How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Can’t imagine why she’s not getting the top jobs..

But I’ve got good news…..

The Evansville West Side Nut Side Fall Festival is coming up in a few weeks….. She could probably work the carnival; just keep her away from the kids rides and games.
Been to that festival a couple of times several years ago. My sister used to make food sold out of one of many food trailers there. It’s like the second largest food festival in the country.
Doesn't and didn't matter how many were requested last time. They still mailed out tons more than the number of voters in precincts receiving them. If THIS is what we're doing to stop fraud, monitoring this superficial stuff, then they have already stolen thos election as well.

I'm just posting people's views. Not sure why some of you talk to people like I'm the one that tweeted it. Oh I forgot I ran into you on the basketball site and you like to tell people they are wrong. Take it up with the tweeter, Jack.
How do you explain to the irreversibly programmed the difference between "fixed things" and biology, between mutations and expressions, genes and chromosomes, identical and different?

No two of us are EXACTLY alike, NOT EVEN IDENTICAL TWINS ffs. It doesn't mean we are each different mutations of each other. That's frkn ignorant at BEST. THERE ARE NOT "mutations all along chromosomes."

How did we get (assumed) college graduates that are this non-functioning in areas of science?

How do you tell someone this unable to think for themselves that ALL people are less than 3% of 5% different from each other along genetics that express our physically, outwardly observable characteristics? You can't because they've been preached "race" by bigots for nearly 2 centuries and have made it a religion at this point.
The idea that chromosomes are fixed things with fixed functions is strange. There are mutations all along chromosomes. No two of us are alike. And genes aren't even fixed in how they function. Here's a pic of the first cat to be cloned and its source. Identical genetics, but the expression of those genes produced a very different cat.

The way people respond to transsexuals is baffling. Some people feel betrayed by their bodies. Their bodies don't reflect who they are. So, they try to fix it. Who doesn't do that? None of us feel that we're a slave to our genes. What business is it of someone else? Some people act as if they aren't cruel to someone who's different that they aren't quite complete. The right to be cruel. Even worse: the right to be admired for being cruel.


Just leave the children alone. Stop indoctrinating children and the vast majority of sane Americans will stop having a problem with you.

But you won't. You can't. Why?


Immigration piece requires considerably more work, namely accountability.

For example, Jocelyn Nungaray murder is a damned outrage. Many in Texas Latino community support Ted Cruz over Colin Allred because of that single issue. Some in Allred's camp advise him to ignore it.

@sambowieshin ; @DreadLox : Don't even get me started on this subject because I will embarrass hell outta you.

Accountability. Repeat. Accountability.
I don't know anyone who thinks the current immigration system is working. Both parties need to come together to fix it.
No, we first need to start by incentivizing our own citizens to join the work force, which has declined under Biden.
Immigrants have always filled the ground level jobs in society like ditch digging, roofing and field work.
Irish, Germans and Italians once filled the jobs Mexicans and Haitians are doing now.
Good luck incentivizing jobs that we don't have the population of workers to even fill. We are at almost a zero birth rate right now and the number of people dying is outpacing births in about 50 percent of our states.
We need more immigrants not less.
It’s only seasonal work, Blu. You can’t make ends meet on that.

Now , maybe, she could hook onto a carnival next summer. Maybe be a pixie dust spreader at the Tilt-a-Whirl.

What's hysterical is that, UNLESS she's an absolute trash human being, that family of companies will TOTALLY hire someone that looks like her. I know someone that worked there over holiday rush. They have a dress code, which is probably where she pitched a fit and removed herself from consideration.
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Immigrants have always filled the ground level jobs in society like ditch digging, roofing and field work.
Irish, Germans and Italians once filled the jobs Mexicans and Haitians are doing now.
Good luck incentivizing jobs that we don't have the population of workers to even fill. We are at almost a zero birth rate right now and the number of people dying is outpacing births in about 50 percent of our states.
We need more immigrants not less.
When folks like Weinstein and Dershowitz are disavowing the Dems with Weinstein actually supporting Trump you have to believe many Dems are either going to vote for Trump or not vote.

The steal is the only question… will it be big enough?

111 Former G.O.P. Officials Back Harris, Calling Trump ‘Unfit to Serve’

The 111 signatories included former officials who served under Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush or George W. Bush. Many of them had previously broken with Mr. Trump, including two former defense secretaries, Chuck Hagel and William S. Cohen; Robert B. Zoellick, a former president of the World Bank; the former C.I.A. directors Michael V. Hayden and William H. Webster; a former director of national intelligence, John D. Negroponte; and former Gov. William F. Weld of Massachusetts. Miles Taylor and Olivia Troye, two Trump administration officials who became vocal critics, also signed.
No, gender is an emergent social construct, not a philosophical/economic/political theory. You can create those things that involve gender, but then you're talking about those theories, not gender itself. What you actually mean is biological sex, right? Which is determined by various physical biological indicators, some of which are malleable while others aren't. If an adult male undergoes surgeries to physically resemble a female in every way, most people would say that's a man that became a woman. They're still male with XY chromosomes biologically, but they're a woman in every functional, societal, practical way that matters to broader society, so they're a woman as that's societal defined. Notice how none of this is applicable to the previous topic? Your ham-fisted attempt at analogy is just deflection.

Utter leftist rubbish and nonsense.

You sound like an idiot even attempting this argument. 🤣
Just leave the children alone. Stop indoctrinating children and the vast majority of sane Americans will stop having a problem with you.

But you won't. You can't. Why?

That list forgot the biggest one.
Sterilization. Which is the reason they are trying to gender confuse kids. It's all about population control. These are evil sick phucs.
No, gender is an emergent social construct, not a philosophical/economic/political theory. You can create those things that involve gender, but then you're talking about those theories, not gender itself. What you actually mean is biological sex, right? Which is determined by various physical biological indicators, some of which are malleable while others aren't. If an adult male undergoes surgeries to physically resemble a female in every way, most people would say that's a man that became a woman. They're still male with XY chromosomes biologically, but they're a woman in every functional, societal, practical way that matters to broader society, so they're a woman as that's societal defined. Notice how none of this is applicable to the previous topic? Your ham-fisted attempt at analogy is just deflection.
So it's all based on societal stereotypes or tropes about the sex. Otherwise there would be burly gruff men that would be women...bc a woman is a woman.

It's why you guys go in this nomsensical circle about what a woman is....then tie it into calling it genocide or whatever else.

No you can call yourself whatever you'll never be a woman tho.

It's the same with pronouns, they have no real meaning. They're just words and letters assembled. That tho, is a completely different topic...thats narcissism