How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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A dog named Ralph....LOL

If the govt doesn't buy in then the rug pull is at risk.
the investment value for people has been HODL.... and we'll figure it out later.
Well still haven't figured it out, and govt that have tried already are pivoting back away from crypto.

So yea, bailout.

This is so stupid and ignorant it's truly mind boggling.

Just pure ignorance of very very basic facts.
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On a 22 inch Weber Kettle grate, how would one arrange the 1/4 pound hamburger patties, assuming each pattie is 4 inches in diameter, so as to maximize the number of burgers you can cook at one time?
These tariffs.... No those tariffs....Wait no tariffs ... My bad, yes tariffs.... Hold on 25 percent tariffs ... Make that 250 percent tariffs ... Or maybe none till next month..... Except the ones starting tomorrow....but not cars....well some cars....but just the aluminum on cars.....🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
And y'all made fun of Harris.
I'll take Harris any day over Sybil.

Please read Art of the Deal.

It's a book Trump wrote a very long time ago. It might help. (This is not for Sam's, it won't help them. Anyone else questioning his tactics)

Spend Less time spamming.links amd more time.reading Sam's.
Yes, they see him just as you and your MSDNC media do. That was never disputed; that's your mass psychosis.

But that's not everyone, just the European version of your delusion. your brainwashing and manufactured consent to get the ignorant, neurotic and easily manipulated, to support war. You know nothing about Europe, how they think or why. Everyone here, that is everyone not you, not addled by your woke mind virus, sees on a daily basis you can't evern understand America and its politic, why we should be proud. But your brainwashing machine, your gish gallop of useless CNN links makes you an expert on Europe just as it does everythging else you know less than nothing about, from the economy to markets to Science!.

Do you know when and where that rally was ?
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Let me help you. All paid for with borrowed money.

I could live in a mansion with the best of everything for a period of time with borrowed money. Then, it would be over.

We, as a country, are at the “over” part.

You are quite the simpleton, it seems.
Well, he did link to the Center for American “Progress” to provide pre-packaged talking points, so there you go.
lol you’re not an independent. I’ve read your stuff for years. You’re always a leftist. Always.
Anytime a poster claims they’re “independent”, your bullshit detector should be fully pegged out. I was never a big fan of Dion, but at least he was intellectually honest about who he was and what he stood for.
Comfortable nuts are happy nuts. My nuts have been saggy sobbing for a while now. I have tried everything to have happy nuts again, including proper dosing with equal amounts of goldbond per nut. I thought tightie whities would give me happy nuts again, but to no avail. I also went the losey leg boxers, but that made my nuts very unhappy as one goes down on each side of the crotch creating that clacker effect, that made me unhappy as well, so with that being said, have any of you tried Happy Balls? On a five-star rating, how do you rate? Do your balls giggle again with happiness? Any info would be appreciated.

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( just had mental flash of me, cutting the cake evenly so nobody whines about it, and someone says, "The icing ISN'T FAIR!" and then me, flipping top pieces over, and tossing the f***ing thing on the table, and saying "There now it IS! Take your piece and get the F*** out of my house.")

NOW THAT'S EXACTLY where I THOUGHT this sht was going in THE FIRST PLACE! Lmao!!
  • Haha
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Comfortable nuts are happy nuts. My nuts have been saggy sobbing for a while now. I have tried everything to have happy nuts again, including proper dosing with equal amounts of goldbond per nut. I thought tightie whities would give me happy nuts again, but to no avail. I also went the losey leg boxers, but that made my nuts very unhappy as one goes down on each side of the crotch creating that clacker effect, that made me unhappy as well, so with that being said, have any of you tried Happy Balls? On a five-star rating, how do you rate? Do your balls giggle again with happiness? Any info would be appreciated.


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You that have dogs, this is an excellent treat for them. Mine loves it, only three ingredients

Take 1 cup of oatmeal and grind it till it looks like flour
One third of a cup of pumpkin...DO NOT USE PIE FILLING
One quarter cup of peanut butter MAKE SURE IT DOES NOT HAVE XYLITOL

Mix this all together till you can roll it out on a cookie sheet. I use a quarter size cookie cutter to cut out cookies

Bake at 350 for thirty minutes Let em cool...
On a 22 inch Weber Kettle grate, how would one arrange the 1/4 pound hamburger patties, assuming each pattie is 4 inches in diameter, so as to maximize the number of burgers you can cook at one time?

I don't care if she's great and her name's Weber, as long as she's hot and she can cook. Let's start there...

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I wanted to expand a little on my NGAD 6th gen fighter post with respect to the "drones" because I don't think I did what they're designing proper justice.

