How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I was never an abortion warrior before joining this thread. I can't get pregnant, figured I'd leave the issue to those it concerned. But the zealots here definitely crusade against it. And they got what their minority wanted. Roughly two-thirds of women support abortion rights. Might as well support them, if this is the opposition they face. SCOTUS revoking rights is an extremely dangerous precedent. How will they feel when they come for the 1st or 2nd?
Karl goes all in on lies and brainwashing. Women don’t own the abortion issue. There was, and still is, no Constitutional right to abortion.
So, you’ve equated a baby in the womb with having no more importance than a skin tag - and now here you are labeling another forum member a “pregnant child lovin pedophile”.

You need to take a break.
You need to take a break from passing laws that give the state control over people's bodies and medical decisions.
You need to take a break from giving a rapist the right to force his victim to carry his baby.
If you want to force a minor to carry the baby of a rapist.... Sounds like you are a fan of pregnant children and pedophile paternal rights too.
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I’ve already reported him.
You're a clown. This is a national debate. Your nutjob party is the one passing these sick laws.
There are ads on television stations all across America addressing this very issue.
Sounds like you are one of those MAGAs that loves to talk big about abortion and pass laws with no exceptions but don't like hearing the disgusting stories of the effects of those laws on little children.
Or as you like to call pregnant 10 year old rape victims...."Mom".
Get over it or vote for a change in those laws. 🤢

There are only 9 states out of 51 that have the no exception for rape clause. You have a problem with KY being one of those take it up with your boy Breashear, he’s the ****ing governor, not me. Neighboring states Ohio and Indiana allow for them and it won’t take but a few hours to even get there by car no matter what part of the state you live in. You’re the one on your high horse, we all have sympathy for rape victims and their plight but you keep using this as your argument for “healthcare” when it is less than 1% of abortions in the US and over 90% are for no ****ing reason whatsoever. I have compassion, you don’t even know what the ****ing word means!!
This just shows how illinformed you are. Beshear vetoed the law but the nutjobs overrode his veto.
You also have no clue about why women are getting abortions. Many are ectopic pregnancies. Many are still born. Some are rape victims. Some are unviable babies who will die at birth.
You're not a doctor or a woman. You shouldn't be deciding this issue at all.
You would raise holy hell if the state decided they have control over your body and you had to drive hundreds of miles for healthcare when they decide.

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Trump's nuts will do anything to make the government look bad or attack government programs.
They hate the government, judges, courts, US Capitol, FBI, public schools, FEMA and military involvement in Ukraine.
There is not much difference between MAGA and Antifa. Anarchists.
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It's almost as if Kamala is campaigning for Trump.

Not one thing. Not even a joke about different flavored ice cream to deflect.

Should have stuck with “well I grew up in a middle class home” because answering questions is a disaster.

They’re going to overwhelm the power grid firing up all the printers they need for kamabla ballots at this point.
You'd be amazed at how many pro abortion women have never seen an abortion performed. Like they have no clue what's actually occurring.

We had a girl who worked for us who got an abortion and told my wife about it and how they didn't show her an ultrasound or anything, they just put this giant surgical like curtain up. She was left with a huge void later on she said. This part is something they never talk about. We knew another woman who was a mother of a friend of ours that later became Christian and had enormous guilt on an abortion she had when she was young.

As a parent, I have never understood how one can be such a disconnected monster regarding this. I'm not talking about rape, I'm talking about the people who got pregnant because they didn't bother to do any of the other birth control methods. You guys with kids know especially if you've had a kid in the last 10 years, what these ultrasounds show. They can smile, cry, etc.

The main flaw in the left's bullshit is they argue "It's not a baby if I don't want it." But that's nonsense, of course. Intent doesn't change reality. A guy kills a pregnant woman and he's charged with two murders. Why? Oh she wanted that baby so it's murder in that case but not if she didn't want it. "It's a clump of cells" (so are you) but no one goes to a "clump of cells" shower. They go to a baby shower.

It's America's Holocaust, actually over 10x the amount of the Holocaust. There's roughly 63M babies killed since the 70s. Pretty disgusting.
...and the, in the very next breath, Democrats argue we need immigrants to work.
Interesting article I read. Particularly interesting was an excerpt from 45 Communist goals read into the Congressional record in 1963. The ones quoted are exactly what we see going on in our country today: break down standards of morality, promote homosexuality, perversion and promiscuity as 'healthy and normal', attack the family as an institution, corrupt and brainwash the young as they are gullible, etc. Very enlightening article. I know some will dismiss it as 'just another American Thinker article'. However, the quoted portions of the article are not the author's opinions and are sourced from outside the author's experience.

