How will they rule ??!

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Evil is rebellion against God.

The sin of 'self' is the worst sin.

That's been the biggest con job, hasn't it?

That somehow society determined what is good and bad is a complete farce. Outside of biblical faith, there are no boundaries since everything is merely relative. That's why we've seen our society move so quickly into the "my truth" delusions.

Looking at the history of the middle east and most any land mass, societies have not been bound by any moral code that didn't originate with faith. While there is no question that laws are designed to keep people from hurting each other, and the abrogation of those laws by leadership and industry seems to be evidence only of intended control, that was never the source of law. It was only the legalistic/lawfare abuse of it by those without faith in God (or in many cultures gods/ancestors).

Evil is not simply what we determine it to be. It does not wear a badge or other identifier declaring it's wickedness. Evil is doing harm to a neighbor or to God's authority and reputation. Disobedience to God is the definition of evil in the Bible. Outside of the Bible, there are simply changeable laws to regulate relative behavior
Heard where the SS is bringing in some new equipment....


And got a call from a friend in PA that the SS is working on that roof as part of the investigation of what could have gone wrong....


Mayorkas and Cheatle shift blame to Tenzing Norgay.
The famed Nepalese-Indian Sherpa was commissioned to lead the trek up the difficult, and extreme roof slope of the building, in order to pursue shooter, but never showed up.
Apparently, they were unaware that he had perished in 1986...
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I have evaluated the arguments, data and evidence on both sides and reached the only logical conclusion.

Simply put: It takes more "faith" to believe everything came from nothing, nowhere an infinite time ago, than it does to believe in a Creator. I do not have enough faith to be an atheist.

At the end of the day, your faith in nothing is pure evil.

I’m not like a strict atheist. If God came down tomorrow and was like ‘Yo’ I’d be all about Him. I base my position on current understanding. Which that would update. Every “atheist” I’m ever met or talked to is the same, we’re not hardcore unbelievers in the same way you’re a believer. Pure faith, in anything, is evil.
I’m not like a strict atheist. If God came down tomorrow and was like ‘Yo’ I’d be all about Him. I base my position on current understanding. Which that would update. Every “atheist” I’m ever met or talked to is the same, we’re not hardcore unbelievers in the same way you’re a believer. Pure faith, in anything, is evil.

Dion backpedals from "God is not real" to "I'm not like a strict atheist."

Your statement about pure faith being evil is stupid and nonsensical.

Do you have pure faith in gravity? Yes? Then you're EVILLLLLLLLL!!!!!

LOL C'mon man, bring your 'A' game! This is tiddlywinks.

If you believed this, you would not identify as an atheist, at all. You don’t see the flaws in your belief system, while claiming to see flaws in others’ belief systems.
I just explained that. I’m technically an agnostic. 100% strict atheism claiming they 100% knew would be just as dumb as religion.
Pelosi and Schiff need to get of Biden's back. Joe is doing fine.
It's hard for me to fathom the left not getting rid of this guy with a month to go before the DNC. These people are lunatics and bloodthirsty for power. They're not going to just let things stand as they are. Because your two options are this - get this guy out and get a new candidate in there to at least make it look legit if they get more votes. Second, gaslight the entire country that Biden got 90M votes.
Mark Hammil is a perfect example of how just because you play a tough guy in a movie, you're still a short nerdy theater kid.


You gonna FAFO when you piss off the Star Wars nerds. They get testy when somebody talks about their Star Wars. Two things you never do on this thread, #1 never ever say or think the "N" word...#2 never ever disrespect "NOW" ( nerds of wars)

I've been on that crusade for years. But it never seems to take.

But, I'll try again.

If the political spectrum lies on the X axis. Everything left of zero is liberalism, everything right of zero is conservatism. If you follow the line out, left of zero, the extreme endpoint of liberalism is fascism. Go the other way, and the extreme endpoint of conservatism is anarchy. Find me an anarchist that is for a government or entity that makes the rules. All of the rules. Until then, the left needs to STFU about fascism.
Your model is too reductionist. The USSR and Nazi Germany were both authoritarian and repressive. Did they have similar economic structures? Are capitalism and communism synonymous? You would never argue that.

A more useful model for you would be the political compass which addresses those issues:
Yeah, we've been through this, and you're wrong. (again)

Y axis = rationalization

In fact, you are the EMBODIMENT of the Y axis.
That's been the biggest con job, hasn't it?

That somehow society determined what is good and bad is a complete farce. Outside of biblical faith, there are no boundaries since everything is merely relative. That's why we've seen our society move so quickly into the "my truth" delusions.

Looking at the history of the middle east and most any land mass, societies have not been bound by any moral code that didn't originate with faith. While there is no question that laws are designed to keep people from hurting each other, and the abrogation of those laws by leadership and industry seems to be evidence only of intended control, that was never the source of law. It was only the legalistic/lawfare abuse of it by those without faith in God (or in many cultures gods/ancestors).

Evil is not simply what we determine it to be. It does not wear a badge or other identifier declaring it's wickedness. Evil is doing harm to a neighbor or to God's authority and reputation. Disobedience to God is the definition of evil in the Bible. Outside of the Bible, there are simply changeable laws to regulate relative behavior
^^^This man is on fire today. Nice post.
Imagine having to tell your ancestors that everything they built and worked for was just given away so easily...both here and in Europe.

Diversity is our strength which is why I have been heavily involved in trying to house migrants and push for an open border policy in Israel. It will really enrich their country and they could use the positive press right now.
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Guess one of the bullets hit crane(?) holding speakers....
Have watched this several times but I can't make it out. Be interesting to see a picture, or overhead photo of the layout and see how that speaker lines up with the rooftop.

Here is the ultimate disconnect between you and others: the indignant assertion that God must be proven to you.

It's also intellectually vapid.

It's an easy assertion when there can be no such "proof," and even if it were, could easily be dismissed as an hallucination.
Which illustrates that every single idiot here (they know who they are) who has used the word “fascist” in relation to Trump has no earthly idea what the word actually means.

I have no objection at all to term limits but this is not the answer. They already have an ethics code iirc as well as the rules of their state's bar.

This is just a not so hidden attempt at coercing and intimidating scotus because they cant tolerate finally having the rule of law control instead of insane political ideology.
That's been the biggest con job, hasn't it?

That somehow society determined what is good and bad is a complete farce. Outside of biblical faith, there are no boundaries since everything is merely relative. That's why we've seen our society move so quickly into the "my truth" delusions.

Looking at the history of the middle east and most any land mass, societies have not been bound by any moral code that didn't originate with faith. While there is no question that laws are designed to keep people from hurting each other, and the abrogation of those laws by leadership and industry seems to be evidence only of intended control, that was never the source of law. It was only the legalistic/lawfare abuse of it by those without faith in God (or in many cultures gods/ancestors).

Evil is not simply what we determine it to be. It does not wear a badge or other identifier declaring it's wickedness. Evil is doing harm to a neighbor or to God's authority and reputation. Disobedience to God is the definition of evil in the Bible. Outside of the Bible, there are simply changeable laws to regulate relative behavior
^^^This man is on fire today. Nice post.
What about literally every society throughout history that wasn't Biblical? Aka, the majority? Or any society where government was the source of moral codes, not religion? All of that was extremely myopic.