How will they rule ??!

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Trump goes to Natl Assoc. of Black Journalists in Chicago, was told there was no option to zoom in and that Kamala would be there....she's not there, IS zoom calling in and he was basically attacked.

Another DEM setup. Her campaign will be despicable.
He should know what he is getting into.

Some Trump stuff I cringe. I didn't like the prison stuff. He is too far left for me at times.
You're the fascist little mid wife passing laws and sticking your nose into complete stranger's uteruses not me.
What's your next job for controlling women's bodies??? Gotta be Maxi Pad quality inspector or maybe dildo designer?

You're the fascist little.mid wife who ACTUALLY was screaming for masks and Vax mandates, whereas I've never said a word about abortion, other than it should be mandatory (including sterilization) for the stupid, (such as yourself).
Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying. The THC %s were generally in the low single digits back then for dirt weed(seeds, means pollinated). Now everything is sinsemilla(no seeds, unfertilized) and has been bred up, so a strong strain is generally between 20 and 30%. Same stuff, just need significantly less, just like I said. So many ounces of beer equals not as many ounces of wine equals even fewer ounces of liquor.

You ever hear of drying and curing weed? It is not anywhere close to the same thing from 30 years ago. Quit being obstinate, when you're just yapping and not speaking from experience.

God, you're insufferable.
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i watched the last part of that. gotta hand it to him he’s not afraid to answer questions, i’m not sure if subjecting himself to a viper pit like that helps or hurts.

Trump is fearless, but to be honest it's good strategy to accept an invitation to a lot of things like this.

He has to get his message out, especially about her and her record. The media is trying to scrub everything that exists about her positions in 2020 and currently, etc.

That is one reason he was willing to do that CNN debate against Biden even though Biden's team wrote the conditions. Kamala is going to mostly hide like Biden in 2020. Never face a series of difficult questions, if she ever does get an uncomfortable question she will have been given it in advance and her team will have time to form an answer. The only way for Trump and Vance to counter a whole media that is against them is to show up, and be ready for the fight.

I do agree with @OHIO COLONEL though that Trump might be better off doing rallies in black communities and saying it directly to the people.
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Trump is the only one who has the balls to face the hostile press, or the electorate, head on. Always has.

Biden hid in a basement during his campaign, never did a single event that wasn’t heavily scripted, and now Harris hasn’t had a single press conference and is doing everything possible to memory-hole her past statements.

And our resident liberal nitwits think that it’s Trump that came off looking bad out of all of that.
Trump is the only one who has the balls to face the hostile press, or the electorate, head on. Always has.

Biden hid in a basement during his campaign, never did a single event that wasn’t heavily scripted, and now Harris hasn’t had a single press conference and is doing everything possible to memory-hole her past statements.

And our resident liberal nitwits think that it’s Trump that came off looking bad out of all of that.

She's absolutely doing her version of a basement campaign. They can't run on policy so they hide and cheat and hope the other candidate says something that will sway the votes of the weak-minded that get their feeliings hurt instead of doing the common sense thing and focusing on the policies.
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WTF was Trump thinking doing this interview today?! Lmao. He might not have any bronzer left on his face after all the sweating he’s doing.

Notice how rupar cut this off right before Trump says he's not talking immunity from prosecution, but from lawsuits.

Yet, Village Idiot will be here parroting it as gospel nonetheless in less that 48 hours.
When Trump goes back to Butler for a rally he should look at buying network time (all majors if possible) to air it. Keep the speech down to 45-50 minutes and give Vance 10-15.

Or, is that even possible in this day and time? Can (and will) networks say no? RSBN, NewsMax, etc are just preaching to the choir.
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When Trump goes back to Butler for a rally he should look at buying network time (all majors if possible) to air it. Keep the speech down to 45-50 minutes and give Vance 10-15.

