How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Is this his 3rd or 4th time with "covid"? I know several people who are "vaccinated" 🙄 that have had "covid" at least three times. Meanwhile not at my non-vaccinated house. Thank the Lord for protection and discernment.
pure-blooded, had Covid Twice and both times barely knew I even had it. First time was Jan. 2021 (sniffles and mild cough for a few days) and again, I guess a year or so later, and I think that one was a false positive. I had to get PCR tested before going to a seminar. it showed up positive. Took two home tests immediately after finding out and both were negative. I'm in my 50's and have what the Doctors call "a little bit of a weight problem", LOL. I got a bit of a belly. Anyway, I take Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc on the daily and I haven't had so much as the sniffles. Yet these Vaxxed folks out here all getting Covid over and over and putting me in danger, wassupwiddat?
The cover up (I'm looking at you Google) is always worse than the scandal.

Trump assassination attempt: Texts reveal officers were aware of Thomas Crooks 90 minutes before shooting​

Text messages show that an officer took photos of Thomas Matthew Crooks shortly before he opened fire on former President Trump​

The fact Trump was allowed on stage knowing all of this is fact enough alone for anyone to believe it was a setup.
Which generally takes a certain level of financial stability and status. You get it now? Starting at the top and starting at the bottom are not the same thing.

The fact is that public education and government programs have devastated the black community. You pretend there is some obstacle that cannot be overcome and researchers have demonstrated that is false. Yet, kids in DC cannot read at level. Because your side refuses to change. Capturing the votes evidently takes precedence over creating attainable change.
Which generally takes a certain level of financial stability and status. You get it now? Starting at the top and starting at the bottom are not the same thing.

Hardly. It takes families literally sacrificing everything they have so their children can one day hopefully make it to the states.

If you havent, people should really talk with some Indian immigrants and hear the unbelievable things they had to do just for a s chance to come here. Studying and applying themselves literally every waking hour. Living in places without clean drinking water, etc etc that are much worse than anything here.

Then they come here with nothing and build something from the sweat of their brow. Often times its something very nice they in turn leave to their family. Now just imagine if they didn't have to sacrifice all that just to get here.

Btw these are all things the black community en masse used to do too and they enjoyed success. After decades of being told evil whitey holds them down, its child killing or abandonment, crime, drugs, violence, unemployment, and refusal to attend school.

Fix culture and you fix the problem. That goes for across races and within races as well.
True. And is that why you hate Ben Carson and Clarence Thomas so much?

They expose your empty rhetoric?
They're exceptions that prove the rule. Some lucky few make it. Of every race and socioeconomic background. The vast majority do not. If you start out already there, you have a much, much better shot at staying there than having to crawl your way all the way up from the bottom. Why? Because you have the secret sauce that makes our world go, the heart the entire system is named after! Capital. And capital begets capital. If you're black, white, brown, or rainbow striped it's still the same. Just the further you go down the melanin meter generally the more racism gets heaped on top of that.
Picking a woman is not DEI. Telling the world that you are excluding all candidates but black women IS DEI. If Trump did that, he did the same disservice to ACB as Biden did to us and Kamala.

The difference, of course, is that ACB was on many people’s diverse short list of qualified candidates. Harris had to drop out of the Dem primary because she could not get enough traction to even make it to Iowa. Even Dem voters did not think she stacked up.

Some here, not you, might see the distinction.
ACB was on the short list when Kavanaugh was chosen, so she was pretty much one of the next in line as it was based on merit.
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That isn't a distinction. When Scalia died Trump didn't announce he was going to replace him with a man. When Kennedy retired nothing. Only ACB got the DEI announcement.

Well, let’s just overlook the other distinction I previously posted and you conveniently ignored. That was expected from you.

I think most objective readers would see a distinction. Especially when RBG was the woman Justice so many looked to because she was a smart woman.

But, here’s the thing. Kamala was DEI and you admit it. Thanks.
Hardly. It takes families literally sacrificing everything they have so their children can one day hopefully make it to the states.

