How will they rule ??!

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Do what? Soros isn't running for office, how are those remotely comparable, commie boy?

You are aware of campaign funds, the FEC, etc?

That may be the singularly most idiotic sentence you've typed here, and that's saying something.

Don't cut Celine short now... Of course it's (Stated "it" so as not to offend.) stated more idiotic things....
Yeah, I miss Kenny quite a bit. Good people. If you remember, we rarely insulted individual posters back then, but rather their ideas and Democrats/Republicans on each respective side. Had a freaking blast. Miss those old days.

The old Political Forum helped maintain my sanity while over in Iraq. Usually logged on 2x daily.

It's really hard not to insult CoronaBros who were shrieking ITS SCIENCE DUDE, when it wasn't.

It was propaganda they swallowed and became the most vile people to walk this earth in the last 50 years.
This 'President'...taking millions from our enemies has done more damage to this country than....

Khrushchev ......... Mao
Brezhnev .............. Deng Xiaoping
Chernenko .......... Jiang Zemin
Gorbachev ........... Hu Jintao
Yeltsin ................... Xi Jinping

....did collectively
Speaking of millions.... ANOTHER record stock market day.
Kamalanomics is rolling. 💲💲💲💲
It's been made clear from its inception, even for those that won't admit it, that BLM cares the least for "Black Lives" than about any other organization in this country. It tells you that politics for the left us never about people, and always about money, personality, and power. They don't care who it hurts as long as they can get some
It's been made clear from its inception, even for those that won't admit it, that BLM cares the least for "Black Lives" than about any other organization in this country. It tells you that politics for the left us never about people, and always about money, personality, and power. They don't care who it hurts as long as they can get some
BLM would rather see 1,000 white people killed than 100,000 black people saved.
Dude keeps linking articles with unnamed sources? Thats cute. Did he pee on them too? Didnt we already go through this in 2016 w the steele dossier?. One person reports anonymous sources and others refer to each other then they all say "corroborated". Yawn. The left suffers brain problems
That one and others that post here like it surely are still wearing masks in their OWN cars while driving with the windows up..............ALONE!
Yep. Saw where microsoft is reopening 3 mile island for nuclear power. They won't expand nuclear for the avg American but Microsoft can have their own an none of the environmentalist have a problem when they do it. Bunch of commies that just want to destroy capitalism. Notice they never complain about China building a new coal fired plant every week.
It's so terrible. I went on a long walk. I wore a raincoat

raining family guy GIF
Speaking of millions.... ANOTHER record stock market day.
Kamalanomics is rolling. 💲💲💲💲
What exactly has she done?
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Dude keeps linking articles with unnamed sources? Thats cute. Did he pee on them too? Didnt we already go through this in 2016 w the steele dossier?. One person reports anonymous sources and others refer to each other then they all say "corroborated". Yawn. The left suffers brain problems
And they NEVER catch on they are being lied to. Over and Over and Over.
If they had an ounce of self-respect they might get insulted at some point.
But not them, they keep lapping up the same anonymously sourced nonsense.
It's Pavlovian how trained they are.
And they NEVER catch on they are being lied to. Over and Over and Over.
If they had an ounce of self-respect they might get insulted at some point.
But not them, they keep lapping up the same anonymously sourced nonsense.
It's Pavlovian how trained they are.

And Maury Povich too.
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Yep. Saw where microsoft is reopening 3 mile island for nuclear power. They won't expand nuclear for the avg American but Microsoft can have their own an none of the environmentalist have a problem when they do it. Bunch of commies that just want to destroy capitalism. Notice they never complain about China building a new coal fired plant every week.

They are the most atrazine fueled toddlers on the planet. They refuse to look at evidence. They refuse to acknowledge corrections and admitted wrongdoing if the media tells them the wrongdoing was OK. They're mental.

Up is down until down is up. The liberal media is "everyone" until it isn't. The alt media is a farce, but only until liberal media eventually agrees or retracts the lies they knew they were telling in the first place.

They know they are evil. Best they can do is try to project it onto others and hope they can get an emotional response. They're addicted to it.

I read a few pages of their nonsense at lunch the other day to a mixed political crowd, and even the liberals there were like, "Wasn't that Trump "fine people" thing debunked more than 3 years ago. Wtf?" "Are these people on the spectrum? The jobs reports and inflation reports have been lies for the last 3 years." "What kind of ashole cares what the stock market is doing if people can't afford groceries? They're certainly not buying stocks if they cashed in their 401k to pay bills like some people I know." "How many more restaurants and businesses have to shut down before those idiots realize this administration has screwed up the economy worse after covid?"

I only know 2 for sure are not voting for Harris, but no idea if they are voting FOR Trump. I have no doubt their votes will count for Harris no matter which way things go on election day, since they're registered D, and the voting machines, communications, and servers are still not secure.
More on my buddy's conversations with liberals this last week... lol... the most recent clown actually asked for economic policies that would make the economy better, and evidence that the things he was saying weren't true. He started the conversation. My buddy was surprised because he knows the clown hates Trump but doesn't follow politics at all. He just watches network news and late night talk shows.

