So true
“Talk ghetto to appeal to the masses”
Also- look how many women are such cowards. They would go along with anything if it’s the approved viewpoint. Much respect to conservative women who buck the non-stop propaganda.
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The biggest remains to be seen, but it was a debacle for this country's economy that we might never recover from. When it was announced I expected it to affect gas and oil prices, but I didn't expect it to balloon our deficit to the point that it is today. Still despise Bush and his daddy.Syria is erupting. The usual suspects are murdering Christians. As usual.
Invading Iraq was one of the biggest mistakes in history. It may go down, decades from now, as the single biggest mistake of the 21st century. It has unleashed hell in the Middle East and Europe and the effects are still cascading around.
Columbia university is considered by some to be the number one journalism school in the nation. That is why they received that money. Gotta buy'em early.
I’m unaware of any instance when I have diagnosed you with TDS.Which means I don't have TDS despite it's constant use towards me. It's amazing you're blind to it.
Thanks...and thank your friend"We don't use heat lamps at all here in Central KY with our adult chickens. We bought cold abd heat hardy breeds that are dual purpose (meat and laying) birds. Ordered through southern states in Lexington. I recommend ordering through them as it allows you to order multiples of various breeds without needing to order 6-7 minimum of each breed.
I chose Black Australorps for dual purpose and good layers, but ALSO because they deter red-tailed hawks, of which we have plenty. Also chose the Calico Princess, Rhode Island Red, and Barred Plymouth Rock. All good birds for cold or hot weather. During the coldest spells we did put Vaseline on their combs to help prevent frostbite, and used submersible aquarium heaters in their waterers during consistent freezing temperatures.
With 20 hens we had as many as 16 eggs per day from spring through fall, then it tapered off to 8-10 in winter. The type of feed is a big factor in that, as the quality of big box store bought feed dropped off and caused issues with our chickens. Since switching to bulk grains and premixed 50lb bags from here in KY, our hens have returned to producing well even in the colder weather and without as much daylight.
Other than food and water, light is the biggest factor in their egg production. It drops off a ton in winter because of reduced daylight hours, and because a greater energy demand to keep warm. We boost their ground corn and protein intake in winter.
We've also found that adding herbs to their food has been helpful, although it's clearly been God's blessing that our flock has stayed healthy. We add thyme and oregano to their food mix as preventative measure for natural antibiotic and antifungal. We also add shelled pumpkin seed whole or ground to their food as they are said to be natural dewormers.
Our chickens eat less feed since we've gone to the locally produced feed and still produce the same for what it's worth. No idea if others will have the same results. The store bought was $25 for a 35lb bag. The local KY produced feed is $27 for a 50lb bag. Non-organic feed is cheaper, of course, but we stick with the organic.
Hope this helps your friend."
^^From my friend that raises chickens
No, you need to take your own advice. You don't even understand what Conservatives think, certainly can't comprehend my position. It's not them; it's you.
You must fix yourselves.
Huge 3 by Chandler!Come on CATS, don't let Mizzu make a run before the half
Thanks...and thank your friend
You respond to everyone. Even if they aren’t talking to you. You absolutely need people to pay attention to you.So I'm supposed to ignore constant attacks like this coming from multiple folks? LOL. You collectively don't see the number of responses, attacks & "likes" for those posts that way outnumber my posts. It's mental blindness.
demo☭rats can't fix themselves. All they can do is change to another hideous, radical position. They're not fit for civilized society and never will be.
The solution is to let these moronic degenerates marginalize themselves out of existence.
The Great Islamic State of Britain.Add England or Great Britain or whatever it is they call themselves now.... Just a destroyed country...
Death penalty. Nothing else. Send a message.
Remember, Libs condone and support this.The day is coming in the not that distant future when this will be Europe.
Islam means either submission to barbarism or death.
those dam moving islands...Cartography is your friend...
i hope the fbi and doj follow the money this time. WHO is funding this crap?You NEVER see conservative minded people acting like this, it's ALWAYS liberals.
The liberal mind has a propensity towards towards anything abnormal or evil. It really is a mental disorder, which explains certain posters here.
Yea, but none of them were Jewish.The Xavier Worthy arrest got me to look to Grok to see the disparity of black and white players arrested in the NFL. From 2000-2025 it’s approximately 88% black, 4% white, and the other 8% is either not black/white or not detailed.
The overall numbers are crazy. Drastically different culturally.
A) You brought the subject up with a post quoting me in a discussion you hadn't been a part up. It's a Club MAGA trait.I’m unaware of any instance when I have diagnosed you with TDS.
I merely defined it for you.
Trump needs to put a wall up around Manhattan.
And Joe had the list to pick from and the questions in advance. LULZ