How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
If memory serves me correct both parties claimed the election was stolen in 2016 & 2020. Hillary said it in 2016 and Trump in 2020 so either both sides cheated or at the very least both sides think the other is capable of cheating.
To be fair.... Al Gore said he was robbed in 2000 and Stacey Abrams (known affectionately as Big Stacey) has claimed to be the real Gov of Georgia for like 6 years.
Arrived in greyhound busses. Absolutely organized and paid to do this.

The left always has these foot soldiers ready to go. They bus them in for BLM chaos, they do the same for this stuff, anything left wing.

What’s the goal with the Hamas crap for the election? It’s pretty bad optics to all normal people but is this to inspire Gen Z? Bizarro land.
The left always has these foot soldiers ready to go. They bus them in for BLM chaos, they do the same for this stuff, anything left wing.

What’s the goal with the Hamas crap for the election? It’s pretty bad optics to all normal people but is this to inspire Gen Z? Bizarro land.
I hope they keep trotting out the Hamas henchmen and sympathizers. I can only imagine that will help drive voters to the poll for Trump.
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Not gonna lie, dude is legendary. Lol
I'm saying that neither should vote. We KNOW that children can't vote. And you say that illegals don't vote. How do you know that? Do we require citizenship papers and a photo ID? That's the only way you would know for sure.

But we DO know that illegals count towards congressional seats, and thus electors, so illegals DO vote, if only indirectly.
What's you point then? Because children are already counted for House seat apportionment too... Did you not know that?
Anyone that categorizes a group of people without knowing them isn't worth it. 1/2 of this country are democrats, and while there are fringe lunatics on both sides, most all people are good, hard working members of society that raise good families. I am a democrat and am definitely not a scum

lifelong democrat here.

If you vote for the current Democrat party and what they are doing, you, sir, are indeed a scumbag.

Hate to break it to you.
I hope they keep trotting out the Hamas henchmen and sympathizers. I can only imagine that will help drive voters to the poll for Trump.
You'd think. But there doesn't seem to be ANY civilization destroying lunacy these radicals can act out that moves the needle for "democrats". E.G. BBBlazing.

I don't know if it's head up the ass MSM brainwashing, or just stubborn, arrogant, smug ignorant dumassery that drives these people. It's a mystery.
They ARE voting, via the apportionment of congressional seats. They are not citizens of the US, and therefore, should have no impact on national politics.

IOW - the allocation of HOR seats, and electoral votes, should only be based on US Citizens.
What's your legal basis for that though? The Constitution specifies that House apportionment counts everyone, not just citizens.

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. "

Slaves were specifically counted at 3/5s. But free noncitizens were always counted and at full. The Constitution uses 'citizen' all the time, and specifically used 'free Persons' here instead.
Good luck getting him to discuss what the left did for Kavanaugh’s nomination (or their bogus sexual assault thing they came up with to try and stop him- disgusting) or on their way to kill him. Or how they tried to get to the White House in 2020, or Antifa and BLM destroying everything and attacking others and even killing.

He’s always crickets because he’s a fraud. A disingenuous fraud.
Shooting up the Republican baseball practice... A guy driving across country with a gun to kill Kavanaugh and the Marshals arrested him walking up to Kav's house... You can go on and on with left violence on pubs. The kid with a maga hat that got ran over by a Biden voter and the Biden voter claimed self defense solely because the kid was wearing a maga hat.... The left has lost it's mind and pretend they haven't. LOL.
Not Joe Biden, Jill Biden got 12 while Trump got 3.

From the article:

Investigations done by Senators Ron Johnson (R-WI) as well as Chuck Grassley (R-IA) into the failures of the Secret Service (USSS) in light of the Trump assassination attempt have revealed several glaring missteps from the agency, including that an event for Jill Biden nearby to the Trump rally on July 13 had 12 "post-standing" USSS agents while Trump's rally had just three.

According to investigations done by Johnson as well as Grassley's offices, as reported on by RealClearPolitics’ Susan Crabtree, the Secret Service did not coordinate communications with local law enforcement and there were only three “post standing” USSS agents at the Trump rally while there were 12 at an event for Jill Biden the same day.
I'd love to see when they set up that fundraiser too. I'll bet they planned it after Trump had the rally announced just to drag resources away.
It doesn't. I already linked the part where it says they count for apportionment, though.
The court ruled that way. They also once ruled incorrectly on slavery, segregation, abortion, and affirmative action. The time will come when the travesty you’re referencing will also go away.

As for the routine display of hatred for your countrymen: only a fool would be glad that foreign invaders gain more representation than natural born, law-abiding citizens. A fool, or a communist.

Thus is your love for the Constitution.
Unless Vance is a CIA plant, the stakes are incredibly high at this point for democrats. They’ve set absurd president with the lawfare.
I was unsure about Vance until I heard how bad FOX/Murdoch, Lindsey Graham, Karl Rove, Nicky Haley, and Paul Ryan hate him. The only way it would be better is if Adam Kensinger and Alex Vindman kilt themselves over it.
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The court ruled that way. They also once ruled incorrectly on slavery, segregation, abortion, and affirmative action. The time will come when the travesty you’re referencing will also go away.

As for the routine display of hatred for your countrymen: only a fool would be glad that foreign invaders gain more representation than natural born, law-abiding citizens. A fool, or a communist.

Thus is your love for the Constitution.
Did I link a SCOTUS decision? No, I linked the words of the Constitution itself directly. How do you dispute them?
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What's your legal basis for that though? The Constitution specifies that House apportionment counts everyone, not just citizens.

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. "

Slaves were specifically counted at 3/5s. But free noncitizens were always counted and at full. The Constitution uses 'citizen' all the time, and specifically used 'free Persons' here instead.

Unfortunately, yes. Correct.

Pat on the head for commie pigeon. He moved a piece, perhaps by accident.
Kamala Harris is like the second string QB; the most popular player on the team.

Now, sometimes that works out (especially if you're playing Kentucky in a football game), but more often that not, it doesn't.

How many times did we witness some bum come in (not Lamar) and torch us silly?

Be wary, here.

This is far from over.
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