No, it's you who is completely ignorant, "educator. 🤡" 🤣

There's nothing you "know" that I'm "ignorant" of; it's actually pretty hilarious to me as a European to watch you sitting there in Kentucky behind your keyboard so easily manipulated explain Europe to me. You understand Russia and Putin... sure. You can't even understand Trump, and he's American and has been on TV for 40 years.
No. You know nothing about that war, less than nothing.
And you understand "madness.🤣" Here's a live look-in at
real madness: your corrupted, detructive worldview, a
veritable cult running so many countries into ruin with their groupthink and mass psychosis, their bankrupt ideology of woke progressivism you call "enlightened. 🤣
NO, you must fix yourselves while you still have time. You know nothing. Gain some humility. Figure out where you went so wrong and why, while there's still time. You people, man...