If you havent, people should really talk with some Indian immigrants and hear the unbelievable things they had to do just for a s chance to come here. Studying and applying themselves literally every waking hour. Living in places without clean drinking water, etc etc that are much worse than anything here.

Then they come here with nothing and build something from the sweat of their brow. Often times its something very nice they in turn leave to their family. Now just imagine if they didn't have to sacrifice all that just to get here.

Btw these are all things the black community en masse used to do too and they enjoyed success. After decades of being told evil whitey holds them down, its child killing or abandonment, crime, drugs, violence, unemployment, and refusal to attend school.

Fix culture and you fix the problem. That goes for across races and within races as well.


The certain ethnicity that I belong to is also very high on average income as Americans. It's because we came here with nothing but the culture to work, not because we were Brahmin.

I'm an immigrant and know this to be true of plenty others, many significantly wrose off than the average black american.
Hardly. It takes families literally sacrificing everything they have so their children can one day hopefully make it to the states.

If you havent, people should really talk with some Indian immigrants and hear the unbelievable things they had to do just for a s chance to come here. Studying and applying themselves literally every waking hour. Living in places without clean drinking water, etc etc that are much worse than anything here.

Then they come here with nothing and build something from the sweat of their brow. Often times its something very nice they in turn leave to their family. Now just imagine if they didn't have to sacrifice all that just to get here.

Btw these are all things the black community en masse used to do too and they enjoyed success. After decades of being told evil whitey holds them down, its child killing or abandonment, crime, drugs, violence, unemployment, and refusal to attend school.

Fix culture and you fix the problem. That goes for across races and within races as well.
Some, and many others have stories like Vivek's. All of which is significantly better than being rounded up and transported across the ocean in the belly of an imperial slave trader to labor for generations for no wages. Different circumstances, different results.
ACB was on the short list when Kavanaugh was chosen, so she was pretty much one of the next in line as it was based on merit.
Why not just select her then? Why come out and announce that you haven't picked a candidate yet, but when you do it'll be a woman?
If Kamla had said there would be no more elections if she wins, my God what different narrative. She'd be communist, dictator, un American, i mean come on

The hypocrisy dudes, my God
People get so triggered by what Trump says….. the dude was being sarcastic, not like some will to power aspiration for lifelong rule.
Well, let’s just overlook the other distinction I previously posted and you conveniently ignored. That was expected from you.
You mean this:
The difference, of course, is that ACB was on many people’s diverse short list of qualified candidates. Harris had to drop out of the Dem primary because she could not get enough traction to even make it to Iowa. Even Dem voters did not think she stacked up.

Some here, not you, might see the distinction.
I did address it:
Why not just select her then? Why come out and announce that you haven't picked a candidate yet, but when you do it'll be a woman?
And Kamala's not?

But, here’s the thing. Kamala was DEI and you admit it. Thanks.
Basically every VP pick is a DEI hire. I already explained that too:
"Obviously flawed ideology"? Most every VP pick is a diversity hire. It's literally called 'balancing the ticket'. Mike Pence was a diversity hire to shore up sinner Trump's numbers with white evangelicals. You only care because she's not white.
It's just to you the diversity in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion only means scary others with darker complexions.
You don't even need to go to Kamala, Biden was an antidrug crusader himself back in the day. This is why it's always so funny to me when y'all try to tie The Left to Joe freaking Biden and Democrats. Dems are just conservative-lite. Same capital worship, same bombs. Just with rainbows on them. I hate virtually all our leaders, but I vote for the lesser of two evils because that's what our system forces us to do.
The fact is that public education and government programs have devastated the black community. You pretend there is some obstacle that cannot be overcome and researchers have demonstrated that is false. Yet, kids in DC cannot read at level. Because your side refuses to change. Capturing the votes evidently takes precedence over creating attainable change.
I don’t have time to look it up, but your post reminds me of one of Thomas Sowells posts on X (paraphrasing):