Or, is that even possible in this day and time? Can (and will) networks say no? RSBN, NewsMax, etc are just preaching to the choir.
Trumps money would be better spent getting air time for Kamala. Let them see how stupid she really is. On second thought, she will hide.
So, they have white privilege, or they're being exploited? Literally cannot be both, yet you claim both.

Which is it, you ridiculous commie?

You just make it up as you go, don't you?
What do you mean? Of course it's both. White privilege is not a magic weapon. I don't get to walk into the DMV and hold my face up to a color chart to skip the line. It's just the general preference a society has for the majority who look like them. In China they have Han privilege. Money(economic factors) nearly always trumps these other social issues, look at OJ. "I'm not Black, I'm OJ."
Dude, you are clearly very young, amd never had pressed Mexican brick weed in late 80's.

Not even close to the same ballpark as the 'Woody Haze'.

When is the last time you saw a seed in your weed? Lol
I specifically referenced your ditch weed, you'll get there. Sadly some of it was still around even in my day. You could always tell because certain pieces had flat sides where it was vacuum packed in those bricks lol.
You ever hear of drying and curing weed? It is not anywhere close to the same thing from 30 years ago. Quit being obstinate, when you're just yapping and not speaking from experience.

God, you're insufferable.
Uh yeah, I've done it. It doesn't increase the THC %, that's all in the grow.
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Yeah that far right US Supreme Court is just like Russia. 🤡
They didn't hear the case, genius. Since your microcephalic cranium seems to think courts are unerring arbiters of truth, you must think OJ is innocent, and the Roe vs wade, Presidential immunity rulings by the SC are not to be questioned.
If you leftists had any consistency in your reasoning, you might actually be dangerous.
Tell Trump that. He opposes any SS changes.
Well, show me someone in Congress who doesn't oppose any changes? Any mention of cutting benefits or making significant (and needed, in my opinion) changes to the current SS system is political suicide. No one will touch that with a 100' pole.

'Changes', especially if DJT says it, will be disseminated across the media as 'ending SS as we know it', regardless of what he actually says. 'No more SS for Grandma!!!'. The Dims, on the other hand, want to give everyone a 'basic income' so 'SS for everyone!'. Well, the SS system is busted and will be flat broke in about 6 years. What could possibly go wrong by making sure everyone is dipping into that dried up well? Oh, let's not forget those folks who've crossed the border illegally and have not paid one bloody cent into the system. By all means, let's give them some cash, too.

The first step to making changes that will ensure the sustainability of the SS program is to realize that the current system cannot be fixed. Keeping some important pieces and making sure those most in need and receiving current benefits don't take the brunt would be job 1. After that, funding, privatization, COLA, income that is taxed, means testing, etc. all need to be on the table or the whole thing will implode. Same with Medicare, another program teetering on the edge of collapse and expected to collapse within the next 5-7 years. Running up >$1T in annual deficits with 10's of $T of unfunded obligations (pensions, SS, Medicare/caid) is lunacy. Nobody on either side of the aisle cares just so long as they can line their own pockets. Certainly neither of the frontrunners for President are going to cut spending or even propose cutting spending. The only thing I can say is that Trump will overspend less insanely than the Cackling idiot.
It basically is. Just takes significantly less of it now. You only need a small hit instead of half a joint.
I disagree. The weed in the late 60s and early 70s you could sit with a group of people and smoke joints for
Tell Trump that. He opposes any SS changes.

Trump declares seniors should not pay taxes on Social Security​

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I am crossing the Rubicon and backing the Republican Party and President Trump.Many — including a former version of myself — get trapped in a mental framework that becomes their identity and prevents them from radically evolving their thinking with new facts and information. I finally broke free from it.
"I was shocked to learn that, for the most part, Republicans cared more deeply about their constituents, while Democrats, in my experience, cared more about government power and control."

