How will they rule ??!

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Kamala's husband a homosexual jew? Coming from California it doesn't surprise me.

Emhoff, 59, the husband of US vice-president Kamala Harris, explained to attendees on a fundraising call organized by a group called Black Gay and Queer Men for Harris that he was with “a gay couple friend” having “coffee, messing around and talking” when people started coming up to them.

Emhoff, 59, the husband of US vice-president Kamala Harris, explained to attendees on a fundraising call organized by a group called Black Gay and Queer Men for Harris that he was with “a gay couple friend” having “coffee, messing around and talking” when people started coming up to them.
LOL you can't call him a beard. Maybe a lipstick husband? His kid is seriously messed up btw.
THEY WERE SLAVES THOUGH. Like what about that do you not get? They had NOTHING. Vivek's parents went from skimming the top of Indian society to skimming the even bigger pool of ours. Black people were stuck drowning on the bottom the entire time. Nothing about the situations is similar.
Were Black people the age of Vivek's parents slaves? How many generations have to pass before they can no longer use slavery as a personal crutch for them being able to succeed? Black people the age of Vivek's parents had every opportunity to become Doctor's, Lawyer's, Engineers if they so chose. If you claim they didn't, why is that? What policies kept them from that? Who enacted those policies?
Look, I know you think human history began the instant you were born, but it there is in actuality a long a storied history of authorities repressing their people. I am not going to take our relative position of power provided to us by our Constitution for granted. Our rights are extremely valuable and what distinguish us. Now look who's the 'America hater'...
It doesn't matter what your or my opinion on that is. Black people have their own opinion. Do you think they're stupid?
No, I don't think They're stupid at all. I also think they can manage to get themselves an ID, can manage to get themselves to the DMV or a polling place. Can make their own path in life as they choose, Can get an education, work, and be successful, hard working members of society. They can do whatever they set their minds to and not have to rely on "white allies" for any of it.
A central tenet of the democratic party is always side the with the terrorists.

And I have always said by asking for restraint from Israel every time a new crisis shows up and never threatening or demand their neighbors show a lot of restraint...that has always been an admission by our left and the left around the world that Israel is the only rational people over there. You can't rationalize with the garbage around them.

Maybe from the instant he announced his campaign with the now infamous "and some, I assume, are good people" speech? Politics was a bit more quaint before that moment.

Well after all the raping and killing done by the illegals the Kamala admin imported, seems like his assumption may have been wrong.
Sure. The candidate they installed after lying to you about the incumbent's health to prevent a primary you could have participated in.

Also, the candidate they selected was polling in the single digits when she tried to become President in a more “fair” primary. Was only given VP spot because she’s a black woman (Biden’s words) not because she was popular or even capable.

You had no say in this. Feel free to rationalize it by cheerleading for it now. It’s comical.
She was elected by 81 million voters. If they didn't like her she would not have been elected.
Ask Sarah Palin about that.
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Emhoff, 59, the husband of US vice-president Kamala Harris, explained to attendees on a fundraising call organized by a group called Black Gay and Queer Men for Harris that he was with “a gay couple friend” having “coffee, messing around and talking” when people started coming up to them.

Some people go to church on Sunday.

Meanwhile, our “betters” mess around with gay men after spin class.
Some, and many others have stories like Vivek's. All of which is significantly better than being rounded up and transported across the ocean in the belly of an imperial slave trader to labor for generations for no wages. Different circumstances, different results.

Second generation always have it easier but that wasn't at issue. Plus you can't take a genius and extrapolate it to an entire group. Hes no more analogous than saying LeBron is representative of all blacks.

The first generation indian came here with nothing. They passed things down and passed them on. More came because of demand for their labor but they didn't just waltz over.

On the whole, much worse off than blacks yet do much better. It's because their culture is about family, accountability, and hard work. They refused victim culture. You can look within each race, and people practicing these mantras are by and large successful.

Change the culture. Change the future.
Can you read English?

- will fight to overturn federal and state laws that create barriers to reproductive health and rights.

Any law restricting a woman's decision to abort her baby, 0-40 weeks, is by definition a RESTRICTION. The SCOTUS Roe decision banned 3rd trimester abortion but your side calls for UNRESTRICTED abortion up to and including 40 weeks.

According to This is the list of Dem luminaries who are for NO restrictions on abortion. NONE. ZIP ZERO NADA. Their reasons are listed by hovering above.

