLY ISOLATED, these tides aren't as dramatic. When you open a drain somewhere (through NAFTA, WTA, or the Fed) or allow a manufactured scarcity to occur (panic of 1907, recent RE markets) the economy is depleted or overturned and needs to reach a new equilibrium that is lower than before, but with the same number of mouths to feed within it. The problem is that market values almost never drop overall, so there is in essence less mobility for those trying to successfully enter or remain in the marketplace.

You have to address the waste and fraud. Then address the source of it. Then assess the market. Then address the repairs needed. You can't be distracted by things outside the economy except where the gaps need to be shared up.

More open threats. It's gonna get bad this summer as the economy improves. They are losing their shit.

"We didn't know who had illegally disappeared into our country to cash blank checks we wrote, while they committed crimes against us here that they went to prison for when returned to their own country." - everyone with a brain
The top 1% owns 33% of the country's wealth. Top 10% owns like 70% of it. Not exactly healthy.
The Pareto distribution, named after the Italian civil engineer, economist, and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto,[2] is a power-law probability distribution that is used in description of social, quality control, scientific, geophysical, actuarial, and many other types of observable phenomena; the principle originally applied to describing the distribution of wealth in a society, fitting the trend that a large portion of wealth is held by a small fraction of the population.[3][4]

The Pareto principle or "80:20 rule" stating that 80% of outcomes are due to 20% of causes was named in honour of Pareto, but the concepts are distinct, and only Pareto distributions with shape value (α) of   log 4 5 ≈ 1.16 precisely reflect it. Empirical observation has shown that this 80:20 distribution fits a wide range of cases, including natural phenomena[5] and human activities.[6][7]

Pareto distribution shows in all of nature.... even in space.
This is not the flex or argument you think it is, and you're completely missing the point. We currently tax INCOME. Meaning if you go bust your ass to provide goods and services for the economy we tax you pretty significantly. I'd rather REDUCE income tax on labor and make up for it by INCREASING taxes on rents and investments. This would make American labor more attractive (e.g., more jobs and better pay for workers). The investment class would still get theirs, but it wouldn't be so lopsided.


You don't seem to understand that wealthy people have options (and it doesn't matter whether you tax income or wealth). The wealthy can establish tax residency ANYWHERE... they're not going to pay more when they can easily pay less. Do you want to drive the wealthy and successful folks out of the US?

Case in point: Italy.

The new PM, Meloni, offered tax residency (@ a rate of flat 10%) to the first 150k applicants last year. Over 850k people applied. She's bringing in WEALTH... and SUCCESS.

Compare that to France, Germany, etc. Wealthy successful folks aren't beating down their doors: only folks moving there are pensioners (school teachers, etc) and immigrants.

So again, you wanna penalize and drive out wealth and success?

From your article: "The administration has threatened to reduce federal funding for schools on the list, and others, that it views as being noncompliant with federal civil rights laws."

So, are they in violation of federal civil rights laws? Apparently the feds believe so, thus the cuts. Of course the article doesn't say, but in all likelihood we're looking at an institution riddled with DEI hiring practices. Guess we'll see soon enough.
Dumbass far right loons cutting off cancer research because a black man and Asian woman are working in an office somewhere at John Hopkins.


You don't seem to understand that wealthy people have options (and it doesn't matter whether you tax income or wealth). The wealthy can establish tax residency ANYWHERE... they're not going to pay more when they can easily pay less. Do you want to drive the wealthy and successful folks out of the US?

Case in point: Italy.

The new PM, Meloni, offered tax residency (@ a rate of flat 10%) to the first 150k applicants last year. Over 850k people applied. She's bringing in WEALTH... and SUCCESS.

Compare that to France, Germany, etc. Wealthy successful folks aren't beating down their doors: only folks moving there are pensioners (school teachers, etc) and immigrants.

So again, you wanna penalize and drive out wealth and success?

Flat 15% tax with some sort of small wealth tax to appease the leftist weirdos... maybe like a luxury tax on houses over $1M and vehicles over $100K or what I think would be nice is tax on art... If Hunter wants to say his paintings are worth $250K a piece then pay taxes on it big boy. LOL.


You don't seem to understand that wealthy people have options (and it doesn't matter whether you tax income or wealth). The wealthy can establish tax residency ANYWHERE... they're not going to pay more when they can easily pay less. Do you want to drive the wealthy and successful folks out of the US?

Case in point: Italy.

The new PM, Meloni, offered tax residency (@ a rate of flat 10%) to the first 150k applicants last year. Over 850k people applied. She's bringing in WEALTH... and SUCCESS.

