How will they rule ??!

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Told 4 minority women to go back to their country. Yea not racist and xenophobic at all. Of course besides that fact that Trump is to stupid to know that 3 of the 4 were born in the US. So he really just shit on himself since he told them to fix their shithole countries, aka the USA, the country he runs. If you want to pretend he hasn't doubled and tripled on what is very calculated race baiting then thats your prerogative. He heavily miscallculated on this move
I'm saying that neither should vote. We KNOW that children can't vote. And you say that illegals don't vote. How do you know that? Do we require citizenship papers and a photo ID? That's the only way you would know for sure.

But we DO know that illegals count towards congressional seats, and thus electors, so illegals DO vote, if only indirectly.
We also know there are states requiring illegals be offered voter registration when given an ID or Drivers License. Does that mean illegals are actively voting themselves? maybe, maybe not in some cases, but it sure does mean the identity they were assigned can and most likely will be used to cast a vote.

Common sense says don't offer illegals voter registration and if states are actually REQUIRING they be offered the chance to register, it means they have intentions for those registrations, else why waste the time and effort to go through the process?
I know it doesn't need to be said but I watch a YT show and a guy on that show knows Harry. He said he's actually very non political but they are paying him a ton of money to be pro Biden. He was apparently a well known tik toker and they offered a ton of money and he took it. Dude doesn't even care who wins.
We all know he's an influencer bought and paid for by the DNC. It's why he parrots their insane talking points regardless of how absurd or blatantly wrong they are. He's a typical Gen Z parrot who repeats all the talking points and narratives being pushed by the media and face palms and stomps away from any challenge or facts debunking what they've been told to parrot.
Because they can't control Kennedy
So you're saying the Voters Dion described as being disenchanted with Trump and looking for an alternative want someone they can control?

If you're talking about the Oligarchy that runs the Biden/Harris admin, then yeah, I understand that, my point in reference to Dion's post was that RFK was there all along to be that alternative for disenchanted voters.
The left always has these foot soldiers ready to go. They bus them in for BLM chaos, they do the same for this stuff, anything left wing.

What’s the goal with the Hamas crap for the election? It’s pretty bad optics to all normal people but is this to inspire Gen Z? Bizarro land.
The organizers scan college campuses and high schools for easily manipulated mouth breathers who are the outcasts of society, throw a few dollars and some insane talking points at them, then gives them free road trips all over the country to bring chaos, violence, vandalism and disorder for whatever the cause of the day is. This is basically their summer job.
No offense, Israel is far from our strongest or best ally. The UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand occupy one through four.

Allies or not, those first 3 of 4 would be like black buzzards fighting over the carcass of this country if things get much worse here. We should never assume other countries are such great allies that they wouldn't be carving us up given the chance. History should tell us at least that much.

We shouldn't trust anyone so much that we leave ourselves vulnerable. Secure elections. Secure the borders. Enforce our laws. Stop the money laundering. Clean house. Work on this country
Allies or not, those first 3 of 4 would be like black buzzards fighting over the carcass of this country if things get much worse here. We should never assume other countries are such great allies that they wouldn't be carving us up given the chance. History should tell us at least that much.

We shouldn't trust anyone so much that we leave ourselves vulnerable. Secure elections. Secure the borders. Enforce our laws. Stop the money laundering. Clean house. Work on this country
I don't think so.

Although in Mad Max there were some mean Aussies.
Andy has a special announcement today giving an update. As to what, it wasnt said. Will be pretty shocking if he throws his hat in the ring. I think his chances are way better next time.

So I really think its going to be basically a massive patting himself on the back session while railing against trump and especially vance.

Guess we will see.
Mary is not Christ's equal. Mary is a creature and Our Lord is the 2nd person of the Blessed Trinity. The gap between them is infinite. That is and always has been the Church's teaching.

Glad I could clear that up for you!
As a biblical expert, I will never need you to clear anything up for me, troll. Instablocked your smarmy, arrogant ass.
Stuff like this is the clearest proof the dnc was bought and paid for sometime around the time of Obama's curious ascension.

Before that, all these exact same politicians had literally the exact same policies as current day trump. Almost all of them. Even the clintons (with a side order of murder).

Then out of the blue, they all took a steep dive to the far left, Hussein has a massive ground operation with acorn etc, and he wins the office he clearly was being prepped for his entire time in Senate since he almost always voted present to avoid any real record.

Was it really the Clintons or someone else who sold the dnc to china et al? Or did the buyers do it piece by piece? Im thinking the former because it happened so abruptly.

Either way, i long for the days where the election didnt matter this much. Where losing didn't mean one party got to literally actively continue destroying the country in furtherance of their obligation to foreign enemies. Yet here we are.

