But your post brings up something I've been thinking about for a year, maybe two. You would think as far left and off the rails the Dem party has become....why have we seen no flips in the House or Senate? No moderates left? No one even close to being conservative in the Dem party? Do they all...if they're cut...bleed Dem?Fetterman should just go ahead and get it over with and flip to the GOP, he clearly wants to.
He's been giving them goo-goo eyes ever since his brain healed.
And given how Trump re-made Pennsylvania between 20 and 24, he'd probably pick UP supporters.
I wish that would have happened to me. Their nerd crew may have taken me down, but I would have hit at least one of those dudes so hard that it would have killed Bernie Sanders.
I wish that would have happened to me. Their nerd crew may have taken me down, but I would have hit at least one of those dudes so hard that it would have killed Bernie Sanders.
No. Look at his voting record. He's a classic Manchin type: He runs his mouth but always votes with his party.
And nobody went to jail...
I am.So are people for 2nd Amendment rights or not?
ICE agents arrest anti-Israel activist who led protests on Columbia University campus for months
ICE agents have arrested an anti-Israel activist, who students claim was a leader of protests and encampments on the Columbia University campus for months.www.foxnews.com
I'll answer even\ though you're too ignorant to read it.But your post brings up something I've been thinking about for a year, maybe two. You would think as far left and off the rails the Dem party has become....why have we seen no flips in the House or Senate? No moderates left? No one even close to being conservative in the Dem party? Do they all...if they're cut...bleed Dem?
I know there's been some flips around the country in state legislatures, etc but none federal (that I recall. Had one congressman from NJ in Trump's first term)
You are completely ignorant to history and it's lessons. No different than the unread and ignorant President you support mindlessly.Sure, it could be that.
It could also be he's simply so much smarter than you that you people have no appreciation whatsoever for his rationale or motives. You people know nothing, surely no more understand rockets than you do why he would suggest exiting NATO (which is not something I support either btw, save your triggered "Putin stooge!" keyboard soldier huffing and puffing).
You people have completely lost the plot: losing your marbles in your war lust is emblematic of that fact more broadly. If exiting NATO is the only thing that prevents theseeliteslosers we have in charge in the west hellbent on nuclear annihilation, then he's right, not you. But no, can't be you, must be him. Look at all your CNN links!
Then if the guy wasn't stopped by Capitol law enforcement - controlled by Pubs now - he did nothing wrong.I am.
I am also for competent protection of the President of the United States.
Fully hoping incompetence is the issue.
There's been multiple social media quotes here on this subject. I've not seen one confirmed, credible source. I'll wait till that happens. As it, I call total bs. And can't believe all the acknowledgements these posts are getting.
Total bs?There's been multiple social media quotes here on this subject. I've not seen one confirmed, credible source. I'll wait till that happens. As it, I call total bs. And can't believe all the acknowledgements these posts are getting.
But your post brings up something I've been thinking about for a year, maybe two. You would think as far left and off the rails the Dem party has become....why have we seen no flips in the House or Senate? No moderates left? No one even close to being conservative in the Dem party? Do they all...if they're cut...bleed Dem?
I know there's been some flips around the country in state legislatures, etc but none federal (that I recall. Had one congressman from NJ in Trump's first term)
All I know is this Hyman (and SAE's brother can attest), I have never, I'm talking not once in my life, not set the nightly record on one of those bar punching bag machines (they reset each night apparently). I have done this from Louisville, KY over to Sacramento, CA and all the way out to Istanbul Turkey. The one on the 2nd from the top floor at Tootsie's in Nashville is my favorite one to dominate.This is an intriguing party game.
How many of those POS softies could a well rested WayneDougan knock the F*** out. What number would be the tipping point?
Double digits easily, because rage and disgust can carry a man a long way. LOL
If he was allowed to palm a roll of quarters in his fist, then the sky's the limit.
That would be an EPIC pay-per-view. it would make a good fund-raiser too. Dudes could pay an entry fee for a chance to knock as many out of the box as they can, in X number of minutes.
** Wise Words Department**
"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
one of my all time favorites. i’ve watched it at least 4/5/times.
All I know is this Hyman (and SAE's brother can attest), I have never, I'm talking not once in my life, not set the nightly record on one of those bar punching bag machines (they reset each night apparently). I have done this from Louisville, KY over to Sacramento, CA and all the way out to Istanbul Turkey. The one on the 2nd from the top floor at Tootsie's in Nashville is my favorite one to dominate.
I am not claiming to be a great fighter. I am a terrible wrestler so when it goes to the ground I'm toast. But goddammit, you give me a free shot and stand perfectly still as I rare back and then crow hop towards you and I will absolutely knock you out.
A little tip for you guys when it comes to those bar punching games: it's all in the hips.I don't doubt this at all.
I'll just say this: Try and leave some for the rest of us, you selfish bastard. LOL
You are completely ignorant to history and it's lessons. No different than the unread and ignorant President you support mindlessly.
Appeasement NEVER works. Never has.... Never will. Putin is not deterred by boot licking, flattery and placation. Trump thrives off of those disgusting qualities and misreads Putin entirely.
Putin is only deterred by power, iron will and brute force.
There is no method to Trump's madness.... Only madness.
Don't believe me... Believe history.