So my buddy whips put his phone and starts pulling up videos and video compilations. Articles and interviews. Charts and graphs comparing yearly GDP etc.

Yall know what the clown did. He tried to get as far away from my buddy without leaving his seat as possible. Squirmed in his chair like a toddler being made to eat his mashed peas. Spewed nonsense about it all being lies. If he could've "power puked pea soup" in my friend's face, he would have. "I don't need to look at that. I know he's a POS." "I'm not looking at that."

All but ran for his car like a dumped little btch. (My words, not his.)

It's like they're trying to ward off vampires with garlic and faith, but all they have on them are Rachel Madcow quotes and a couple arcade tokens
What exactly has she done?
Part of an administration that navigated a post Covid economy with supply chain issues.... Huge consumer demand for products that weren't being produced for almost 2 years ... Interest rates that were close to free money coupled with 2 huge stimmies from Dump and 1 from Biden that created a demand imbalance.... Record US oil production.... Non stop positive GDP growth.... Record breaking stocks.... unemployment in the 4 percent zone.... and a Manufacturing boom that has the US shipping in Haitians to fill jobs.
And y'all bitchin like the economy has you livin in the streets.
Cheese and whine club.
They will just claim Trump killed a border bill everyone wanted that would have stopped all illegal immigration. Trump bad. Harris good.
He did kill it. Best border bill in my lifetime. It would have hired 1500 new border agents and controlled the ASYLUM problem which is the root cause of the border problem.
You post like a Canadian.

You’re going to need more election fraud than in 2020 to win this one
This is one of those chain of fake news or liberal generated lies that once the election is over will be retracted on the back pages of the scum that pushed it. These gullible morons here will continue to push it even though it will be proved false over and over again. (See Dion post on anything)
More on my buddy's conversations with liberals this last week... lol... the most recent clown actually asked for economic policies that would make the economy better, and evidence that the things he was saying weren't true. He started the conversation. My buddy was surprised because he knows the clown hates Trump but doesn't follow politics at all. He just watches network news and late night talk shows.

So my buddy whips put his phone and starts pulling up videos and video compilations. Articles and interviews. Charts and graphs comparing yearly GDP etc.

Yall know what the clown did. He tried to get as far away from my buddy without leaving his seat as possible. Squirmed in his chair like a toddler being made to eat his mashed peas. Spewed nonsense about it all being lies. If he could've "power puked pea soup" in my friend's face, he would have. "I don't need to look at that. I know he's a POS." "I'm not looking at that."

All but ran for his car like a dumped little btch. (My words, not his.)

It's like they're trying to ward off vampires with garlic and faith, but all they have on them are Rachel Madcow quotes and a couple arcade tokens
Here's some facts for you to squirm to...

Dude keeps linking articles with unnamed sources? Thats cute. Did he pee on them too? Didnt we already go through this in 2016 w the steele dossier?. One person reports anonymous sources and others refer to each other then they all say "corroborated". Yawn. The left suffers brain problems
Yes, wash rinse and repeat. However, TDS laden morons like this person can't think any other way so, fake news keeps them from blowing a top.
More proof American progressives are just jew hating terrorist sympathizers. These ppl are celebrating hezbollah asses being offed

None of them are crying about a random person that might very been hit collaterally

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  • Wow
It's really hard not to insult CoronaBros who were shrieking ITS SCIENCE DUDE, when it wasn't.

It was propaganda they swallowed and became the most vile people to walk this earth in the last 50 years.
Democrats are DEFINITELY swallowers.
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"Best border bill of my lifetime..."
"The biggest. Nobody in the world had a better border bill."
"It was yuuuge."

I can see why they hate him. They want to BE him. Freakin hilarious


There are already laws in place. We just need to enforce them instead of overturning them and allowing criminals here illegally to run loose and harm citizens, you pathetic imbeciles. What needs to happen but takes too long is to sue the administration for not protecting the citizens of this country, so the Supreme Court will do its fkn job and heck Bidens treasonous action to bring in, pay, and protect illegal aliens that are KOWN NOT TO BE seeking asylum so much as more victims and a chance not to be punished for crimes in their own countries.

Illegals don't have the rights of native born citizens, naturalized citizens, or resident aliens. By coming here illegally they have NO STANDING in our courts. They need to be rounded up and deported or shot for entering the country. Period. Just as Americans would for entering Europe or Mexico illegally.
He defeated the TDS laden woman you are so...
You know they are getting worried when the libs who don't usually post in here feel the need to tell us how bad Trump is doing and how well Kamala did on her 2 interviews since being anointed the candidate... LOL. They are trying to make NC a battleground state because they know they've lost PA and Mich is too close to count as a win for them.