Agree typically these repressed virus’s pop up in pockets of immigrants since vaccinations aren’t as prevalent.Anyone else reading articles about the significant uptick in infectious diseases (TB and measles, for two)? TB cases in the US (which, for a long time were very low) have increased each year since 2020 and the number in 2023 was the most since 2013. Now there is a measles outbreak in south TX. Seems like there's at least a correlation between these events and open borders although, to my knowledge, there hasn't been any proof that there's causation. But, logic says when you don't vet or screen multiple millions of people crossing your border from third world countries there's a likelihood of them bringing in diseases that were mostly eradicated in the US. Just another 'immigration dividend' perhaps? Thanks, Joe.
What’s scary is the antivaxxers have resulted in a lowering of rates and have elevated risks of larger outbreaks.