More on my buddy's conversations with liberals this last week... lol... the most recent clown actually asked for economic policies that would make the economy better, and evidence that the things he was saying weren't true. He started the conversation. My buddy was surprised because he knows the clown hates Trump but doesn't follow politics at all. He just watches network news and late night talk shows.
So my buddy whips put his phone and starts pulling up videos and video compilations. Articles and interviews. Charts and graphs comparing yearly GDP etc.
Yall know what the clown did. He tried to get as far away from my buddy without leaving his seat as possible. Squirmed in his chair like a toddler being made to eat his mashed peas. Spewed nonsense about it all being lies. If he could've "power puked pea soup" in my friend's face, he would have. "I don't need to look at that. I know he's a POS." "I'm not looking at that."
All but ran for his car like a dumped little btch. (My words, not his.)
It's like they're trying to ward off vampires with garlic and faith, but all they have on them are Rachel Madcow quotes and a couple arcade tokens