Compare that to France, Germany, etc. Wealthy successful folks aren't beating down their doors: only folks moving there are pensioners (school teachers, etc) and immigrants.

So again, you wanna penalize and drive out wealth and success?

You're a brain dead simpleton who has been misled by Ben Shapiro types who do not have the best interest in mind for the average American.

France has a higher GDP growth rate than Italy, btw.
Wow. So much in here that I feel is completely misguided.
1. Taxes - which taxes? Income, sales, employment, SS, Medicare, estate, capital gains, gasoline, etc. - lot of things make up 'taxes'. Corporations and very wealthy people don't pay all these taxes?
2. Taxing wealth instead of income is a disincentive to accumulate wealth, is it not? Would it not behoove someone to spend all their income and accumulate no assets under such a regime (an extreme case, obviously)? Punish individuals for accumulating savings, 401ks, home(s), etc.? Really, THAT'S your solution?
3. Seriously doubt a $50k/yr worker pays 30% of his income in taxes. Total tax burden - maybe. Income tax - no way in hell. If you want to talk TOTAL tax burden, the wealthy pay a whole lot more than the $50k/yr guy.
4. Another thing to consider: these awful multi-millionaires and billionaires can afford, literally, to live anywhere. You think they'll just absorb a 'wealth' tax year after year and not think, 'Hmmm, maybe the Caymans or Australia or Canada or... might be nice to live in and avoid this dumba$$ tax policy'? When Elizabeth Warren floated it in her dismal campaign for Dem party, Bill Gates said, if passed, he'd have to look at where he lived and how the wealth tax would affect him.
5. You say you're getting hit with 20% tax on your wealth every year under your example. But, you're making $1M a year in income. How does the math change if you're making $150k? Drastically. If you make $150k a year, should you be taxed at that same 20%?
6. Why does a dollar saved by a billionaire trigger a tax when a dollar saved by a middle class individual not? If you want 'fair share', why not a flat tax on all income? Why not a consumption tax which, logically, would hit high earners/wealthy harder than middle class?

The whole 'the tax system isn't fair' and 'billionaires don't pay their fair share' is horse hockey and has been disproven about a million times.
He's heard these arguments before. You'll learn - he doesn't understand and refuses to listen.


Yes, and you appear to want to disincentivize work (i.e., keep taxes on income). I would rather reduce income taxes and make up for the revenue loss by increasing taxes on wealth. Btw, this is EXACTLY what Trump and Bessent are saying. So if you have a problem take it up with them too.
He's a troll. You're better off ignoring him.
Have you reached out for help yet?
That the first step, maybe those around you will give you a second chance once you get treatment.

People with narcissistic personality disorder are extremely resistant to changing their behavior, even when it’s causing them problems. Their tendency is to turn the blame on to others. What’s more, they are extremely sensitive and react badly to even the slightest criticisms, disagreements, or perceived slights, which they view as personal attacks. For the people in the narcissist’s life, it’s often easier just to go along with their demands to avoid the coldness and rages. However, by understanding more about narcissistic personality disorder, you can spot the narcissists in your life, protect yourself from their power plays, and establish healthier boundaries.

Treatment for narcissistic personality disorder​

Due to the very nature of the disorder, most people with NPD are reluctant to admit they have a problem—and even more reluctant to seek help. Even when they do, narcissistic personality disorder can be very challenging to treat. But that doesn’t mean there’s no hope or that changes aren’t possible.

Mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and antipsychotic drugs are sometimes prescribed in severe cases or if your NPD co-occurs with another disorder. However, in most cases psychotherapy is the primary form of treatment. This can take place in-person or via online therapy.

Working with a medical provider, such as a skilled therapist, you can learn to accept responsibility for your actions, develop a better sense of proportion, and build healthier relationships.

You can also work on developing your emotional intelligence (EQ). EQ is the ability to understand, use, and manage your emotions in positive ways to empathize with others, communicate effectively, and build strong relationships. Importantly, the skills that make up emotional intelligence can be learned at any time.
Except I have watched video of Trump signing his orders. He does it on camera... he's in the WH when they are signed. Joe was in Cali when they said he signed EO's in DC.... How? LOL.

It doesn’t really even matter. The problem is no one actually believes Biden had any idea what they put his name on.

Had he called them from vacation and told them he wanted to give a pardon to Fauci for any and all crimes he committed, there is no issue.

Everyone knows the WH staff was just signing Biden’s name on things. It’s just a matter of whether the pardonees need to prove he was mentally competent and knowingly issue the pardon, or if the prosecutors need to prove he wasn’t/didn’t.

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