At the time, I still believed the mainstream idea that Democrats were all about serving the People. However, I was shocked to learn that, for the most part, Republicans cared more deeply about their constituents, while Democrats, in my experience, cared more about government power and control. This is my observation on balance, with many stories to back it up.
This trend of spinning and manufacturing a parallel reality to serve the Dem agenda, solidified by complicit mainstream media, hit home with the Hunter Biden laptop story, the coordinated vilification of President Trump and his followers, and President Biden’s cognitive decline — depriving voters of a voice in a proper primary. These examples displayed the hubris of the current Dem leadership. You must think the American people are fools to believe the spin on these issues. I despise this elite vs. general population ideology viscerally.
This version of the Democratic Party is sidelining moderates and centrists and has adopted an increasingly leftist ideology. This drift to the left has dictated policies from which I’ve found myself estranged.

On the domestic front, there has been a total departure from the core American value system of meritocracy, an extreme and weaponized DEI agenda, an open door to massive illegal immigration, and a once-fringe narrative, now mainstream within the party, of vilifying success. This shift is also causing us to fall behind due to an anti-innovation regulatory climate, notably on crypto and soon AI — two non-linear technological breakthroughs that will likely determine tomorrow’s leading countries.

On foreign policy, the administration is exacerbating tensions with Russia through an aggressive NATO expansion narrative focused on Ukraine and prolonging an unwinnable war. This is costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars, the world hundreds of thousands of lives, depleting the U.S. military arsenal and risking World War III.
I believe we need a President who is unequivocally pro: America, the Constitution, business, Bitcoin/crypto, innovation, Israel, small government, legal immigration, free speech, meritocracy, and common sense — and anti: regulatory proliferation, illegal immigration, unjust wars, Iran’s current regime, and domestic groups that oppose American values. These issues are central to President Trump’s platform.
Some claim that reelecting President Trump will bring our democracy to its knees. However, the alternative — having unelected individuals with this much power and no accountability run our government coupled with four more years of bad policies at home and abroad — might present a more significant threat. Neither will likely change in a Harris administration and could potentially worsen.

Trump goes to Natl Assoc. of Black Journalists in Chicago, was told there was no option to zoom in and that Kamala would be there....she's not there, IS zoom calling in and he was basically attacked.

Another DEM setup. Her campaign will be despicable.
Trump weirdly rambled on, making himself look like an ass.
I disagree. The weed in the late 60s and early 70s you could sit with a group of people and smoke joints for

Trump declares seniors should not pay taxes on Social Security​

Not taxing SS benefits is not a change to the actual SS system. Doesn't affect the sustainability of the program one iota. It's still going bankrupt very soon regardless of whether the benefits are eventually taxed to the recipients (and I'm OK with not taxing or at least raising the income levels to 2024 levels before taxation of benefits begins). But, that doesn't solve the basic problem.
Trump is conservative on many things, but his social policy stances are not right wing. There aren't a lot of right-wingers having Kim Kardashian over to celebrate prison reform.

If that is all you have, then whatever. Trump isn't far right, but he is a helluva lot father across the midpoint than people believe.
I'm gonna guess that a pic of these "women" will show a bunch that have NO chance of being impregnated anyway.
Longer hair with a good hair stylist, more covering makeup, and thick beer goggles would go a long way to help a third-tier male to take a shot.
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Trump is saying absolute bizarre stuff now. Dude is too old to lead and he's a weirdo.

Your party literally just strong-armed your incumbent out because you couldn't hide his track record and dementia anymore.
Only to replace him with a pant suited homewrecking buffoon.
"Trump weird! Squawk! Orange man bad! Squawk!"
Pull the Democrat pull strings and watch him bleat out the talking points!
For ages 6-80. Batteries sold separately.
I have no idea why trump did that interview. He doesn't have to say yes to everything. This was an obvious set up he should've avoided.
Don’t mind him doing the interviews despite the obvious slander attempts but he has to be able to handle himself better than the few things I saw today. Has to know he will be attacked but he can respond respectfully to their “questions and accusations” without getting personal himself. Kill them with kindness!!! When he gets vile that is what they expect and what they want.