Appeasement | Definition & Facts | Britannica
Appeasement, foreign policy of pacifying an aggrieved country through negotiation to prevent war. The prime example is Britain’s policy toward Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany in the 1930s. Neville Chamberlain agreed to Germany’s annexation of the Sudetenland, in western Czechoslovakia, in the...www.britannica.com
I don't think I made myself very clear. I have literally no idea about that situation. I'm pleading complete ignorance. No context at ALL. Which I freely admit, is on me.
No we aren't, either. This is Europe's problem. Let them dig themselves out of it. Eff those jerks. Third time's the charm, bitches.We are going to end up doing a crusade style liberation of Europe in the near future.
British Blasphemy? UK Government Moves Toward New Definition of “Islamophobia” for Speech Regulation
Recently, after the speech of Vice President J.D. Vance in Munich, various European leaders went public to express their shock and disbelief that they would be accused of rolling back on free speec…jonathanturley.org
....A man was convicted for sending a tweet while drunk referring to dead soldiers. Another was arrested for an anti-police t-shirt. Another was arrested for calling the Irish boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend a “leprechaun.” Yet another was arrested for singing “Kung Fu Fighting.” A teenager was arrested for protesting outside of a Scientology center with a sign calling the religion a “cult.” Last year, Nicholas Brock, 52, was convicted of a thought crime in Maidenhead, Berkshire. The neo-Nazi was given a four-year sentence for what the court called his “toxic ideology” based on the contents of the home he shared with his mother in Maidenhead, Berkshire. Judge Peter Lodder QC dismissed free speech or free thought concerns with a truly Orwellian statement: “I do not sentence you for your political views, but the extremity of those views informs the assessment of dangerousness.”....
Pretty sure there was a white dude that was killed the exact same way except he wasn't on drugs and nobody protested and burned down anything.In case you started to think that Stephen A. Smith actually had two brain cells to rub together...
Some bad news for you Lonesome Dove fans. I hear they are going to do a remake soon. Haven't looked into it myself because I don't really even want to know.one of my all time favorites. i’ve watched it at least 4/5/times.
i hate rude behavior in a man…
There is a really good reason so many new restaurants in KY are Mexican restaurants and chains, and lifelong KY residents aren't starting new ones....
I have dislike him since he seemed to threaten Durant after Durant called him out for lying about something Durant supposedly said. Seemed to allude to having dirt on him and not to poke the bear or your career might get hurt.... Analyst shouldn't be doing that crap. Either report news or just sit on it but using dirt to sort of blackmail players.... I don't like that at all.I think Stephen A Smith is dumb AF and the most annoying person in sports TV. I also believe he’s right about Shapiro.
I also know that the Minnesota cops were sacrificed to the mob for this career criminal drug addict.
And nobody went to jail...
This will be the lead on every news program and paper in the country tomorrow. LOL
I've said it for years, as have some others; If the full stories ever come out, the Obama administration, and it's "tree" will go down as the most corrupt political machine in history. Direct and complicit felonies as far as the eye can see.
Everyone in the world outside of MAGA thinks your Putin placation is DAF.No, it's you who is completely ignorant, "educator. 🤡" 🤣There's nothing you "know" that I'm "ignorant" of; it's actually pretty hilarious to me as a European to watch you sitting there in Kentucky behind your keyboard so easily manipulated explain Europe to me. You understand Russia and Putin... sure. You can't even understand Trump, and he's American and has been on TV for 40 years.
No. You know nothing about that war, less than nothing.
And you understand "madness.🤣" Here's a live look-in at real madness: your corrupted, detructive worldview, a veritable cult running so many countries into ruin with their groupthink and mass psychosis, their bankrupt ideology of woke progressivism you call "enlightened. 🤣
NO, you must fix yourselves while you still have time. You know nothing. Gain some humility. Figure out where you went so wrong and why, while there's still time. You people, man...
Yep. I was tempted to post a few but figured I'd get bant for it due to gruesome freaking death. It's wild when you can't post evidence because it's too violent and the reply back is "where is your evidence?". LOL.I’m not going to post them here, but go to X and search “Syria” in videos.
You’ll see people with their hands tied behind their back being pushed into mass graves before being shot, men being forced to crawl like dogs before being shot to death, old people running away before being shot, children crying in the living room with their dead families. Etc.
Not a pogrom though so it’s all good.
When you are making people crawl on all 4s for a mile then shooting them in the head while they beg.... It's not because they are trying to solidify power.I don't get why you're so fired about this since it's not a US place of interest. Or is it? Let me know. Lots more Christians being slaughtered in Nigeria btw.
I'm not arguing that innocents aren't being slaughtered - Muslims/Alawites/Christians/Druze/Jews/Kurds. I am arguing that I don't know, and you don't know, whether this is A) in conjunction with beating back political & armed opposition and is part of sh!t that happens in war/revolution, or whether B) it's a concerted effort to go after Christians in particular and is sanctioned/encouraged by the new regime. My opinion is that it's the former, A). Either way it's bad but only B) is targeting Christians for being such. I take from your post that you believe it's B). Don't know.
Terrorist coup? BTW, unless a terrorist coup is in the US, it's always foreign.
I presume you're referring to Ukraine not ending well. It's way better today than when Russia started their unnecessary BS that you've never had any qualms with because Russia was so so threatened. Not where I'd prefer it to be but it is what it is. I get that we're headed for "peace" there - for a while - through surrender.
Pretty sure there was a white dude that was killed the exact same way except he wasn't on drugs and nobody protested and burned down anything.