How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Really? I seem to remember voting in the dem primary here. 🤔

Maybe I was dreaming, as Dion has just assured me there was no primary.
Really? Who'd you vote for in the Dem primary? Who was even on the ballot? Marianne Williamson? I sure didn't. Incumbents don't get challenged. It doesn't happen. Look what happened to RFK. Like I already said, not my preference, but that's how it is.

But seriously who'd you vote for in the dem primary lol that's hilarious.
Truth hurt? Like I said, the right are always revealed to be the true snowflakes the minute you challenge any of their sacred cows.
Not a musical guy but Jesus Christ Superstar was pretty good. Rocky Horror Picture Show too. Outside of that. Umm.
i don’t like like musicals but i really enjoyed Paint Your Wagon. of course two of my favorite actors were in it—eastwood and lee marvin, and some of the music was good.
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Hyman Fkkin Kaplin -- !!!!

That is the sweetest thing you've said to me in ages !

I Would serve the office with passion & off the books technology

Well, I know one thing: Whatever happens, nobody will EVER SEE IT COMING...

(also, I want IN. You could get our old clearance levels rubberstamped/up to snuff in 3 business days, at most)
And....the people of Idaho. Notice the difference to the goons in @JumperJack post above.

Per The Daily Mail:
Christians in Idaho who had been banned from carrying religious symbols during their 4th of July parade came out in force on Thursday proudly toting crosses.
Those who attended the Independence Day parade in Coeur d’Alene in the deep red state could be seen proudly waving crosses alongside the star spangled banner.
As some carried crosses alongside Old Glory, others wore t-shirts with the symbol of the cross emblazoned across it.
The move by locals came after the Coeur d’Alene Regional Chamber reversed a policy which had banned the use of religious symbols in the July 4 parade. New regulations that had been implemented had banned ‘symbols associated with specific political movements, religions or ideologies’, branding them unacceptable.
An outcry had gained momentum over the weekend in the city about the policy before it quickly changed last week. In u-turning on the policy, Coppess said: ‘As a person of deep faith, the recent events and accusations have been especially heartbreaking.
Yeah, the level of shamelessness is pretty disgusting. People were pointing this out for four years. Even as this guy moved like a roomba and his mind was pudding, they would gaslight you with stuff like "We can't keep up with him. He's got so much energy."

Two weeks ago, they were claiming videos were fake and act like everything is great. After protecting this guy and hiding him away, we're supposed to believe they just discovered this was the case cause of that debate? C'mon, man. They know very well what's going on and intentionally shifted to this method. There's no way they do this without a plan in place and it's not a coincidence they have all started singing the same tune.

They managed an entire term of a shadow government. Maybe they really think they can pull off another chance at it but I really don't think so. It's too blatant.
What’s sad and funny at the same time is that the debate had a 1-2 minute delay and they still couldn’t mask it. It was probably far worse than what even we all witnessed.
Seriously. These people are just broken. Literally mentally broken and unstable. To live in that much fear and misery has to be exhausting. To truly believe the nonsense and rhetoric they spew or have been brainwashed to believe is just mind blowing.
In 2016 they never even considered the notion of Trump winning the election until he actually won on election night… and then they collectively had a meltdown.

Biden’s debate performance last week might as well have been the 2016 election night for them all over again. Except this time they now have over 4 months to collectively melt down and throw temper tantrums over where the sense this train is currently heading. They will grow more insufferable and desperate by the day, and it ain’t going to be pretty.

I’m wondering when the “mostly peaceful protests” will begin. Do they want until the election results? Or do they launch them on Election Day at voting locations if Trump continues to have substantial leads in the polls?

The rhetoric Joy is using sure sounds like she might be trying to incite a riot. Hmm…