A man can only take it up the ass so long ... lol. ( article was on the Obama's )Good Lord, That Like article was Like really like difficult to like read with like all the likes.
A man can only take it up the ass so long ... lol. ( article was on the Obama's )Good Lord, That Like article was Like really like difficult to like read with like all the likes.
Are you saying you're done being an NPC?
WTF, simple sam/azuri/sammy ...Daily Wire reports Trump to pardon all pro-lifers that Biden imprisoned in the coming days:
From the article:
The plight of the imprisoned pro-lifers is an immediate priority to Trump’s team, and they will likely be pardoned within days, two sources with knowledge of the matter shared with The Daily Wire. The revelation comes a day ahead of the 52nd annual March for Life. The president is expected to appear at the rally in a pre-recorded video.
The pardons would bring immediate relief to those currently imprisoned including Lauren Handy (57 months in prison), John Hinshaw (21 months), Jonathan Darnell (34 months), Herb Geraghty (27 months), Jean Marshall (24 months), Joan Bell (27 months), Paulette Harlow (24 months), Bevelyn Williams (41 months), Heather Idoni (24 months), and Calvin Zastrow (6 months).
These defendants were imprisoned over protests at abortion facilities in Tennessee, Washington, D.C., and New York. Many of the defendants have already been imprisoned for over a year with many more months yet to serve.
The pardons would also bring relief to those awaiting sentencing, including 89-year-old Eva Edl. Edl, who survived a World War II-era Yugoslavian concentration camp, was convicted in Detroit and could be sentenced to over a decade in prison over her conviction on FACE and a felony conspiracy charge.
In related news, Mike Lee working to have the FACE Act repealed:
another witch that cares less about Americans than illegals...
Here's what started my response:
"Gay relationships rarely work out."
Is that dating or marriage? Age groups? Race? Economic situation? Yes, both statements have numerous holes. Why select only one to come down on? Personal bias?
He and his alts are here to keep you engaged by either posting or checking back in on the drama. You can answer why yourself.
Every site has them. Ours has multiples running at the same time. Always has new ones coming online and old ones retiring. You can't get a grasp on total post count. There is a contrarian, of course moderate, on the lsu board that has since 2004 +450,000 posts. That's four post per hour every waking hour for 20 years.
Would you be that dedicated for fun?
She should go practice in Mexico since she loves illegals so much...
WTF, simple sam/azuri/sammy ...
"The pardons would also bring relief to those awaiting sentencing, including 89-year-old Eva Edl. "
You are prosecuting an 89 year old woman for praying? WTF?!?!
I'm not being sarcastic or facetious when I said you are closer to a nazi ... if you're not there already.
I haven’t kept up with it… what is the beef with Pompeo?Total speculation, but seeing trump pull security from guys like Bolton and Pompeo, I can’t help but think back to that first assassination attempt and how implausible it is that guy was a lone wolf with no social media history.
If you use the ignore button none of this is relevantHe and his alts are here to keep you engaged by either posting or checking back in on the drama. You can answer why yourself.
Every site has them. Ours has multiples running at the same time. Always has new ones coming online and old ones retiring. You can't get a grasp on total post count. There is a contrarian, of course moderate, on the lsu board that has since 2004 +450,000 posts. That's four post per hour every waking hour for 20 years.
Would you be that dedicated for fun?
The WEF and UN are in bed together fornicating like rabbits. This is all part and parcel to their Agenda 2030.are you prepared for the UN digital ID (DI) in order to "protect global citizens online"??
United Nations Proposes Digital ID System Tied to Bank Accounts and Mobile Payment Platforms - The Daily Hodl
The United Nations is proposing a universal digital ID system that would directly connect to people's bank accounts and payment apps.dailyhodl.com
Love this movie, and this scene. Reminds of how we have to deal w/ liberal red tape like Tom Hanks is doing in just trying to buy rope.
Damn.... I thought I was overdoing it with under 20k posts over 5 yrs. Well, I am, but it is what it is. Don't post near as much since Cal finally left and there's peace in the valley once more
A man can only take it up the ass so long ... lol. ( article was on the Obama's )
As much as we had to suffer through the last four years, maybe it was for the best we hit rock bottom like that and Trump can enact some meaningful change now that will stick adn will help Republicans keep power through the mid terms and 2028.Can't fall for their charades.
That being said, I don't think Trump would be as focused nor get as much accomplished if he won in 2020 as he is now. He'd still be playing games with an apparatus that is significantly weighed against him.
Some of these guys were subjected to Diesel Therapy which means they were transported around from prison to prison as a delay tactic for getting a hearing. It's not a legal practice.Track ALL of the people involved. Find them and take their money and tie up their property, put them in prison, and give their money to the people they stranded, the people whose careers, businesses, and livelihoods they destroyed, and make their pensions or retirement pay for those they abused to live in their homes.
People need to know this sht is unacceptable.
The prison staff that did this need to be locked up with the inmates in the prisons in which they worked without bail until the people they abused are restored to their previous positions. The companies running the prisons and allowing these abuses to happen can pay to build the abused their new homes.
Exposing everything they've been purposely hiding from us will be the best way to finally wake some people up to what kind of tyranny they were siding with.RELEASE THE PELOSI PAPERS AND LAPTOP!
Sunlight is the best disinfectant. OPEN up the books
Perhaps. Although it destroyed us with so many migrants getting in here. It did, however, show the people what Democrat Party rule looks like.You can tell by the first few days that he has been sitting back the past 4 years just planning everything out. And also correcting mistakes from his first term.
Maybe him "losing" was a good thing for him and the country.
"National debt during Joe Biden’s presidency has increased by $7 trillion since he took office, an increase of 24.75% as of September 2024.hahahahahahahahahaha
Look who suddenly gives a hot shit about the budget
Seattle judge already blocked birthright citizenship eo. Predictable.
Yeah, let's move this thing along through the process to get to SCOTUS (theoretically), just as was anticipated. The 9th Circuit may as well just go ahead and stamp it as being struck down.I’m sure the 9th Circuit will deliver a well reasoned, well thought out opinion on appeal.
I gave you a like because like you said there were like so many likes it was like, crazy.Good Lord, That Like article was Like really like difficult to like read with like all the likes.
Wrong. You can post whatever you want. Whether it’s a fact gets determined through the interactions of those that prove or disprove it.You can’t post something as fact from someone called “Insurrection Barbie” on Twitter. There aren’t sources or anything. Just them saying they’ve “reviewed the files” or whatever. Just stop. This is primarily what Twitter is such garbage now.