How will they rule ??!

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I have my fair share of road rage issues, but don't be this guy. Don't get out of your vehicle unless you plan to shed blood.

Don't be dumb. It might not be you who catches the case of lead poisoning.

There was a time, when I was younger, that I used to engage other drivers when they acted stupidly and dangerously.

Not now though, for a few reasons:

I realized that I looked like an ass, doing it.

I realized that while I was busy telling someone else what an inconsiderate pr!ck they were, for endangering everyone else, that I was NOW creating the danger.

I realized that the climate had changed, and if you're as good at pushing buttons as I am, that I was playing roulette, and was needlessly risking getting my ass whipped or shot.

All that said, I am still very free with my judgment of other drivers, but it stays within the cabin of my vehicle. LOL
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Yea. but if you saw more of what is going on over there... this is tame. It's nuts what the government is allowing to happen to whites in SA. I'll bet that nothing happens to the dude who was doing the whipping and a good chance the dudes getting whipped will have their entire families either raped, murdered or beaten... or all 3.

I don't think I made myself very clear. I have literally no idea about that situation. I'm pleading complete ignorance. No context at ALL. Which I freely admit, is on me.
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Well put. They have ruined lives (ask Richard Jewell) all in effort to "be on the accepted side" and don't even ATTEMPT to find the truth.

Mainstream media is essentially one big circle-jerk/echo chamber. And woe to the reporter etc. that even HINTS at questioning them. If you do, your life and career are torched in an instant. They will SAVAGE you, and anyone you know.
And this is just the USAID. God only knows how many other "shell agencies" there are out there for essentially the same purpose.

For instance, we've known for years that Congress has a slush fund for the express purpose of making sexual harassment "situations" go away.

Our government, as currently constituted, is a cancer/detriment to it's citizens.
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I know your overlords haven’t explained this to you yet chief. But your insanity has been rejected. Soundly. Try shutting your mouth occasionally and listen to the adults.
Are you talking about the adults that change the US tariff policy every half hour, side with Putin on UN votes, fire nuclear reactor inspectors, screw disabled veterans, blow up rockets in front of planes, and force employees to take lie detector tests????
F'ing man baby lunatics.

You know they thought they had these shell companies well hid, never thinking about some brainy computer wizard kids finding them out..
Until Trump, Washington has never actually had to deal with a true OUTSIDER.

All politicians like to say they're not part of the establishment, but it is axiomatic that they wouldn't even BE there if, in fact they were not.

People/candidates that are interested in accountability/transparency/etc. get weeded out by the respective parties LONG before they can even RUN for Federal office.

Here is the thing though: They never saw Trump coming. And they had no idea how to deal with him. Even 9 years later they haven't solved the puzzle.

In Trump you have a true outlier. A once in a million occurrence. A guy that had never held office, had the means to run a legitimate campaign, and was either unaware or unafraid of what that machine would do to him. That's the magic bullet. There are a lot of rich people that COULD run as an outsider, but they're terrified (rightfully so) of what could happen.

So, to get back to your point, I don't think they thought they HAD to hide that stuff very well. It never occurred to them that an actual trouble-maker could rise high enough to present a legitimate threat.

And their reckless desperation to get rid of him, NO MATTER THE COST, is the most damning proof of that.

You don't try that hard and risk ALL to eliminate someone (even after you've beaten them in an election) unless you've got horrendous actions and deeds to cover up, but NOW, after he's been re-elected, you're getting worried that you didn't dig those graves deep enough.
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Are you talking about the adults that change the US tariff policy every half hour, side with Putin on UN votes, fire nuclear reactor inspectors, screw disabled veterans, blow up rockets in front of planes, and force employees to take lie detector tests????
F'ing man baby lunatics.

These are federal employees with access to privileged information dumbass. You think lie detector tests is too much to ask when that information has been leaked?
Not that there IS a valid reason to start whipping someone, but I have absolutely no idea what I just watched.
Or think about this... Remember US border patrol using their reins to get their horses to move and the media said they were whipping migrants....? That was made up and people were outraged. Here is a dude using a ball whip.. and if you don't know what that is... it isn't just a sting. There is a ball bearing in the end of that whip that makes it damn near take flesh off.
Until Trump, Washington has never actually had to deal with a true OUTSIDER.

All politicians like to say they're not part of the establishment, but it is axiomatic that they wouldn't even BE there if, in fact they were not.

People/candidates that are interested in accountability/transparency/etc. get weeded out by the respective parties LONG before they can even RUN for Federal office.

Here is the thing though: They never saw Trump coming. And they had no idea how to deal with him. Even 9 years later they haven't solved the puzzle.

In Trump you have a true outlier. A once in a million occurrence. A guy that had never held office, had the means to run a legitimate campaign, and was either unaware or unafraid of what that machine would do to him. That's the magic bullet. There are a lot of rich people that COULD run as an outsider, but they're terrified (rightfully so) of what could happen.

So, to get back to your point, I don't think they thought they HAD to hide that stuff very well. It never occurred to them that an actual trouble-maker could rise high enough to present a legitimate threat.

