You didn't think this was just going to stay in the UK did you?
It isn't nonsense. Biological genders outnumber trans 99:1. If your first assumption was "Must be a tranny". Then your prejudices are showing. Based on location, it would equally be dumb to assume it was Pacific Islander or Native American. Imagine if people were saying Moana or Pocahontas (not E. Warren) had shot up a school in Wisconsin. Those assumptions would have caused some eyebrows to furl.
I was working in Civil Service for the last one and was essential so, I had to continue to work. Those who were not essential were off and after coming back were paid anyway so they could "pay their bills". So, it became a paid vacation added on to their already generous paid vacation days.
So do the regular government workers after the shutdown is over. They get back pay for the missed days. At least they have the last two times that I know about.Nope. Military will continue to get paid.
TRUE.How about we ban democrats from owning guns? That would reduce murder by around 86%. Deal...
Roughly .6% of Americans are trans, supposedly. That tracks with the percentage of those groups. Those groups also do a proportional amount of crime relative to population. It was a good example that you are choosing not to digest.It is most certainly nonsense. Your reasoning is about as inept as vhcat's.
Who educated the educators? Reminds me of Dreadlox, the walking, talking, Dunning-Kruger graph, another so-called "educator". You people should not be teaching anyone anything
TRUE.This is the problem. You guys occasionally admit you want to ban all guns and then when you realize how unpopular it is you pretend it's just "common sense' gun control you want.... We know what you really want and you aren't getting it.
He will still get paid, I guarantee you. These whiners know it but will lie about it like everything else.Sammy'sdad is getting nervous... He's the epitome of "non'essential."
Roughly .6% of Americans are trans, supposedly. That tracks with the percentage of those groups. Those groups also do a proportional amount of crime relative to population. It was a good example that you are choosing not to digest.
I don’t have a strong opinion about trans, other than I hope they find peace within. I’ve just been playing devil’s advocate in this situation. But I do think these people need help, whether it be counseling, dieting, exercise, or whatever the collective experts believe will help them.
Roughly .6% of Americans are trans, supposedly. That tracks with the percentage of those groups. Those groups also do a proportional amount of crime relative to population. It was a good example that you are choosing not to digest.
I don’t have a strong opinion about trans, other than I hope they find peace within. I’ve just been playing devil’s advocate in this situation. But I do think these people need help, whether it be counseling, dieting, exercise, or whatever the collective experts believe will help them.
That number would be a lot lower if weren’t for leftist groomers and leftist teachers
This is the problem. You guys occasionally admit you want to ban all guns and then when you realize how unpopular it is you pretend it's just "common sense' gun control you want.... We know what you really want and you aren't getting it.
From GI Joe to GI Jane: Christine Jorgensen’s Story | The National WWII Museum | New Orleans
WWII veteran Christine Jorgensen became the first American transgender woman to attain fame for having sex reassignment surgery. Her story has influenced many others and helped redefine gender
okay. .6% of the population suffer from gender dysmorphia. I bet that number would hold relatively strong for 50 plus years, dating back to the first DSM book.It most certainly was NOT a good example that I am choosing not to digest.
Your reasoning, such that it can be called that, is critically flawed. Your choice or inability to understand that is immaterial. Yes, you do have a strong opinion about "trans," and I undestand why. Trans does not exist. One cannot change their gender, which is their sex, an immutable characteristic defined by science, not your ideology or a person's feelings (psychosis).
okay. .6% of the population suffer from gender dysmorphia. I bet that number would hold relatively strong for 50 plus years, dating back to the first DSM book.
Not another day of this. Who do you think replaces Johnson for speaker? Or does he get replaced?That would have no bearing on why your reasoning is critically flawed.
Until you figure out why the "point" you posted, and your subsequent "Reasoning" used to substantiate it, was clearly and unequivocally nonsense, you'll not get anything more from me.Not another day of this. Who do you think replaces Johnson for speaker? Or does he get replaced?
Please, dear God in heaven, this guy will defend the trannies until the end of time.Not another day of this. Who do you think replaces Johnson for speaker? Or does he get replaced?
Sounds good. I will not respond to any post about this group of people again. Switch topics.It's about creating a wedge issue.
No one said anything to you people about your pseudo-scientific gender theory, or all the other aspects of your bunk ideology, until you started bringing it into the schools.
Leave the kids alone: let kids be kids. Stop indoctrinating them into being your social justice foot soldiers, waging jihad against the "Patriarchy." You'll reap what you've sown, taking plenty of innocents and innocence with you.
What has Trump proposed with regards to mental illness? Does he have a plan? Does he even have a concept of a plan? Or is it the same as always where people throw out helping mental illness to avoid doing anything tangible with guns ? They say “mental illness is a huge problem” but won’t fund it in any way at all.
You really shouldn't bet. IDC what it was backwards, as we live here and now. and the "teen rate" has tripled from 2017 to 2021. Wonder what caused that? Perhaps items like drag queen story hour or drag shows?? I wonder if this is part of the "fundamental transformation of America" a recent pol was pushing for??okay. .6% of the population suffer from gender dysmorphia. I bet that number would hold relatively strong for 50 plus years, dating back to the first DSM book.
Clearly biden didn't create this insane pardon list. So who did? Obviously china slid in the pedo guy as a Chinese national. I guess some fem groups added the black widow. So on and so forth.
Biden is going to change the office of the president forever. His insane overreach is going to reduce the power of the office in unprecedented ways. Every single president before him showed enough self restraint to not commit lawfare on their opponents nor pardon sich obviously unworthy individuals.
Worst president in history. Not only was he incompetent, in more than one meaning of the word, but his abuse of power is unprecedented and incredibly disturbing. Good riddance you pos.
Seems like a good shot at a lawsuit.