How will they rule ??!

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Good news deserve a second post.
** Wise Words Department **

The answer is, you DON'T do that (completely cover your cooking grate, wall to wall in hamburgers) unless you want to start an enormous grease fire and burn the siding off of part of your house. 🤣

I won't go in to how I know this.

On a related note. Proof that men never REALLY grow up. 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

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Unlike you, I can be critical of the administration I voted for when need be. It’s called holding them accountable.

You, on the other hand, pretended Biden was sharp as a tack for 4 years while he shook hands with thin air, did pedo stuff, and sh1t his pants in front of world leaders.
Go back and read my many posts after that joke of a debate with Trump. I called him incapable of running the country and swore there was no way I would vote for him after watching that debacle.
Biden sucked on the Afghanistan withdrawal.
Biden sucked as an inspirational speaker.
Biden sucked on his trans in sports stance.
Biden sucked on his unwillingness to GTFO of the Presidential race until it was too late to run a primary race.
The people surrounding Biden and hiding him from the public, like his wife Jill, sucked.
He was an old man who's time had come to bow out of public service.
All that said..... He was still better than Trump.
No dude.... I have no problem criticizing Dems. I'm not a cult member.
Don't let the idiots like simple sam and farmy gaslight you guys.

Just take it from Van Jones.

Jones said, “Can we ask another question? Do I keep talking about my own party? Can we talk about Ukraine or something? No, look, man, we’re screwed. I mean, we don’t know, Democrats don’t know what to do. This is a nightmare. You know, somebody like Donald Trump, we thought we’d at least have Hakeem Jeffries in the speaker’s chair to hold him back. If we didn’t have Kamala in there to do the right thing.”

He added, “Listen, the Democratic Party is going through a massive set of internal crises. You have a party that got trapped two ways. One, defending a broken status quo that nobody likes because they thought that Donald Trump was going to make it worse. But when you’re defending the status quo, you’re going to lose. And then offending most people in the country, calling everybody sexist and racist and transphobic and every other name, and then saying, ‘Please follow us.’ That’s not a good strategy, folks. Defending a broken status quo and offending most of the country, turns out, is not as popular as my party thought it was going to be. And so it’s going to take a while for people to get it figured out.”
unless its unidentifiable "verified" twitter spam account about the new world order then it's not trustworthy
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This is where you go right off the rails, immediately.

The WEALTHIEST Americans don't pay income taxes.

The proposed tax reduction on SS would affect 65 million people. The "no taxes on tips" would affect millions of wait staff.

The wealthiest don't wait tables or collect SS.

You're an IDIOT and a HACK.
all depends on how they write it up, suddenly the loop hole opens up for exec "bonus" pay is now a "tip" if they lobby for it.
all depends on how they write it up, suddenly the loop hole opens up for exec "bonus" pay is now a "tip" if they lobby for it.

Bonus pay is typically handled differently from base pay on a tax basis. Either way the potential “harm” of hundreds of executives that are already significantly tax sheltered benefiting would be far outweighed by the positive of hundreds of thousands of hard working common Americans benefiting, I would think. But there are appears to be no common ground anymore. Like where the f*ck is the common ground? Like republicans don’t agree with ANYTHING democrats want and vice versa? I mean it just makes both sides look ridiculous.
This is where you go right off the rails, immediately.

The WEALTHIEST Americans don't pay income taxes.

The proposed tax reduction on SS would affect 65 million people. The "no taxes on tips" would affect millions of wait staff.

The wealthiest don't wait tables or collect SS.

You're an IDIOT and a HACK.

The wealthiest Americans that do pay income taxes (and the wealthiest Americans that own "small" businesses and considerable chunks of corporations) saw the greatest benefit from the 2017 tax cuts. There were plenty of things that were good about the tax policy (doubled the standard deduction, simplified tax codes and increased the child tax credit). I'm a fan of not taxing tips (although I'd rather see tipping go by the wayside) and reducing the taxes paid by SS recipients is definitely a step in the right direction (although, in my anecdotal experience, taxes on SS for my clients weren't a thing unless you had a considerable chunk of earned income from another source).

I've read nearly every think tanks opinion on the 2017 tax cuts and can't find a single one that shows it merely provided a huge financial gain for the most wealthy, reduced the tax revenue (while increasing deficit spending) and did little to boost the middle class in either size or income.

If you have information to the contrary, I would love to read it (I intend no snark here, I genuinely want to make sure I have all the information).

Meanwhile, we have a proposed tax cut just passed that is over double the size (1.9T compared to 4.5T) that includes more deficit spending, hopes that nearly 710B would come back in the form of increased wages (the same thing we were fed last time) and will reduce benefits for Medicaid and SNAP to pay for the shortfall of nearly 2T.

