How will they rule ??!

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“We will no longer participate in or support external social or cultural awareness parades, festivals, or events,”

No one:

Millenial woman who just started at John Deere's Marketing Team: I used to work for Bud Lite and had an idea. Let's get into the gay pride stuff. That will really resonate with the gay community who uses your products.
If Iran was plotting an attempt on Trump, why are they now bringing it to the attention of the American people? It would have been headlining news, amirite? No, we are hearing about this now to distract what the US government tried to do and failed. Way too many " how comes" and "why not's" for it to be anything different, and let's not forget the lies being told.
It seems to have worked. Republican unity...nonstop positive Trump coverage day after day...people who wouldn't vote for him now sayitn they will.

How long before the Dem/libs 'stage' something similar? Maybe bigger. More people killed? Biden LEAPING off the stage to cover people in the front row?

(Could Biden even hit the ground like Trump did? LOL)
Oh they will. It's a given. These people will stop at nothing. They were absolutely involved with orchestrating the COVID BS.
If Iran was plotting an attempt on Trump, why are they now bringing it to the attention of the American people? It would have been headlining news, amirite? No, we are hearing about this now to distract what the US government tried to do and failed. Way too many " how comes" and "why not's" for it to be anything different, and let's not forget the lies being told.
Yeah, it's blatantly obvious. The only ones this stuff works on is the left's base. We all know how evil our media and intel agencies are.
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I've been on that crusade for years. But it never seems to take.

But, I'll try again.

If the political spectrum lies on the X axis. Everything left of zero is liberalism, everything right of zero is conservatism. If you follow the line out, left of zero, the extreme endpoint of liberalism is fascism. Go the other way, and the extreme endpoint of conservatism is anarchy.
Nicky Cruz, from the book "Run Baby, Run" said when he first encountered evangelist David Wilkerson, he told his fellow gang members "This guy's a communist." He then said "I didn't know what a communist was, but I knew everybody was against it."
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It seems to have worked. Republican unity...nonstop positive Trump coverage day after day...people who wouldn't vote for him now sayitn they will.

How long before the Dem/libs 'stage' something similar? Maybe bigger. More people killed? Biden LEAPING off the stage to cover people in the front row?

(Could Biden even hit the ground like Trump did? LOL)

To be fair, "hitting the ground" is pretty much Joe Biden's forte.
If Biden broke laws, prosecute him. Like I already said, if you have problems with Biden, don't vote for him. None of that has anything to do with an unprecedented coup attempt. Biden could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue(as Trump joked about) and it wouldn't change a thing about what Trump tried to do to our Constitution and country. You cannot try to overthrow our Constitution you swore to protect. You didn't address any of the substance, just whatabouted Biden. What do you need to wait and see on? Trump already did these things. Years ago.
On the other hand, you have stuff coming in with cheap labor, no OSHA, etc which means a loss of manufacturing jobs. Unions also play a role. Companies also. It's complicated.

Exactly. This world is one giant socio-economic lab. As long as there are borders and each economy is effectively contained, supported, and enforced, those economies can survive and even prosper given the right leadership and participation.

Drill a hole in one container and the solution spills out. The problem is you can't just drill a hole in one container without damaging the container next to it and compromising the solution inside it. But that is exactly what the Clinton admin and congress did with Nafta and Mexico (and with China though no one had any idea China was part of and purchasing/ influencing that deal).

It seems great that suddenly there are cheap goods available to people used to paying more, but the effects over time are always the same. Dilution and compromise of solutions. Lowering of wages compared to established, currency related costs. You either plug the hole and fix the solution, or you just add more of the same ingredients to hide the dilution (print more money). The end result is the solution gets out if balance, stagnates, and either the ingredients precipitate out of solution (no movement/heat) or the solution thickens to the point of being useless.

There's a reason there must be a balance in systems. There's a reason systems decay once that balance is altered. We're seeing the results of the successful marketing (propaganda) of "new" (old) ideas that failed in the past, marketed by people that know how to and are positioned or waiting to profit off of those failures, marketed for and to people that increasingly are propagandized not to care how anything affects anyone else.
Question narratives? You’re being fed the ultimate narrative. God is not real. He does not care for you. There is no reward when you die. All these things have been made up to keep you in line. The most successful made up narrative in the history of mankind.

