How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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While it doesn't seem like an attack, just based on the things that would have been "targeted" here along with the fairly easy fix (for some things).. It is a pretty damn big issue though. Maybe the biggest non-attack outage we've had in quite some time.

Hope no one is traveling.
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Read earlier in the week that Trump did not want to wear the bandage for the speech, but I guess was overruled by his doctor(s).
Was thinking what impact it would have had if he walked out on the stage with no bandage....and a hole in his ear or a mangled ear.
Some Dem/libs may change their mind...but others will say that he did it himself.

You’re assuming they have the ability to self reflect, that’s quite an assumption. Look at all the idiotic shit they fall for. If the Russian collusion hoax and covid “vaccines” didn’t open their eyes and cause them to rethink things, Trump showing off a week old gunshot wound isn’t going to either
The other problem here is that almost everything needs to be fixed in an individually hands-on approach.. That's the other problem here. It's a PITA to fix, especially if you're a large company.
The only part i disagree on is trump. If he doesn't win, it won't much matter. If he does there is a chance he enacts change at the federal level. He eyed in the first time.
I don’t see why it wouldn’t matter. Other states already doing this without Trump. It doesn’t matter in those states?
Vance has it right. People that have kids should carry the vote. Absolutely genius. Single people shouldn't have the same say as married people raising the future of the country.

Off subject but your post got me thinking about his stance.
So single people with kids should have a lesser voice on raising kids?
You misunderstand me there. I mean there are too many administrative positions in the city school districts.

They weren't designed for anything except having four walls, ceiling, floor and lights. Yep. Poorly designed at that. Most schools are designed horizontally, maximizing roof space and sprawl instead. They are less thoughtfully designed than prisons.

it doesnt make sense that few are of 2 or more stories and none are built for ease if access to utilities for repair and upgrading. There's little thought to insulation much less hvac efficiency. They are the most expensive per sq ft to operate of just about any govt buildings. It's ridiculously wasteful, yet that is the model that ALMOST EVERYONE continues to use in this country. Completely stupid

It should get money, but it also needs to manage it better. Part of that is dropping a failing curriculum and poor institutional governance, authority, and accountability. Part of it is not keeping entire buildings lit for more than 7 hours after students and teachers have left for the day. Part of it is the daily structure of classes and the methods of teaching. Quite a bit of it is the focus on testing and pushing students on without mastery of the subjects that are supposed to be taught.

It's one unhealthy smorgasbord of fast food "education" and made that way purposefully in opposition to what educators have known for over 500 years works best.
Totally reason to support school choice.
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Funny, but not, considering what they are in charge of protecting.
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Comparing MM’s wins in Kentucky to Trump’s national win is really pretty stupid. Voters in Kentucky have not had a real choice other than McConnell in years, many many years. Trump won two primaries. Does anyone think McConnell could ever win a presidential primary? AOC, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, etc. also have won many congressional races. So what!? Apples to oranges.
Who did that?

MM always has had an opponent. Crazy to claim otherwise.

Your analogy attempt is nonsense.
RNC is fun party. Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan, Dana White.

DNC will be a shit show figuring out who the candidate is and who might be a man and who might be a woman
Just predicting some Trannies will speak a Drag Queen or two, and they will either have no American flag or a distorted off color version of it like they did at their last convention. They hate America, and it will be evident.
While it doesn't seem like an attack, just based on the things that would have been "targeted" here along with the fairly easy fix (for some things).. It is a pretty damn big issue though. Maybe the biggest non-attack outage we've had in quite some time.

Hope no one is traveling.
I'm traveling again next month to Scotland via London Heathrow (aka "London Thief-row"). Hopefully resolution by then.
He was more composed, more serene and for those who like to use the term "Presidential". He was that. He showed how he could venture seamlessly in and out of the speech on the teleprompter, how he could recall actual names. Yeah he bloviated some, but he didn't do that thing where he gets off on a tangent and repeats himself numerous times. There's no way on God's Green earth that Biden could pull off a speech like that. If anything silenced any critic saying Trump has cognitive decline of his own, that speech erased it.
Who did that?

MM always has had an opponent. Crazy to claim otherwise.

Your analogy attempt is nonsense.

Well, let’s take a look a bit deeper. McConnell never had to influence a national electorate, agree?

McConnell was never seriously primaried in Ky, agree?

Now tell us the serious competition MM had from the left that any sane moderately conservative person would have considered? Conway???? LOL

Your analogy was nonsense.

The voters of this country would laugh if MM attempted to run for national office. It’s just a fact. Don’t get all pissy about it.
This dude is saying if he's re-elected he's gonna cure cancer and dementia. Huh?
He is. We have found the cure to cancer in the genes of a blue haired Trans woman with a nose piercing named Ryder. Turns out, her entire makeup is of they/them blood cells which completely cures cancer.

They/them was initially hesitant about such a sacrifice until they/them was told it was for climate change and also received a free Starbucks coffee and Pride mask.

Thank you, Ryder for your contribution to science!
After last night, liberals can mail this one in. Go ahead and get behind The Donald, because it's over. Take your rainbow flags, abortions, free everything and stick them up your ass. Get back to work, and help get this country rolling again.