The first thing the Republicans have to do is stop being delusional. Seriously, until they can actually deal with reality then they're just spinning their wheels.

Republicans were taken in by a bankrupted New York real estate hustler looking to pander to Russia and more specifically Putin for more loans and a Moscow hotel real estate deal. Howard Stern knows Trump well and he called that a long time ago. Trump was rude and utterly lacking in morals and grace yet the Republicans swooned over him because he made them feel like it was OK to be themselves. They finally were allowed out of the closet under Trump. That was the entirety of his appeal. They no longer had to hide their ugliness and pretend to have "Southern Charm" or be constrained by their pious "Family Values" they had locked themselves into playing. They had suffocated themselves and Trump came along and took the my-pillow off their faces.

Keeping up appearances wore on the rural would-be Trump voters. They were tired of being nice and polite in the facade they had created for themselves. So when Trump came along and offered them a way out of the prison they had created they jumped at it and never looked back.

Guess what, nobody believed the Southern manners act anyway so welcome to being human. Now get back to facts, logic, and reason as your guiding principles in life and you'll see once again how great that is. You might even make it "great again."
The main flaw in the left's bullshit is they argue "It's not a baby if I don't want it." But that's nonsense, of course. Intent doesn't change reality. A guy kills a pregnant woman and he's charged with two murders. Why? Oh she wanted that baby so it's murder in that case but not if she didn't want it. "It's a clump of cells" (so are you) but no one goes to a "clump of cells" shower. They go to a baby shower.
I agree with your statement above, Nole. However, I believe every single state has ruled at what point in a pregnancy a perpetrator can be charged for 2 murders. I'm guessing that none of those states have declared that point to be at 6 or 8 weeks. I've looked this up and the few I've found settled on around 20 -24 weeks in practice. Shouldn't state abortion laws be consistent with the murder statute? How can someone be charged with murder only after 22 weeks, let's say, but the mother and her physician be prosecuted for an abortion at 9 weeks, for example? The converse is also true. It's a second capital offense for a murderer at 20 weeks, but not an offense at all if the mother aborts the baby at 36 weeks (in some states)? Makes no sense to me. I believe the RNC should adopt this reasoning on this issue and, effectively, take this one issue away from the DNC. Way too many voters are going to use this one issue as a basis for their vote to the ultimate detriment of the entire US, imo. Matching the state laws for murder would take all the impact out of this issue. Again, imo.

Here is MN's law as an example and you can see how it directly contradicts the abortion law Walz signed. He should've been clubbed over the head with this by Vance in the debate. His own state's law says 'at any stage of development' a second charge may be brought. So, the mother has carte blanche to abort at any time with no consequences but an assailant can be charged with murder even if the mother didn't know she was pregnant or if she already had an appointment to abort the baby. Yeah, that makes sense.

Minnesota: Since 1986 the killing of an “unborn child” at any stage of pre-natal development is murder (first, second, or third degree) or manslaughter, (first or second degree). It is also a felony to cause the death of an “unborn child” during the commission of a felony. Minn. Stat. Ann. §§609.266, 609.2661- 609.2665, 609.268(1) (West 1987).
decision desk, the group that the Wisconsin fake news 128k vote picture is from put out a statement. sorry Trumpsters

In reality, the influx of 138,339 votes for Biden referenced in the social media posts were the result of a data error, said Drew McCoy, a spokesperson for Decision Desk HQ. They were not indicative of voter fraud, mysteriously surfaced votes or other nefarious actions by Democrats.

"It was a simple error from a file created by the state that we ingested," McCoy said of the viral screenshots, noting that Decision Desk HQ does not make changes to state-provided files.
** Newsflash from the 'Holy Crap, You Gotta Be Joking' Department **

Cook Political Report shifts Wisconsin Senate race toward GOP .​

<Insert evil laugh>
Not one thing. Not even a joke about different flavored ice cream to deflect.

Should have stuck with “well I grew up in a middle class home” because answering questions is a disaster.

They’re going to overwhelm the power grid firing up all the printers they need for kamabla ballots at this point.
And y'all make fun of Walz's jazz hands?? 🤣🤣🤣
This, to me, is where things get interesting. In the 2020 fraud, they submitted thousands of ballots that were only for Biden. They going to do that again for Harris but not downballot again? The way things are going for them, that would be disastrous.

Wondering at what point key cogs in the fraud wheel decide the risk is not worth the reward. You have to be pretty goddam confident Kamabla is going to win and you aren’t going to get caught if you are going to participate in the democrat fraud at this point. After the Biden admin lawfare and years of pretending the fraud didn’t exist, you’d have to assume Trump’s DOJ will be throwing the book at everyone if he overcomes the margin of fraud.