How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Well, she hasn't really SAID anything. So it's impossible to fact check her.
I think she’s a commie bitch .. but she’s doing surprisingly well … I mean she’s lying like a cheap rug but Trump isn’t doing an effective job of calling out the bias and also battling Harris . He’s blowing it .. I actually hope few are watching .
So you’re all in on the wet market theory of Covid origination?
I’m comfortable admitting that I don’t know the origin of a pandemic virus, but talking about the origination of covid isn’t what I’m talking about. What I, saying is that forces beyond a president’s control have far bigger impact that the suit in the White House. The same is true for ALL presidents.
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I think she’s a commie bitch .. but she’s doing surprisingly well … I mean she’s lying like a cheap rug but Trump isn’t doing an effective job of calling out the bias and also battling Harris . He’s blowing it .. I actually hope few are watching .

She's doing surprisingly well? That's what you've taken from this? That's odd.
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I suspect both sides will claim victory. Ultimately, no one's mind will be changed. I thought Trump really missed a number of opportunities to nail her down as a flip-flopping empty suit who has accomplished nothing. He could have been more effective in making it about the Biden-Harris administration. But hey, that's Donald Trump.

Also, the moderators (especially the guy) was disgraceful.
I’m sure we can all agree that Trump is a terrible president, but I’m going to miss the “Stamdup Routine” Trump. Gets me every time
I think she’s a commie bitch .. but she’s doing surprisingly well … I mean she’s lying like a cheap rug but Trump isn’t doing an effective job of calling out the bias and also battling Harris . He’s blowing it .. I actually hope few are watching .
Do you really think there’s many people that are still undecided? They’re polar opposites, I just find it hard that some are still undecided. I really think most people are watching the debate just for entertainment purposes.
Lmao ask her how she’d end it. She’s currently in power and hasn’t done a thing about it.
I actually think that’s an issue where Americans have relatively high confidence in the Biden administration. I don’t think Trump wins any votes at all suggesting he will strong arm Ukraine into negotiating concessions
I wish I could feel that but I have been somewhat dissapointed for most of this debate. He rarely ever answers the question posed to him and rambles on with the same stuff over and over.

He's repeatedly pointed out their record on the economy, immigration, and foreign policy. What else do you want?
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Do you really think there’s many people that are still undecided? They’re polar opposites, I just find it hard that some are still undecided. I really think most people are watching the debate just for entertainment purposes.
I hope so , as a Trump guy he’s doing poorly .. awful imo
I actually think that’s an issue where Americans have relatively high confidence in the Biden administration. I don’t think Trump wins any votes at all suggesting he will strong arm Ukraine into negotiating concessions
So nothing has happened in 2.5 years with one administration except American taxpayer $$$ has been dumped into Ukraine versus another guy that for four years had zero issues on a global scale other than against ISIS and Al Qaeda? LOL what?????