Here's my guess, they won't actually cut those programs and will continue to provide the tax cuts as deficit spending.
It's from an anti-immigration protest in London on Feb 1.

He would proudly proclaim being a "democrat socialist," but in all reality was a revolutionary communist. He was intellectually dishonest in all "his" arguments.

If he had his druthers, he'd put you and all other opposition to his ideology in camps... and worse.

And "independent" in this context just means you are too ashamed to admit you support the Democrat platform, but your vote does depend on something, which is a preclusionary opposition to something on the Republican platform. That's not independent.

See, this is the issue. I state that I'm independent and everyone flies off the rails about what that means. I was registered Republican in 2004 (voted Bush) and switched my registration to Independent in 2008. I've voted for democrats, republicans and even Gary Johnson's goofy ass in protest. I don't align with either platform which leaves me with little political recourse.

I'm not religious so I don't align with the "values" of modern Republicans. I'm for any consenting adults to do what they want but can't tolerate forcing speech so the Democrats (from that angle) don't hold my particular interests either.

So my options are tax and spend, or cut taxes and spend, and that's kind of shitty.
Remember this?

“When I became the NASA administrator, [Obama] charged me with three things,” NASA head Charles Bolden said in a recent interview with the Middle Eastern news network al-Jazeera. “One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering.”
No , he is s Christian man. 👀
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration was tasked with muslim outreach. True story.
One of these things is not like the other.
This is where you go right off the rails, immediately.

The WEALTHIEST Americans don't pay income taxes.

The proposed tax reduction on SS would affect 65 million people. The "no taxes on tips" would affect millions of wait staff.

The wealthiest don't wait tables or collect SS.

You're an IDIOT and a HACK.
Not sure where you're getting 'the wealthiest Americans don't pay taxes'. In fact, the top 1% of earners pay approximately 40% of income taxes ('s income,45.8 percent to 40.4 percent). Sure sounds to me like they pay taxes.

If you meant to say they don't pay AT THE SAME RATE (presumably because of some legal tax law/rule), then you may be correct. But, it's patently incorrect to state the wealthiest Americans don't pay income taxes. If they have earned income, they most assuredly do pay taxes. If they do NOT have earned income, they would not owe any income tax in the same way that any other person doesn't pay income tax if all of their income comes from, let's say, capital gains (it's not EARNED income and is taxed differently). Your not suggesting 'wealthy' people pay income tax even if they don't have any ordinary income, are you? That would be a wealth tax - the same wealth tax trumpeted by Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and others.

And, of course the wealthiest collect SS as long as they've got 40 quarters and have paid into it. Why wouldn't they? Warren Buffet has talked about his SS check numerous times. I hate to take up for the loony Libs on this board but, man, you have to at least have some of your facts straight before calling someone an idiot (even if they have proven beyond any doubt that they are, in fact, an idiot).
Not sure where you're getting 'the wealthiest Americans don't pay taxes'. In fact, the top 1% of earners pay approximately 40% of income taxes ( top 1 percent's income,45.8 percent to 40.4 percent). Sure sounds to me like they pay taxes.

If you meant to say they don't pay AT THE SAME RATE (presumably because of some legal tax law/rule), then you may be correct. But, it's patently incorrect to state the wealthiest Americans don't pay income taxes. If they have earned income, they most assuredly do pay taxes. If they do NOT have earned income, they would not owe any income tax in the same way that any other person doesn't pay income tax if all of their income comes from, let's say, capital gains (it's not EARNED income and is taxed differently). Your not suggesting 'wealthy' people pay income tax even if they don't have any ordinary income, are you? That would be a wealth tax - the same wealth tax trumpeted by Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and others.

And, of course the wealthiest collect SS as long as they've got 40 quarters and have paid into it. Why wouldn't they? Warren Buffet has talked about his SS check numerous times. I hate to take up for the loony Libs on this board but, man, you have to at least have some of your facts straight before calling someone an idiot (even if they have proven beyond any doubt that they are, in fact, an idiot).

You sussed it out properly. He's saying that the absolute wealthiest Americans don't pay W-2 earned income taxes because they don't have that type of income. Most are invested heavily in their companies, in real estate and in foreign tax shelters and don't pay income tax as a result.

I'm just not seeing how that is counterintuitive to what I said about the majority of the Trump tax cuts benefitting even those folks (as the corporate rate reduced by 14% and small businesses by 20% as well). Trump himself said that the ultra wealthy like himself and Hillary Clinton use loopholes in our tax system to avoid taxation, then proceeded to do nothing about it.
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Christ was as Jewish as the day is long.

Judean and of the tribe of Judah, but not Jewish. The rabbis and the sect they founded were eventually called Jewish, and their traditions were different than the biblical precepts given through Moses that Jesus kept perfectly. It's a small but very important distinction.

But the person shouting could be arrested there for what they said, and likely will be, regardless of how true it is.
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