How will they rule ??!

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Biden’s address continues the left’s attack on the legitimacy of the SCOTUS. A pack of lies that won’t be fact checked by the left wing MSM.

On the bright side he demonstrated a basic ability to read from the teleprompter.
I took from it that a teleprompter is a cure for the common cold. Injecting one might cure Covid.
Libs: "you must vote for a guy with dementia bc of our insane blueanon conspiracies of what orange hitler × Infiniti might do bc ofbthis Scotus ruling, in fact the example I'll use Is that he could do what the man with dementia just did to him"

These ppl are something else
Trump is going to ignore SCOTUS decisions just like Biden does. Just on day 1.
I mean if you're going to the wording of the Constitution, it doesn't mention peers at all. That came from the Magna Carta. The Sixth:

"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

Ahahahah, what a self-own!
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That's the real problem. Biden is a mush mouth mess but Harris would completely sink America. Hey Demwits, are you OK with flushing America straight down the toilet?
Either of the two of Biden or Harris are nothing more than figureheads. Harris wouldn’t be the one destroying the country, the Globalist Oligarchs manning her puppet strings would be that.
Gotcha. So they should’ve moved this trial and any future Trump trials to somewhere he got 90% of the vote? That’s what we’re saying now. It has to be a place of his peers AKA a place that thinks he can do no wrong? You realize how dumb you sound?
The immunity opinion states clearly: "the president isn't above the law"

Do you understand how stupid you sound with your bluanon conspiracies?

Still waiting for an answer why biden isn't in jail for illegal student loan forgiveness. No immunity!

They ruled today that PRESIDENT'S, not just a certain President has immunity on official office decisions. If this is such a bad thing, why are there not repubs squealing abut it to? If it does not serve their agenda, they are always crying.
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It's remarkable; just how poorly the massively coordinated and expansive plan by the left, to erase Trump has gone.

You could say that it is singularly personified by Barney Fife, shooting himself in the foot.

Sorry Dems, you're about to have all but one of your bullets taken away, and the one you get to keep has to remain in your pocket.

Actually by them splitting his terms they did strategically remove a massive grip hold he’d have created with 8 straight years.

Do not kid yourself in thinking the way it’s gone is going to be as productive as him continuing on what he was on pace to do.

After Trump the party is going to struggle very badly.
Sotomayor to retire, they give Kamala the job/a job for life and that paves the way to get another POTUS while making everyone happy?

Seems like a longshot but nothing would surprise me. Heard it on the radio

Also heard that "Jill Biden fly's her manicurist and pedicurist in from Deleware twice a month."
Biden should order the FBI to raid Alito's house as a domestic threat and preemptively pardon any charges resulting from excessive force. Those are unquestionably "core" official acts and should fall under the new standard of absolute immunity, correct? Which means his motives surrounding them can't be questioned and evidence concerning them can't be used? Paging the thread lawyers, @Dore95 and @Caveman Catfan and anyone else I'm leaving out.
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Biden should order the FBI to raid Alito's house as a domestic threat and preemptively pardon any charges resulting from excessive force. Those are unquestionably "core" official acts and should fall under the new standard of absolute immunity, correct? Which means his motives surrounding them can't be questioned and evidence concerning them can't be used? Paging the thread lawyers, @Dore95 and @Caveman Catfan and anyone else I'm leaving out.

Forgot me, but I’m just going to tell you you’re retarded for asking such a stupid question.
Biden should order the FBI to raid Alito's house as a domestic threat and preemptively pardon any charges resulting from excessive force. Those are unquestionably "core" official acts and should fall under the new standard of absolute immunity, correct? Which means his motives surrounding them can't be questioned and evidence concerning them can't be used? Paging the thread lawyers, @Dore95 and @Caveman Catfan and anyone else I'm leaving out.

Hahaha, now you all see what a true Nazi fascist thinks about “democracy”

This guy is the face of a loser. A complete and utter loser. I’ve been telling you all this guy is an evil POS and here it is.

Cope harder loser. And burn in Hell. Please
Forgot me, but I’m just going to tell you you’re retarded for asking such a stupid question.
You're right I did, apologies. Now. Ha ha insults be funny. But actually seriously, why? If intent/motivation of the president can no longer be considered, what's to stop a president using his official powers corruptly? Sotomayor alluded to this in her dissent; it isn't just internet crazies. You were quick to jump in to flaunt your expertise so I'm sure you have something concrete to add.
bUt TrUmP LiEd - Midseason Twerp
It seems the simple response to the left-narrative of, "yea Trump won, but he lied the whole time ..." is this:
In Biden's OPENING Comment he said, "Just inject a little bleach in your arm. It’d be all right." Which has been proven 1,000 times is a bold-faced lie. In his OPENING Comment!

Then in his first "response", he said this whopper, "I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any – this – this decade – doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did."

So, in his first canned statement and his first response, Biden BOLD-FACED lied. The opening comment should be the most egregious because he PLANNED to say it. However, his first response saying no troops dying is just ridiculous.

So, Biden PLANNED to lie and PLANNED to not be held accountable. Typical lib...
It is a direct story out of the Bible dude. Why are you getting riled by a historical event like Sodom and Gomorrah? If Bibles and the Ten Commandments are mandated in schools then teachers will have every right to teach from those texts. If you don't want your kid hearing about dads getting drunk and screwing their daughters in caves then ban the book fool.
There is a GD reason we have always had separation of church and state. You fascists just can't be happy worshipping as you please.
Need me to cite some more examples from the Bible of incest, drunkenness, beating slaves, paying for rape rights, murder, genocide. prostitution, and beastiality?
Be careful what you wish for and laws you pass when dealing with people who believe in separation of church and state. Ya might not like how it pans out.
Wait till the Satanists and Muslims who believe in Sharia Law get their books and posters rolling.
hey DA, answer the question instead of spewing your ignorant hate. what part of this is untrue?

"most historically significant books and a cornerstone of Western civilization"?

And BTW, you inadvertently showed your true colors...
hey DA, answer the question instead of spewing your ignorant hate. what part of this is untrue?

"most historically significant books and a cornerstone of Western civilization"?

And BTW, you inadvertently showed your true colors...
If you're teaching it as part of a segment on various religions, sure. But human history has a long legal tradition of which the Bible is only a small part. Putting it singularly on a pedestal in that context risks running afoul of the First.
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Sure, but it still doesn't decide the case as to the underlying conduct.

In terms of the delays, why would you be celebrating running out the clock on justice? Wouldn't you want a just, and timely, verdict in the case? As our Constitution instructs? Seems like you're openly rooting for circumventing it.
because it is not "justice" you queef. It is open lawfare. But you keep making the argument your party wants you to make, Revolutionary!!