These include Buttplug, Sanders and Warren.
Dude, laws that have Zero exceptions for rape or incest are barriers to reproductive health.
There is no push by Dems for completely unrestricted abortions in America.
That's only a narrative pushed by far right Chicken Littles.
It's over. Dems have outspent Rebulicans 10 to 1 on the ground game. Looks like Lara Trump, etc. focused on poll observers which is not only a small part of it, but a small part of it that they can get around anyway.

If they don't ballot harvest too, every one needs to go. Like desantis said, if those are the rules we can do it too.

Im afraid the cheat will be crazier than ever and the gop is going to be unprepared to handle it like last time. They should've been filing suits years ago in these battleground states.
Oh he was being sarcastic huh? That isn’t the company line, someone needs to get their story straight. Or maybe the things Trump says aren’t nearly as straightforward as MAGA claims…
Yes. This is a tactic by the continually make you disavow things you didn't say, were taken out of context, etc.

Like with the project 2025...he's safe many times over. I have nothing to do with this...but you guys just keep on. So he should just say, it's not in my agenda, but I might use some of it. Completely shuts down everything and people are forced to move along.

Same with this. "Not as straightforward as maga claims" no it is, bc non knuckle draggers would say...why would he say this out loud in front of press, to a press that obsesses over every single word? A press that doesn't erase your past history Like with his opponent. And the people that have repeatedly shown they have no since of humor.

Meanwhile the current admin and democrats are rolling out an authoritarian plan to change the Supreme court to only make rulings they like. Crickets (of course if R's took congress and the WH, then those new rules would suddenly be a problem and then a threat to democracy)
No, we all live in America under the same leadership of whatever party. But we didn't all start out in the same place or have the same societal experience.
So? Most of us are not a robot, clone, cookie cutter humans. That is diversity. You want homogeneity? Your luxury beliefs do not work. We are not all equal. We all have equality. Not guarantee of outcome.
Were Black people the age of Vivek's parents slaves? How many generations have to pass before they can no longer use slavery as a personal crutch for them being able to succeed? Black people the age of Vivek's parents had every opportunity to become Doctor's, Lawyer's, Engineers if they so chose. If you claim they didn't, why is that? What policies kept them from that? Who enacted those policies?
Their circumstances born of that socioeconomic strife. Just like Vivek's parents are a product of their privilege. Some lucky few trascend those circumstances. Most do not.
No, I don't think They're stupid at all. I also think they can manage to get themselves an ID, can manage to get themselves to the DMV or a polling place. Can make their own path in life as they choose, Can get an education, work, and be successful, hard working members of society. They can do whatever they set their minds to and not have to rely on "white allies" for any of it.
Then why doesn't that extend to how they vote?
The whole “JD Vance and Donald Trump are weird” thing makes me think the democrats know they have the steal locked up already and are just taunting everyone.

Yeah, the straight married men with children who love them are “weird.”

The only demographic of voter that message is going to resonate with are the childless cat ladies who already hate Trump and Vance (that includes the democrat men who are childless cat ladies).
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Dude, laws that have Zero exceptions for rape or incest are barriers to reproductive health.
There is no push by Dems for completely unrestricted abortions in America.
That's only a narrative pushed by far right Chicken Littles.
As you know I totally want abortion legal and common because I know the stats. I want no restrictions either. I want your side to have NO obstruction or obstacle in your way for 40-week abortion. And your platform agrees with me. You will fight ANY and ALL obstructions in the way such as limits on aborting a viable "future dem." More obstacles means more welfare payments down the road. I want my taxes lower and your side produces "clingy non-producers." As the founder of Planned Parenthood, Sanger, noted....we need to eliminate societies "undesirables." So go for it. I will march in lockstep with you and other dems who want NO limits on is noted in your sides influencers...Sanders, Warren, AOC and thousands of others.
If they don't ballot harvest too, every one needs to go. Like desantis said, if those are the rules we can do it too.

Im afraid the cheat will be crazier than ever and the gop is going to be unprepared to handle it like last time. They should've been filing suits years ago in these battleground states.
Hoping they put Musk's money to good use. I'm also hoping we start to see the fruits of this supposed new effort soon.
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Oh he was being sarcastic huh? That isn’t the company line, someone needs to get their story straight. Or maybe the things Trump says aren’t nearly as straightforward as MAGA claims…
Trump has to be the bad guy for you. He has to be everything the left wants you to believe about him because if he isn’t you have to come to the realization of just how big of a dipshit you really are for believing it in the first place so better for you to remain in denial.