When the Clintons avoided real prosecution for taking money from China, and openly destroying evidence in a federal investigation, that was the big reveal and most missed it. It was already in the works before that, but the lack of public outcry and demand for justice let them put the pedal to the metal. This country was sold down the river in the early 90s.
Andy has a special announcement today giving an update. As to what, it wasnt said. Will be pretty shocking if he throws his hat in the ring. I think his chances are way better next time.

So I really think its going to be basically a massive patting himself on the back session while railing against trump and especially vance.

Guess we will see.

I’d like to take this time to announce that, after much consideration and discussion with my family, I have no intention of abandoning you fine Catpaw posters and becoming Vice president. Kamala will need to find someone else.
I know. I’m just exhausted with all the fake choreography, scripting, and deception, and I’m wondering when the press will finally be fed up with it all too. It’s embarrassing to watch as these types of things are “produced,” and we’re told to believe it’s all live and candid, while it’s painfully obvious it is all staged. Lord knows how many takes they did on that speech, and the man still wasn’t able to piece together the lines.

Maybe my expectations are too high, but the POTUS shouldn’t have to use a teleprompter, really ever. Maybe some bullet point notes on topics that are intended to be covered, but otherwise the person in that role should be able to just stand up there and speak freely on the topics to deliver the message. That goes for anyone in that role.

Imagine how refreshing, and frankly, inspiring it would be if the POTUS was able to turn off the teleprompters and speak directly to people like a real human being. Hell, if someone was able to do that, I would at the very least respect them, even if I entirely disagreed with them. But sitting there and stumbling over RECORDED lines that certainly were written by whoever is really running the “show” does not inspire confidence in leadership.

The press is all foreign and govt sponsored now. They can't tell the truth and won't or the money will be turned off. It's as simple as that.

People can keep laughing at it, but I'll keep saying it. This is the tactics of socialist Germany/bolshevik Russia wrapped up into one great coup/destruction. Has been going on since before the staged WTA "riots" in Seattle. Everyone ignored the signs
I appreciate the vote of confidence, and in said capacity as thread educator as bestowed, I'll do my best. Few different avenues they could take here, first point being that only around 96 million of the current 240 is directly controlled by the Biden-Harris ticket and therefore up for contention at all. So the first route for that 96 mil would be to directly refund it, at which point they could re-donate. Unlikely, a politician and their money are rarely parted. The easiest would be to transfer it all to a federal super PAC who could then work for the ticket, but they face a few more restrictions so that's possible but less likely. The most likely option would be to transfer it directly to the DNC, as ended federal campaigns can transfer unlimited amounts to whomever they want.
Tell us how you really feel, Catia....

The press is all foreign and govt sponsored now. They can't tell the truth and won't or the money will be turned off. It's as simple as that.

People can keep laughing at it, but I'll keep saying it. This is the tactics of socialist Germany/bolshevik Russia wrapped up into one great coup/destruction. Has been going on since before the staged WTA "riots" in Seattle. Everyone ignored the signs
Will the demo☭rats replace their latest un-democratically chosen candidate (Kamala) when she proves to be disastrous?

"Demo☭rats" - tHe pArTy oF dEmOcRaCy!!1!11

Another out in the open scumbag move? Why not. The sheep dgaf.

Been my thoughts since before Hilari lost, actually. Sad to say it, but if they'd done that in 2016 Trump doesn't likely win. Would have been tough to pull off
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Been my thoughts since before Hilari lost, actually. Sad to say it, but if they'd done that in 2016 Trump doesn't likely win. Would have been tough to pull off
The country would be done because they'd have the SCOTUS forever. Trump getting them at least delayed their goals.

There is no way that all of this ends well or peacefully. You're not going to get out of their agenda just by relying on a ballot box. These are really bad people running the world.
You'd think. But there doesn't seem to be ANY civilization destroying lunacy these radicals can act out that moves the needle for "democrats". E.G. BBBlazing.

I don't know if it's head up the ass MSM brainwashing, or just stubborn, arrogant, smug ignorant dumassery that drives these people. It's a mystery.
This is what I just don't understand about these people who claim to be Democrats who are moderate and good Christian family men like BBBlazing and others on here. Their is literally a moderate democrat running as an independent who's not lockstep in with the Globalist destruction of America agenda, that they can easily champion and pull the trigger for. But like sooooo many they consider it a wasted vote. Well if all the people that thought it was a wasted vote would actually vote for the guy, then maybe he would surprise everyone. Being of the mindset that we only have two options is what's got us into this gnarly predicament. And no, I'm not in the RFK, jr. camp. I won't be voting for him either, but it's not because I think it's a wasted vote. I voted for Perot back in the day and if another independent came along that I could get behind I'd vote that way again.