How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Depends on the source of the weapon to me. Kid gets it on the street. How hold parents accountable for that?
Yeah, there are tons a families with several good kids and for whatever reason, one bad one. What do you do in that situation?
Elon should come up with a permanent community note that can be put on the KamalaHQ account noting that every single thing it posts is a lie.

That account posts more lies on a daily basis than the entirety of all the accounts that were banned for “Covid misinformation” combined before Elon bought it.
Demalosers intentionally misrepresenting things people said is out of control. No country can stand when this sh*t is so rampant. Since they want the country to collapse, it makes sense that they are doing this and it's reprehensable.

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What about those values are so abhorrent to you?

It's about dismantling Western Culture so as to replace it with "his" socialist vision.

The patently absurd notion he regurgitates that Western Culture doesn't exist, or is just some proxy for racism, is just his typical inane sophistry used to advance such an agenda. The "argument" is shockingly obtuse riddled with complete nonsense like punctuality is white supremacy, or hard work is oppression.
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Canada. I gave a whole list of countries with more socialist tendencies. We’ve been talking about them for days. If anyone mentions they want universal healthcare y’all scream socialism at the top of your lungs. Now when you want to denigrate socialism successful universal healthcare programs don’t qualify? Which is it?
I mean I don’t know why anyone thinks they’re going to let this be a legit election after 2020. Globalists aren’t letting their agenda be left up to fair elections. All around the world, despite the agenda being rejected, they’re still getting “elected.”

I said it last time. This time will be a one party country for presidential elections. That’s what happens when the Republican Party is controlled opposition to the left.
Lichtman was yammering that he thought Biden would win, and it was a mistake to drop him. Hell, he had a hissy fit on live tv because the Dems were forcing Biden out, that without an incumbent running the Dems would lose.
Canada/Socialism : Where health insurance is free, and the health CARE is essentially non-existent, unless you just need a vaccine, band aid, or formulary (common) prescription (My first wife's college roomates husband, (Canadian citizen) died from a benign spinal tumor, after waiting years for a surgery that never happened. but hey, it didn't cost them anything, other than a life. He explored coming to the US to have it done, but Canada said that if he did, and the could prove it, he would be removed from the "program", possibly charged, and fined.)
Canada/Socialism : Where health insurance is free, and the health CARE is essentially non-existent, unless you just need a vaccine, band aid, or formulary (common) prescription (My first wife's college roomates husband, (Canadian citizen) died from a benign spinal tumor, after waiting years for a surgery that never happened. but hey, it didn't cost them anything, other than a life. He explored coming to the US to have it done, but Canada said that if he did, and the could prove it, he would be removed from the "program", possibly charged, and fined.)
Several years ago my wife and I went to Mackinaw Island. Just before the flight back she had medical issues and ended up in a hospital. We missed the flight, had to find lodging and transportation for the extended stay, pharmacy needs, etc... All manner of turmoil. A nurse overheard my wife and I talking about how to get this done and offered friendly assistance. Her husband was also a nurse and she got him involved. The two of them gave us direction on what to do and made the experience much better than if we had to navigate on our own. Now to the point of the story. As we became friendly with them they told us they were both Canadians and their families still reside in Canada. When we asked why they moved to the US, they said it was primarily due to the healthcare system. They said the US is much better for patients and healthcare professionals.
That's not what I said. It's actually the opposite of what I said. My point was that you criticized me for pointing out that I have already documented the racist past of the Democrat party, after you had just done so. You said it was for "ammo", but you never answered my question: ammo for WHAT? If you think it is a futile exercise to present evidence to the left, then what is your point to begin with? Notating it serves no purpose, if it isn't directed at the left. LOL

And THAT, is not first level thinking. That is a legitimate question, that you refuse to answer. I don't have a beef with you other than your propensity to conservative "alpha male" all over the place, and "eat your own" so to speak. You're not clever by half, as you think you are, I promise. So either put me back on ignore, or just quit with the Dionesque pedantry.
You just knocked down a strawman. I never said what the ammo was for. You in your first level thinking ASSUMED I was talking about the left. I was, in fact, putting this information out there for ammo to use for the uninformed. Your self congratulatory response shows specious thinking and a personal grudge.

Your propensity to fly off the handle half cocked and get personal shows that you don’t have the right temperament to discuss things in a good faith manner. Next time I would advise asking questions to clarify before launching yourself off a cliff. It’s very telling how personal you took this, considering you blew a tonsil, pounding on your keyboard with hot dog fingers responding to me while you run around licking Dion’s taint on a daily basis.

You’ve got a lot of nerve talking about pedantry and “alpha male” considering this whole place constantly stinks with your farts. Even the lefties don’t go around stroking themselves and humble bragging as much as you do. You’re such a martyr, just laboring daily, putting out VOLUMES of stuff and they just don’t listen. Poor you.

I posted a video I thought would be helpful and you had to come over the top of me and show how you are so much better. So you can just eff right off, chump. After you learn how to use commas properly.
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