And their reckless desperation to get rid of him, NO MATTER THE COST, is the most damning proof of that.

You don't try that hard and risk ALL to eliminate someone (even after you've beaten them in an election) unless you've got horrendous actions and deeds to cover up, but NOW, after he's been re-elected, you're getting worried that you didn't dig those graves deep enough.
Excellent analogy!!
Implied consent to a polygraph is a requirement to obtain a security clearance you dumbass. And unlike you, I actually know what I'm talking about with respect them.
This is not a targeted process aimed at one or two individuals....
They are polygraphing people across the entire GD agency weirdo.
That's. Not. Normal.
Fascists gonna fascist right??

"Polygraphs at the department are not new and have been used in the past, such as when Customs and Border Protection is screening new hires. But according to the sources familiar with the current use of polygraphs, the so-called lie detector machines are now being used to ask employees across the agency specific questions about leaking classified documents or sensitive law enforcement information on ICE operations."
Gd the left are so insane.

If any of you guys want to go fight for Ukraine, here’s the link.

I say this a lot, but the methods that the left use to convey their message, or denigrate the message of their opponents are exactly like how a young child would do it.

The other night during the address for instance. Their behavior was essentially a toddler lying down in the middle of the grocery store aisle and then kicking and screaming, "I HATE YOU" because their parent wouldn't buy them a treat. There is absolutely no difference between those scenarios.
This is not a targeted process aimed at one or two individuals....
They are polygraphing people across the entire GD agency weirdo.
That's. Not. Normal.
Fascists gonna fascist right??

"Polygraphs at the department are not new and have been used in the past, such as when Customs and Border Protection is screening new hires. But according to the sources familiar with the current use of polygraphs, the so-called lie detector machines are now being used to ask employees across the agency specific questions about leaking classified documents or sensitive law enforcement information on ICE operations."

When corruption is rooted deeply, and you have no "help" in eliminating suspects, initially you cast a wide net.

Have you been huffing gasoline since you retired? Because your reasoning and intellect are declining exponentially.

I'm aghast sometimes, at the things that have to be explained to you. I mean, we're talking concepts here that even an 8 year old child would implicitly be aware of.

And I'm not talking about a difference in political viewpoints etc. I'm talking about basic and instinctual intellect. IOW, you don't seem to pick up on things that people of even mediocre intelligence understand intuitively.
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When corruption is rooted deeply, and you have no "help" in eliminating suspects, initially you cast a wide net.

Have you been huffing gasoline since you retired? Because your reasoning and intellect are declining exponentially.

I'm aghast sometimes, at the things that have to be explained to you. I mean, we're talking concepts here that even an 8 year old child would implicitly be aware of.
I'm amazed at how conspiracy theories, paranoia and mass hysteria have become acceptable by a large swath of so called Republicans.
McCarthyism 2.0
DT was president the summer of 2020.

I hope you are correct.

I will go on record that PDT actions to date suggest that if it happens again he will likely handle it differently.

I firmly believe that riots will happen as liberals make their stand against deportations, Elon and Israel.
Agreed, Trump doesn't GAF as much this term and he's learned how to deal with the swamp much more effectively.

I fully expect the Dems to stage riots within the next 60 days. I hope that, should things get truly out of hand that Trump is decisive if a gov refuses to protect his citizens from the Democrat PAID lunatic rioters.
These are federal employees with access to privileged information dumbass. You think lie detector tests is too much to ask when that information has been leaked?
^^^ This is correct. "Regular" poly's are every 5 years when your regular background investigation is being done. It's part of the process. But, an agency can have you take one anytime if they feel there is a need.
So now you have something against cooks that actually work to provide for your fat, lazy ass? Not surprised that you would look down on productive people.

You said it wasn't happening. But I proved it was. You were wrong again, you evil SOB. You were perfectly fine with letting Grandma die all by herself. You are evil. Some have told you to fix yourself, but you are literally too stupid and have too much "pride" for that.

I truly loathe and despise whichever poster you're replying to.

And I finally just put the Village Idiots on ignore.

Had to.

I could no longer abide, as the Dude would say.
When corruption is rooted deeply, and you have no "help" in eliminating suspects, initially you cast a wide net.

Have you been huffing gasoline since you retired? Because your reasoning and intellect are declining exponentially.

I'm aghast sometimes, at the things that have to be explained to you. I mean, we're talking concepts here that even an 8 year old child would implicitly be aware of.

And I'm not talking about a difference in political viewpoints etc. I'm talking about basic and instinctual intellect. IOW, you don't seem to pick up on things that people of even mediocre intelligence understand intuitively.
Whatever happened to "if you have nothing to hide...?"

This is why I have him on ignore. His dipshittery isn't even worth responding to. He'll just take another crap in the thread and proudly point to it like he defeated Thanos or something.
How bout a little introspection into government spending to prop up private sector billionaires!????
DOGE for thee..... But not for me.

Why wouldn't the government buy the best possible equipment for that purpose?

They have to buy it from someone.

Derp. Derp.
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