Since you obviously can't prove any of the above (atheists never can, and I am not sure why it bothers them so) I will just smile and send you on your way.
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This times a million. It's a waste of time engaging with him. Nobody with any sense should have interest in talking to a marxist. This thread would be so much better if him and sam were left alone. The days of finding common ground are long gone.

Their "debate" with you is a form of catharsis.

By engaging them, you are helping them be what they are.
I've been on that crusade for years. But it never seems to take.

But, I'll try again.

If the political spectrum lies on the X axis. Everything left of zero is liberalism, everything right of zero is conservatism. If you follow the line out, left of zero, the extreme endpoint of liberalism is fascism. Go the other way, and the extreme endpoint of conservatism is anarchy. Find me an anarchist that is for a government or entity that makes the rules. All of the rules. Until then, the left needs to STFU about fascism.

It's as easy as that.

One wants so much government control. The other side wants as little government as possible if at all (lol).
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Roger Penrose calculated the odds against our well-balanced universe of solar systems and galaxies, whereas the by-far-most-likely result from a Big Bang would have been just one giant ball of mass which would collapse into one giant black hole, or at best a number of big black holes. The odds he calculated are 1 in 10 raised to the 10^123 power. Yes, the exponent is 10 raised to the power of 123. The number is inconceivable. There are “only” about 10^80 particles in the entire universe. You literally can't even WRITE the number.


God did it.

That and, if iirc, he didn't even begin to add the probabilities against existence and continued sustenance of the planet's systems and individual life forms.

What will really blow your mind is when you begin to look at event astronomy as it relates to and coincides with human events happening in real time and the improbability of that without being constructed intentionally by someone. Prophecy and the "supernatural" adds another layer of improbability.
Biden has consistently acted like this towards soldiers and veterans for years now. Shows them no respect, often times out right contemptuous of them. For most people bring up the Bronze Star in that way would be bizarre, but it is classic Biden.

He's a product of his own lies. Full blown nutjob when called out. No surprise
"There is no gold in China."

You would have to have infinite knowledge to KNOW there is no evidence of God in the universe. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
And I can postulate there’s a tiny teacup orbiting Jupiter, too small for our telescopes to see. You can’t prove me wrong! The burden of proof is on the one making the claim, not everyone else to disprove.
Agnostic means without knowledge, not questioning; it's the same etymology as ignorant. Ignorant and agnostic are synonymous.

His "answers" are in science he doesn't even comprehend sufficiently to understand they aren't answers.
I was clearly describing the connotation, not the denotation. When someone says you’re ‘Cool!’ they don’t mean you’re below average temperature.
Exactly. This world is one giant socio-economic lab. As long as there are borders and each economy is effectively contained, supported, and enforced, those economies can survive and even prosper given the right leadership and participation.

Drill a hole in one container and the solution spills out. The problem is you can't just drill a hole in one container without damaging the container next to it and compromising the solution inside it. But that is exactly what the Clinton admin and congress did with Nafta and Mexico (and with China though no one had any idea China was part of and purchasing/ influencing that deal).

It seems great that suddenly there are cheap goods available to people used to paying more, but the effects over time are always the same. Dilution and compromise of solutions. Lowering of wages compared to established, currency related costs. You either plug the hole and fix the solution, or you just add more of the same ingredients to hide the dilution (print more money). The end result is the solution gets out if balance, stagnates, and either the ingredients precipitate out of solution (no movement/heat) or the solution thickens to the point of being useless.

There's a reason there must be a balance in systems. There's a reason systems decay once that balance is altered. We're seeing the results of the successful marketing (propaganda) of "new" (old) ideas that failed in the past, marketed by people that know how to and are positioned or waiting to profit off of those failures, marketed for and to people that increasingly are propagandized not to care how anything affects anyone else.
In my particular neck of the woods, at one time 75% of the lamps and shades in the USA came from within 50 miles of me. Not only were 1,000's of jobs directly lost, many more were lost indirectly, not just here but in other areas of the country in supply related industries such as steel mills and the cloth mills in the Carolinas.