How will they rule ??!

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Ah yes. Its all fake. Cheap fakes that is. Thats what they called it. Kamala is actually a well spoken genius and Biden is sharp as a tack. Dont trust what your eyes and ears tell you.

Libs are the only ones smart enough to see through the ruse. The rest of us are just too stupid.
Ah yes. Its all fake. Cheap fakes that is. Thats what they called it. Kamala is actually a well spoken genius and Biden is sharp as a tack. Dont trust what your eyes and ears tell you.

Libs are the only ones smart enough to see through the ruse. The rest of us are just too stupid.

The irony in megablue’s posts. All he does is post fake news links like Sambowie.

So his post is laughable.
Ah yes. Its all fake. Cheap fakes that is. Thats what they called it. Kamala is actually a well spoken genius and Biden is sharp as a tack. Dont trust what your eyes and ears tell you.

Libs are the only ones smart enough to see through the ruse. The rest of us are just too stupid.

This is where we are now. I’m not one to say a source is accurate or not because quite frankly I don’t know anymore. AI, deep fakes and carefully edited clips have made distinguishing reality from fake news more difficult than ever.

But what cracks me up is we have irrefutable evidence of the biggest media networks and social media sites constantly lying and censoring opinions and facts they do not like (especially over the last 8 years) and these are the same sources shoved in our face every time we ask for proof or validity.

Any of us can be fooled by fake news. It happens. But man, to witness people see fake narratives from Michael Brown to George Floyd… or Russia collusion to Charlottesville… or 15 days to slow the spread to these vaccines are 100% safe and effective… or Joe Biden isn’t senile and he’s sharp as a tack to he’s just old and that’s style…

If that story is true, then the only difference between the ex-cop and MSM is he doesn’t have a network worth billions broadcasting his BS.
The irony in megablue’s posts. All he does is post fake news links like Sambowie.

So his post is laughable.
AI-powered misinformation is not laughable. It is proliferating all around the world, making The National Enquirer look like the work of kindergartners.

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If you're not familiar with @warrior-cat's work, that was basically him being charitable. He's definitely not one who engages in longform conversations of substance. I would say pithy bon mots are the best you're going to get out of him, but his rejoinders don't exactly rise to that level. Think more along the lines of guttural grunts and copious scowling.

Few post have made me laugh, er guffaw boisterously, as this one!
In 2016 they never even considered the notion of Trump winning the election until he actually won on election night… and then they collectively had a meltdown.

Biden’s debate performance last week might as well have been the 2016 election night for them all over again. Except this time they now have over 4 months to collectively melt down and throw temper tantrums over where the sense this train is currently heading. They will grow more insufferable and desperate by the day, and it ain’t going to be pretty.

I’m wondering when the “mostly peaceful protests” will begin. Do they want until the election results? Or do they launch them on Election Day at voting locations if Trump continues to have substantial leads in the polls?

The rhetoric Joy is using sure sounds like she might be trying to incite a riot. Hmm…

the dem convention in chicago next month might very well be much hotter than the one in 1968.
Media Buys for running ads you say? Isn’t that the classic political money laundering scheme where someone in your family takes 15% off the top any time a relatively cheaply made ad airs?
$50 million worth ….gotta do something with the Biden war chest and funneling it back to him seems like the best use before he gets removed.
You must be tapped into some really messed up internet places to find these Nazi memes.
They should really give the sign language interpreter a hefty raise. Probably the hardest job in America right now.

I know it has been discussed before, but what about the sign language person? You know she is told what to do when he doesn't make sense. I wonder what they tell her? Fill in the blanks the best way you know how? or do they give her some pat phrases to sign? Or does she have the go ahead to say, "I can't understand what he said?" I don't think they would let her do the last option. I tend to think it is the second option - just say this when he mumbles - "build back better, we must beat Trump, democracy is at stake, etc"
Ah yes. Its all fake. Cheap fakes that is. Thats what they called it. Kamala is actually a well spoken genius and Biden is sharp as a tack. Dont trust what your eyes and ears tell you.

Libs are the only ones smart enough to see through the ruse. The rest of us are just too stupid.
Can you imagine seriously posting that? We just saw a video with Communists in New York marching through the streets but yet somehow they support Donald Trump.
Trump calling Biden’s bluff, when Biden(‘s handlers) thought Biden was calling Trump’s bluff, has got to rank up there with one of the best strategic campaign moves of all time. Ended Biden’s campaign in one night.

Successful moves, when I disagree with the initial strategy or risk assessment, are always more impressive.

Has there been a single Biden admin move in the past 4 years that made anyone think his team has any type of strategy? There sole plan is make terrible decisions for the country and have the media run cover.

Trump (and his team) needs to spend every day strategizing against the entirety of the media and political class. I think he has America’s best interest at heart, and there’s no doubt he’s better positioned to represent America’s interest against those of foreign actors, because he’s been fighting anti-American actors for the past decade.

The heartbreaking realization that for years we naively kept saying that we’d eventually lose our freedom, while in reality it has been lost for many years already to a pack of liars and so-called elites who have bastardized the system.

You'd think their base would catch on that it's weird how these different media outlets all have the exact same topics, phrases and opinions on every single thing. The odds of you and I being in the same room and using the exact same phrase is pretty minimal. The odds of corporate media outlets all using the same exact verbiage is impossible unless they have received their talking points to use which we all know and have seen this occur.

Between social media algorithms, mods that only allow one view (Reddit), and corporate media that works as advocates for one political party, it's no wonder people view the world the way that they do. They're in a never-ending cycle of being affirmed, told what to think and feel, and if you're not with them then you're bad. Hive-minded and low-info people will always flock to the approved group.
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Trump (and his team) needs to spend every day strategizing against the entirety of the media and political class. I think he has America’s best interest at heart, and there’s no doubt he’s better positioned to represent America’s interest against those of foreign actors, because he’s been fighting anti-American actors for the past decade.
....and hasn't taken millions (bribes) from countries (most our enemies) around the world enriching himself and his family and brother.
Sometimes AI is okay tho, apparently. You ppl are a parody..

The heartbreaking realization that for years we naively kept saying that we’d eventually lose our freedom, while in reality it has been lost for many years already to a pack of liars and so-called elites who have bastardized the system.

If that’s not the proof the mainstream media has literally become an actual State run media propaganda outlet for the Dems, then I don’t know what is.