How will they rule ??!

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When I read this, that scene from Best in Show popped into my head. When Ed Begley Jr. said, "I didn't think we'd EVER get the smell of cumin out of the drapes." 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

a family member and their neighbor sold their houses two years ago to indian brothers in chicago, who bought them online without ever seeing them in person, and each paid $35k + over asking price.
anyway, they both put a kitchen stove in their garages. i was told that it’s not uncommon for indians to do that because they use so many strong smelling spices in their cooking that they don’t want their house to be permeated with the scent.
It's a matter of economics and selfishness. They don't have enough money to tip well, but at the same time, going out and having a good time is more important because liberals think in much the same way as prepubescent children do. And if the server gets screwed, so be it. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out. Bottom line.

That's ALWAYS been my position. If I can't afford to tip you well for good service, my butt isn't in the seat.

Always annoying to see people stiff the wait staff because they can barely afford to pay for the meal. Saw that at Ruth's Cris once, and several other places. Always liberals doing it. If you can't tip, you can't afford the meal.
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Boomers lead the way in tipping, which naturally means more conservatives (as opposed to if Gen X we're the highest, then it would be liberals). On top of that, minorities are historically bad tippers. Especially, and let's just say it, African Americans. It is what it is, probably nothing to do with skin color, as much as it is that they make less money than Caucasians, and therefore simply have less to tip.. but regardless.. it's white men who tip the most.
Remember an article I read years ago. Could probably find something similar and more current but not going to the time/trouble right now. Anyway, this article was about charitable giving and which area(s) of the country were best and worst. The article pointed out that going into it they thought that it would be the Northeast. More liberal...big on social issues...big on 'helping the little guy'...etc.
What they found was that the South was the most generous and (as I recall) the Northeast was the worst. And on a state by state breakdown....Mississippi was the most generous (when weighted by % of income, etc).
I imagine tithing was a heavy factor....but still.
First time posting in over a year. Spent a year detoxing!!

I will keep this short. Just had a conversation at lunch with someone. I asked a Kamala supporter if they voted for her to be president in the primary, and of course the answer was nope there wasn’t a primary. My response you didn’t have the choice, you literally didn’t have a say in it because she was appointed. You literally had your right to vote taken from you. Eventually, everyone of you are going to realize that everything you have been told and taught is just an illusion. From politics to religion it’s all lies. The Bolshevik takeover has already happened and everyone of them including Trump is in on it.
a family member and their neighbor sold their houses two years ago to indian brothers in chicago, who bought them online without ever seeing them in person, and each paid $35k + over asking price.
anyway, they both put a kitchen stove in their garages. i was told that it’s not uncommon for indians to do that because they use so many strong smelling spices in their cooking that they don’t want their house to be permeated with the scent.

One if three college apartments whose tenants you never want to clean up after...

The other 2 are fraternity and sorority tenants. I heard a story about a paint crew trying to paint an apartment after sorority sisters lived there for 2 years back in the 80s. The walls were so coated with hairspray the paint wouldn't stick. It just ran down the walls, even after the cleaning crew had been there. They said it was the same for the kitchens if there were Indian students living there. They'd leave the apartment reaking of curry for hours

The woman wearing that short skirt was just asking to be raped. Its her damn fault.
I never realized he was a big dem/lib. Always thought he was pretty conservative. 😉

In a 1988 television interview, NBC reporter Connie Chung asked Bobby Knight how he handled stress. He responded, ”I think if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it.” Knight said the quote was taken out of context. Women's groups across the country protested, and campus groups staged picketed Assembly Hall with signs that read, "Rape is no game."
First time posting in over a year. Spent a year detoxing!!

I will keep this short. Just had a conversation at lunch with someone. I asked a Kamala supporter if they voted for her to be president in the primary, and of course the answer was nope there wasn’t a primary. My response you didn’t have the choice, you literally didn’t have a say in it because she was appointed. You literally had your right to vote taken from you. Eventually, everyone of you are going to realize that everything you have been told and taught is just an illusion. From politics to religion it’s all lies. The Bolshevik takeover has already happened and everyone of them including Trump is in on it.
If Trump is in on it, they sure have a funny way of showing it.
First time posting in over a year. Spent a year detoxing!!

I will keep this short. Just had a conversation at lunch with someone. I asked a Kamala supporter if they voted for her to be president in the primary, and of course the answer was nope there wasn’t a primary. My response you didn’t have the choice, you literally didn’t have a say in it because she was appointed. You literally had your right to vote taken from you. Eventually, everyone of you are going to realize that everything you have been told and taught is just an illusion. From politics to religion it’s all lies. The Bolshevik takeover has already happened and everyone of them including Trump is in on it.
If that’s true, who do you think they’ll anoint in the ‘election’?
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First time posting in over a year. Spent a year detoxing!!