Even this democrat is seeing the light...
These people helped orchestrate Covid to win an election. You think they’re going to just roll over and not do some crazy crap and cheat again? We’ve been set up all year for outages. You have to think they’re going to try something again and magically the new candidate will set the record for most votes ever!
Well, let’s take a look a bit deeper. McConnell never had to influence a national electorate, agree?

McConnell was never seriously primaried in Ky, agree?

Now tell us the serious competition MM had from the left that any sane moderately conservative person would have considered? Conway???? LOL

Your analogy was nonsense.

The voters of this country would laugh if MM attempted to run for national office. It’s just a fact. Don’t get all pissy about it.
- By national electorate, you mean the entire country at once? Agree. He's certainly affected the electorate in many states with campaign support of other Pubs, particularly Senate candidates. JD Vance says hello. But, so what?

- How often do incumbents get seriously primaried anywhere? Net, useless commentary in a bogus attempt to make the rest of your post logical. BTW, what serious competition did Trump did Trump have in the primaries this year when he wasn't even the incumbent? So serious he didn't even debate the others. LOL.

- How serious is anyone's competition if the voters strongly favor them? LOL, but keep reaching.

- It's good national voters wouldn't vote for an 82 yr old don't you think?
They’re going to put Harris on the 1st convention ballot so they can say she had the 1st chance, take a vote and they know she’ll lose, especially without Biden endorsing. Then it’s a free for all. Dirty game.
There’s no way anyone but three people will be allowed to hold that position.

Gavin Newsom

I can’t imagine the other two are really an option so it’s going to be Gavin.
There’s no way anyone but three people will be allowed to hold that position.

Gavin Newsom

I can’t imagine the other two are really an option so it’s going to be Gavin.

Very likely. He kept saying he had Joe's back but what he really meant was that he had his knife in it.

How proud I'd be to have a President that visited a country and leader that shut down domestic flights in his own country because of a virus but let flights go to New York, etc, knowing he was delivering a deadly virus to the U.S.

He even went further, had that POS visiit California and cleaned up the city of SF so that leader wouldn't see the filth and stinch while he was there.

The rot is decapitating the republic.
Very likely. He kept saying he had Joe's back but what he really meant was that he had his knife in it.

How proud I'd be to have a President that visited a country and leader that shut down domestic flights in his own country because of a virus but let flights go to New York, etc, knowing he was delivering a deadly virus to the U.S.

He even went further, had that POS visiit California and cleaned up the city of SF so that leader wouldn't see the filth and stinch while he was there.

The rot is decapitating the republic.
He also kept his winery opened while shutting everyone else’s down.

He also can’t play the morality card considering he slept with his best friend’s wife. But who am I kidding? It’s not like these are rational people anyway.
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I saw somewhere 27% of liberals think trump staged the assassination attempt to boost his ratings. At first i thought it sounded high. Then as i heard from more friends and colleagues, it sounds about right. Might even be low. Most libs absolutely believe it.

Its insane how many people literally think someone is crazy enough to hire a person to fire multiple shots at their head from 300 yards away.

I don't. Imo at the time vance was trying to make money. No harm in that. I don't think politics entered his mind until his cozy relationship with msm went downhill after they uncovered him lying. I think once he went back at them, he saw the same vein trump tapped into and saw the opportunity.

Trump doesn't have to worry about votes from Appalachia thats for sure. Of course some people wre crying about vance painting Appalachia as a drug riddled sh1thole but those are all bernie people anyway and barely even a single digit of the subject population.

Vance is the perfect pick for trump. Vance will play along and will not outshine him. Nothing either says or does will be too much for the other. I just don't want vance as president which gives me concern because trump is old.
Elizabeth Warren claimed to be an Indian. Biden's claimed to be from every state and worked every job and attended every church.
Anyone surprised that the liberal media sites fact checked everything Trump last night as being false? On these sites they also would not allow comments, however if it's something positive about Trump, the same media opens comments for the liberals to trash it out...
Just predicting some Trannies will speak a Drag Queen or two, and they will either have no American flag or a distorted off color version of it like they did at their last convention. They hate America, and it will be evident.
It'll be boring and off putting and most people will turn it off. Then the ballot printers will get busy for the next three months stuffing boxes to deliver on election night.
Elizabeth Warren claimed to be an Indian. Biden's claimed to be from every state and worked every job and attended every church.

Is the point is to excuse one person's grifting because others do it too? Whataboutism is something we rightfully laugh about at libs.

I think he was a good fit for Trump's vp. Beyond that I would not turn my back on him. He's an opportunist of the highest degree.
Man we have a crisis of incompetence in this country.

The president is literally mentally incompetent.

The secret service let a former president get shot in the head and no one has been disciplined.

Crowdstrike just shut down the goddam country.
FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi actually shot an unarmed Vicki Weaver in the head in 1992 and never lost his job. He was defended in court by Bill Barr, by the way. Yes, that one.

Governments defend their own. A bit of a lesson for the GOP and the so-called "rule of law." Why are we still respecting a system that is completely corrupted?
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