Each fighter will have some unmanned "loyal wingman combat drones" that accompany/fly along side of it, which will be controlled through a combination of the "mother's" pilot and an AI mission management system. They and the NGAD fighter will work in unison as one, with each drone capable of performing multiple mission and combat roles and the ability to modify those roles "on the fly" 😵‍💫 😵‍💫

Can you imagine that? The pilot can assign one drone to target acquisition and missile guidance up to the point of impact, when the fighter launches one. Another drone can "mislead" an enemy missile if the fighter has been locked on/launched at. While another can aid in air to air combat, essentially turning it into a 2 on one situation, Then another one can break off and do ground attack. It's ridiculous...

But that isn't even the best part, another NGAD fighter or fighter(s) can "borrow" a forward fighters missile guidance drone, which means he can fire a missile from even FARTHER away.

IOW, a fighter "section" of let's say 3 or 4, can all communicate with each other and each other's drones autonomously and the AI can maximize the best use of the drones. It will be the biggest leap in air superiority since the jet engine.
She did.
Facts ain't your friend buddy.

Stocks kicked ass....

Low unemployment.....

Job growth.....

High GDP.....

MAGA.Total. Delusional. Clown. Show.
Interesting. Both Sam and farmy use econofact, the left wing website.
I wanted to expand a little on my NGAD 6th gen fighter post with respect to the "drones" because I don't think I did what they're designing proper justice.

Each fighter will have some unmanned "loyal wingman combat drones" that accompany/fly along side of it, which will be controlled through a combination of the "mother's" pilot and an AI mission management system. They and the NGAD fighter will work in unison as one, with each drone capable of performing multiple mission and combat roles and the ability to modify those roles "on the fly" 😵‍💫 😵‍💫

Can you imagine that? The pilot can assign one drone to target acquisition and missile guidance up to the point of impact, when the fighter launches one. Another drone can "mislead" an enemy missile if the fighter has been locked on/launched at. While another can aid in air to air combat, essentially turning it into a 2 on one situation, Then another one can break off and do ground attack. It's ridiculous...
That isn't even the best part, another NGAD fighter or fighter(s) can "borrow" a forward fighters missile guidance drone, which means he can fire a missile from even FARTHER away.

IOW, a fighter "section" of let's say 3 or 4, can all communicate with each other and each other's drones autonomously and the AI can maximize the best use of the drones. It will be the biggest leap in air superiority since the jet engine.

There are plenty of liberal drones on this thread that could bore the enemy into taking their own lives. Can't we just launch them into enemy territory?
It's weird you would say that when the Republican platform is grift off of Trump. His policies are effectively to dismantle the federal government (which is working wonders at the moment), alienate the US from international affairs and cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans,
This is where you go right off the rails, immediately.

The WEALTHIEST Americans don't pay income taxes.

The proposed tax reduction on SS would affect 65 million people. The "no taxes on tips" would affect millions of wait staff.

The wealthiest don't wait tables or collect SS.

You're an IDIOT and a HACK.
On a 22 inch Weber Kettle grate, how would one arrange the 1/4 pound hamburger patties, assuming each pattie is 4 inches in diameter, so as to maximize the number of burgers you can cook at one time?


On a 22 inch Weber Kettle grate, how would one arrange the 1/4 pound hamburger patties, assuming each pattie is 4 inches in diameter, so as to maximize the number of burgers you can cook at one time?


How many degrees in a Weber grill?
  • Haha
Reactions: 55wildcat
Interesting. Both Sam and farmy use econofact, the left wing website.
Continuing to defend the indefensibly horrible Trumponomics . 🤣🤣🤣
Wall Street Journal too liberal for you too??? Only too liberal for MAGA whackos.
Half brain Biden was better than King Chaos.

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Do you know when and where that rally was ?

It's from an anti-immigration protest in London on Feb 1.

Anytime a poster claims they’re “independent”, your bullshit detector should be fully pegged out. I was never a big fan of Dion, but at least he was intellectually honest about who he was and what he stood for.

He would proudly proclaim being a "democrat socialist," but in all reality was a revolutionary communist. He was intellectually dishonest in all "his" arguments.

If he had his druthers, he'd put you and all other opposition to his ideology in camps... and worse.

And "independent" in this context just means you are too ashamed to admit you support the Democrat platform, but your vote does depend on something, which is a preclusionary opposition to something on the Republican platform. That's not independent.
When do the Epstein files get released by Bondi??? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Is the Great Pumpkin bringing it on Halloween??

Unlike you, I can be critical of the administration I voted for when need be. It’s called holding them accountable.

You, on the other hand, pretended Biden was sharp as a tack for 4 years while he shook hands with thin air, did pedo stuff, and sh1t his pants in front of world leaders.