I will keep this short. Just had a conversation at lunch with someone. I asked a Kamala supporter if they voted for her to be president in the primary, and of course the answer was nope there wasn’t a primary. My response you didn’t have the choice, you literally didn’t have a say in it because she was appointed. You literally had your right to vote taken from you. Eventually, everyone of you are going to realize that everything you have been told and taught is just an illusion. From politics to religion it’s all lies. The Bolshevik takeover has already happened and everyone of them including Trump is in on it.
How is Trump in on it?
One if three college apartments whose tenants you never want to clean up after...

The other 2 are fraternity and sorority tenants. I heard a story about a paint crew trying to paint an apartment after sorority sisters lived there for 2 years back in the 80s. The walls were so coated with hairspray the paint wouldn't stick. It just ran down the walls, even after the cleaning crew had been there. They said it was the same for the kitchens if there were Indian students living there. They'd leave the apartment reaking of curry for hours

You need to have a LOOOONG lease agreement, filled with items they can and can't do.

But College kids aren't always the worst for tenants in my experience. For starters, you can usually get them to co-sign with their parents to ensure rent comes on time. But they also don't know tenant law at all, so there's a lot of things they can't pull simply because they dont know how.

Of course, they move out frequently and yeah, there's a chance you get ones that like to party.
No server is picking the table of liberals. That's just stupid. LOL

Liberals, post church crowd, and black people: This constitutes the worst tippers on the planet group. Like I said Dion, I don't know where YOU worked, but in the real world, EVERYONE knows this. Seriously, do you have ANY real world life experience at ALL? LOL

You SAY you've worked in the industry, and have lived all over the US but I actually HAVE, and your stories don't add up chief. I think you're posing.
So no hope with black churches?
  • Haha
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What a fascist prick you are. People screwing and getting high, oh no! The horror! People enjoying their lives! Get 'em!
Why don't you quit with all the name calling. You've been escalating your name-calling and insults over the last couple of months. Big difference in moron and idiot vs. pr!ck and a$$hole to name a couple you have used on here lately. Of course you are free to say whatever you want, but I for one would appreciate a little less aggressive name-calling. I'll be fair and say that to my side as well. We haven been pushing the limits, and I'm sure the moderators have noticed.
Remember an article I read years ago. Could probably find something similar and more current but not going to the time/trouble right now. Anyway, this article was about charitable giving and which area(s) of the country were best and worst. The article pointed out that going into it they thought that it would be the Northeast. More liberal...big on social issues...big on 'helping the little guy'...etc.
What they found was that the South was the most generous and (as I recall) the Northeast was the worst. And on a state by state breakdown....Mississippi was the most generous (when weighted by % of income, etc).
I imagine tithing was a heavy factor....but still.
I’m not satisfied until I know how good a tipper the Haitians are.
Having waited tables many years, you can f*** off. Workers should be paid commensurate to the economic value of their work, no matter the work. Not by the grace and kindness of customers. You're the nasty type who just likes the power of making their server dance for them. Gross. If you want to give someone a tip for giving you outstanding service, go for it. But they shouldn't have to rely on it.

Jokes on you buddy.

I waited tables and bartended for over 20 years. And I can assure that more than half of the thousands of people I have worked with, would absolutely not hustle at all if tips werent a factor. Again, human nature.

And I can guarantee you my opinion and most service staff is for you to take your thesis and shove it up your bunghole.
Having waited tables many years, you can f*** off. Workers should be paid commensurate to the economic value of their work, no matter the work. Not by the grace and kindness of customers. You're the nasty type who just likes the power of making their server dance for them. Gross. If you want to give someone a tip for giving you outstanding service, go for it. But they shouldn't have to rely on it.

Also, how did you wait tables for.many years? Aren't you like mid 20's who works for the coal mine for years now? Which one is it?
Hopefully a constituent doesn't call their congressman.

No server is picking the table of liberals. That's just stupid. LOL

Liberals, post church crowd, and black people: This constitutes the worst tippers on the planet group. Like I said Dion, I don't know where YOU worked, but in the real world, EVERYONE knows this. Seriously, do you have ANY real world life experience at ALL? LOL

You SAY you've worked in the industry, and have lived all over the US but I actually HAVE, and your stories don't add up chief. I think you're posing.

Large groups of female teachers are the absolute worst tippers. Even worse than any other well known in the industry shit tipper demo.

All separate checks, half won't tip a Penny.
Why don't you quit with all the name calling. You've been escalating your name-calling and insults over the last couple of months. Big difference in moron and idiot vs. pr!ck and a$$hole to name a couple you have used on here lately. Of course you are free to say whatever you want, but I for one would appreciate a little less aggressive name-calling. I'll be fair and say that to my side as well. We have been pushing the limits, and I'm sure the moderators have noticed.
I don't really see any difference in those four examples you gave. I get called worse regularly. For months there when it was hip every post called me a groomer.
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Personal political bias, what I already said, and racial stereotyping. Great list. Totally credible.

Good to know that if we ever work a shift together, you'll take all the tables I don't want for my stereotypical reasons? And I'll take all the other ones? Since, you know, you would never think certain types of groups just flat out tip like shit, if at all?


You just made my day!
