You’re probably right.I would think it already is illegal unless they have a permit by the authorities to do so. Yes/No?
You’re probably right.I would think it already is illegal unless they have a permit by the authorities to do so. Yes/No?
I voted for Big Balls!
Why isn't legislation being put through at this moment to temporarily suspend or abolish federal income tax?
With fraud and waste this rampant, there is no freaking argument to take our money if you've got enough to do all of this shit.
This country is too weak. No one outside of the cucked west would allow this shit.
Hope they don't botch it and get left with egg on their faces. More poached eggs to strain the already hard-boiled market.
Police are scrambling to crack this case....
GFY, Coronabro.
All this typing means jack squat. Everyone saw who you really are during covid and since.
You're not fooling anyone with this recent Mea Culpa.
You're just starting to realize how duped you've been for years, and are tucking tail.
Thankfully you held it in. Never good to spit out good bourbon.I almost spit out my bourbon!
There's no way thay is the actual SoS for California...
If the Dums win back power, then the US of A is Ov ER.Politicians suck. Can someone please introduce articles of impeachment for the AOC liar?
is State law allowed to override a Federal Law? pretty sure Trump didn't say it was left up to the states. I was always under the impression that Federal Law is the supreme law of the land and overrides it.
No way coach does good at UNC. I don't think football is as important to him as it used to be.
I almost spit out my bourbon!
There's no way thay is the actual SoS for California...
The pie isn't finite..the myth the left has pushed that it is. However much be makes has zero bearing on my life or how much me or anyone else can earn.The top 400 is basically who I am targeting. I don't want to see the taxes go up for anyone but the top .001%.
We are wealthier now, but as I have been arguing, what matters is what you can buy with that wealth. Wages have gone up, but essential cost have risen much faster.
He resigned because he got caught talking smack about H1bs. Indians specifically. He gave the left low hanging fruit and it just gives them purchase. Putting stuff like that on a public forum is just stupid. If he can't keep his opinions to himself then he shouldn't come back.
The Wall Street Journal reported on a number of 2024 posts from an account connected to Elez on Musk's X platform and noted that White House officials confirmed his resignation after the paper pointed out Elez's activity on the social media site.
"You could not pay me to marry outside of my ethnicity," the account wrote in September. "Normalize Indian hate," a separate post from that month read.
In July of last year, the account posted: "Just for the record, I was racist before it was cool."
In other posts, from December, the account pushed for repealing the Civil Rights Act and shared: "I just want a eugenic immigration policy, is that too much to ask."
Arrested, USDA Inspector Phyllis Fong, a 22-year Deep State operative, is one of the key players behind the artificial inflation of poultry and egg prices in the U.S. She ordered the culling of MILLIONS of healthy birds, using the FAKE excuse of “mutating bird flu.” But here’s the TRUTH: There was NO pandemic.
Fong personally ordered mass bird exterminations in 2024, targeting farms in Colorado, Ohio, Arizona, Louisiana, and Nebraska. One case in Louisiana set the stage: a man (who DID NOT WORK on a poultry farm) was allegedly diagnosed with H5N1 after “finding dead birds” in his yard. The CDC then INVENTED a panic story, claiming 66 people were infected. Sources say that number is ENTIRELY FABRICATED.
Before the media even blasted this FAKE OUTBREAK, Fong and Biden’s corrupt FDA sent teams of inspectors in full hazmat suits to Nebraska, ordering the instant killing of 600,000 birds. The farm owner—who recently tested his flock and found ZERO SIGNS of bird flu—REFUSED. But it didn’t matter. Fong had already signed off on the order, threatening him with $4 BILLION in fines and PRISON TIME if he didn’t comply.
She thought she was untouchable. When Trump began cleansing the Deep State in January, she REFUSED TO LEAVE, publicly claiming Trump had “no authority” over “federal watchdogs.”
The next day, KARMA STRUCK. Security FORCED HER OUT, delivering her straight to JAG investigators.
Is that Bill Cosby????
Political failure pays well. Good riddance to USAID. Nothing more than a bloated bureaucracy funneling taxpayer dollars on globalist pet projects and a slush fund for corrupt politicians. They really know how to look after their own. In a full-blown meltdown now that the grift is up with one of their income streams finally being exposed. Keep digging, it's just getting good!
Her source of income must have dried up.