What pleasure do yall get from having a circle jerk and ganging up on one poster who has different views?? It's comical
I'm seriously not a Republican or Democrat. I have and will vote for any party.
I am seriously pissed off right now. Trump clearly has a plan to seize and keep power forever. He told the crowd they'll never have to vote again of they get in him this time. That's scary shit and the least American thing I've ever heard. Do away with elections, um OK
And then it's senile Joe and now Kamala, ugh. Wtf is someone with common sense supposed to do in this election?? It's a lose lose lose lose proposition
Just the way Trump speaks, conducts himself, incites violence, racism and homophonic and misogyny, not to mention project 2025 and doing away with free elections, banning porn, abortion, weed, yeah hell no
Then a far left liberal in Kamala who has butchered our borders and sucked her way to the top
I mean wtf kinda mess is this?? We are the greatest country in the world and have literal shit to chose from for Presidential candidates
I'm sad and disgusted