“The black family survived decades of Jim Crow, but was no match for the Great Society”
I have wondered why Trump is always so poorly tailored. His wife is a model that rocks nothing but the most expensive and meticulously selected clothes. Yet he always looks like of his illegal lawn boys got him dressed in the morning. When he went to Arlington last week his pants were literally a foot to long. The ends were starting to fray and tear from being walked on so long. He chooses to wear one his $5 MAGA hats almost 24/7. I assume it just goes along with his sad McMansion taste he uses at all his properties. A tailor & stylist must have given him a bad jerkoff once and he refuses to ever use one again. Or he is just cheap as hell. The UK papers were clowning on Melania hard this morning for dressing like a British Airways stewardess.
You mean this:

I did address it:

Basically every VP pick is a DEI hire. I already explained that too:

It's just to you the diversity in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion only means scary others with darker complexions.

No. You did not address it. If you think you did, you may not understand the point, which has nothing to do with why Trump announced he would replace an iconic woman Justice with another woman Justice.

And, the claim that every VP is a DEI pick just gets a laugh emoji. 😂
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What pleasure do yall get from having a circle jerk and ganging up on one poster who has different views?? It's comical

I'm seriously not a Republican or Democrat. I have and will vote for any party.

I am seriously pissed off right now. Trump clearly has a plan to seize and keep power forever. He told the crowd they'll never have to vote again of they get in him this time. That's scary shit and the least American thing I've ever heard. Do away with elections, um OK

And then it's senile Joe and now Kamala, ugh. Wtf is someone with common sense supposed to do in this election?? It's a lose lose lose lose proposition

Just the way Trump speaks, conducts himself, incites violence, racism and homophonic and misogyny, not to mention project 2025 and doing away with free elections, banning porn, abortion, weed, yeah hell no

Then a far left liberal in Kamala who has butchered our borders and sucked her way to the top

I mean wtf kinda mess is this?? We are the greatest country in the world and have literal shit to chose from for Presidential candidates

I'm sad and disgusted
I’d be disgusted about Trump too if any of what you just stated about him was true. The fact you let left leaning media tell you how you should feel about a certain individual is on you, no one else and spare me the I’ve seen and heard with my own eyes and ears BS because if that’s the case you have a whole set of other issues and I nor anyone else here could help you at all. And if by chance ANY of that was true about Trump he would still be a 100X better candidate for president than KH or anyone else the left would bother putting up.
Hardly. It takes families literally sacrificing everything they have so their children can one day hopefully make it to the states.

If you havent, people should really talk with some Indian immigrants and hear the unbelievable things they had to do just for a s chance to come here. Studying and applying themselves literally every waking hour. Living in places without clean drinking water, etc etc that are much worse than anything here.

Then they come here with nothing and build something from the sweat of their brow. Often times its something very nice they in turn leave to their family. Now just imagine if they didn't have to sacrifice all that just to get here.

Btw these are all things the black community en masse used to do too and they enjoyed success. After decades of being told evil whitey holds them down, its child killing or abandonment, crime, drugs, violence, unemployment, and refusal to attend school.

Fix culture and you fix the problem. That goes for across races and within races as well.

Seems D-Sus is arguing that generations in this country being taught by the public education system was less advantageous than coming to a foreign country and starting over. His argument is an indictment of years of liberally controlled public education that fights, with his help, to maintain the status quo.
People get so triggered by what Trump says….. the dude was being sarcastic, not like some will to power aspiration for lifelong rule.
Oh he was being sarcastic huh? That isn’t the company line, someone needs to get their story straight. Or maybe the things Trump says aren’t nearly as straightforward as MAGA claims…
Dude you're just flat wrong. Asian immigrants have overall much higher education and income levels than other immigrant groups. That's even why y'all specify "Asian" or "Indian" for this conversation, as those are some of the few classifications you can point to that fit your narrative. "Indians" are literally the wealthiest immigrants of all, and if you break "Asian" down into all of its composite countries hardly any of them, basically only the rich ones, conform. Check out how Burmese or Cambodian immigrants are doing in the good ol' US of A.
So tell me what the "asylum" claim is for all of these Chinese Nationals coming across our border illegally? What are they running from?
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