How will they rule ??!

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Jstaff is back?


We thought you were dead. Thought it was an accidental, self-inflicted Star Wars glow stick death.

Cincinnati football star Dontay Corleone out indefinitely with blood clots​

  • Associated Press
Jun 28, 2024, 02:39 PM ET

CINCINNATI -- Cincinnati star defensive lineman Dontay Corleone is out indefinitely while being treated for blood clots in his lungs.
Corleone, a 6-foot-2, 320-pound junior and NFL prospect, was hospitalized June 14 after complaining of chest discomfort and shortness of breath, the school said in a release Friday. He is home recovering with no timetable for his return.
Since Stan laughed at this news and given his post history, i can only assume Dontay is black.
Folks, there's no covering up, debating last night.

Has been a long time coming. He's been old and declining for years. He was put out to pasture post Obama for a reason. He was too old, and never really popular enough.

The swamp, not just dems but neo-con globalists pubs from Bush/Cheney/McCain machine(s) also, dragged him out of retirement because they had no one else.

No wars, cracking down on cheap manufacturing/labor abroad was more than the country club pubs could handle.

Now they both, have egg on their face, and no answer.

Dems have no depth on the roster and no mass appeal.

If they were smart, they wouldn't have shunned Tulsi Gabbard, nor RFK jr. They'd also have done more to promote Tim Ryan up the ranks who is a decent moderate Dem and seemingly solid dude. Andy is a developmental prospect in the farm system who they may have to call up prematurely. However, I'm afraid the party puppeteers would corrupt/ruin every good quality about him and force him to go radical thus ruining any chance with middle American moderates on both sides.

Pubs aren't much better down the 3-deep, but at least the general themes of "Maga" have resonated with and grown more popular with wider groups of people on both sides, even if they don't like the current messenger.

We'll see who they tab to run VP, and essentially be next up. If the party is picking, I don't have a lot of faith. They'll probably force a limp neo-con dolt. They should court Tulsi, but most likely wont. I've never understood why VP picks aren't more strategic to win over moderates/independents. The main candidate has already won the party, you need votes from the middle and other side. Tulsi brings some women, dems, independents.
Tulsi is anti 2nd A.

That's a dealbreaker unless she changes her position.
It isn't less, it just shifted it from the executive branch to the judicial. Which I probably prefer, just clarifying it's still the same level of government power, just moved.

The other outcome is now elected politicians will have to put their name on something. No more blaming unelected/faceless people or blindly turning over control of the country to the same people.
Assuming a Pub wins, s/he needs to clean house at the CIA & FBI.

"House investigators revealed last year the partisan truth: It was the Biden campaign that ginned up the letter.............But the House Intelligence and Judiciary committees this week released a second report that exposes the lengths to which this cabal went to craft their own disinformation campaign."

IOW, the 51 went beyond what the Biden campaign asked to make their letter appear even better.

It turns out this know-nothingness was deliberate—making the letter even more scandalous. The new House report says that at least two signatories were CIA contractors at the time of the statement, while others retained access to classified material. All it would have taken was one call or briefing to ascertain that the laptop wasn’t part of a Russian campaign. The federal government certainly knew it. The Federal Bureau of Investigation had been in possession of the Hunter laptop since 2019, while Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, on the same day as the statement, said that the laptop was “not part of some Russian disinformation campaign.

Instead, these “professionals” with access to the truth purposely kept themselves in the dark—so as to retain their ability to engage in wild (and false) speculation in aid of a political campaign."

Great work again by Strassel.

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I have dropped most of my customers and just do a little for a select few customers as part time work now. I was talking to one of them today about taxes, tariffs and etc. Starting from the raw product, each manufacturer pays taxes. I counted the number of people paying taxes on my particular product. By the time he sells it to a furniture store and they retail it, six companies have paid taxes of various sorts on the product. How much does that add to the final cost? Generally people don't realize how much they pay in taxes.
Value added tax?
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The Republican war on Social Security and Medicare seems like something that would concern a lot of good hard working Americans that spent their whole lives working hard and playing by the rules only to find out that Republicans like Ron DeSantis want to take a chainsaw to their benefits because rich people need more tax breaks.

Look, I'm not sure why they hate Social Security and Medicare so much, but they've got a lot of plans they're trying to hide from the American people until after the election so whatever risky schemes their whole party seems to be plotting need to be stopped and really voting is the only way to send them a message that the Republicans need to leave Social Security and Medicare alone.
Trump's team needs to start running that on political commercials weekly and not just on the conservative networks. People need to be reminded of this.

Seriously Joe, were you late to the ice cream shop or something? Or did you need to get to the shop and pick up our corvette before they closed?
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Value added tax?
No, just various things. My business is a corporation. It pays taxes. I pay personal taxes. I paid SS tax on my employees. I pay unemployment tax on employees. My business pays property taxes on building, land, vehicles, etc. I can't make all the parts for my product, so I buy some of the parts from other corporations who are in the same boat as me. All those taxes are part of doing business. If I don't pass those costs on, I don't stay in business, so the cost is passed on to the next guy. The guy at the end of the line Who cant pass it on is the consumer.

Btw, Andy said I was not essential, so he FORCED me to lay everyone off when I had plenty of work available. The unemployment fund went broke, so he raised my rates. Most of my employees were getting enough free money that they didn't want to come back, so I dropped most of my customers and the wife and I do whatever part time work we feel like and do everything ourselves.
When Biden was lost and mumbling and stretching for a thought, they went to Trump and attempted to save the president, IMO. I was not timing answers at that point, but I am willing to bet Biden had more time and he was clearly struggling to find some coherent landing to his wandering point and CNN saved his butt (or tried to).
They had a 1-2 minute delay. It could have been a whole lot worse than what the viewers saw.
I don't care if he wants to play w/ Slinky's and Lincoln Logs. I know what he can do. The "more presidential" cliché is nonsense in today's culture. I want a POTUS who can speak to the people as if he is one of them, like Trump does. He eats McD's, cusses, probably likes bourbon, golfs, and tells people they suck when they do. The JFK aura is long gone.
Trumps a Tee totaler. So everything you listed but the bourbon.
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Gee I wonder what happened during that time that caused inflation and extreme price gouging from Kroger and the other couple of grocery chains? But hey I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to stop collecting record profits because Trump asks nicely right? Target, McDonalds, etc. have started dropping prices some because they can’t keep gouging forever though. Does Biden get credit for those price drops too?

Shut up and go away PLAT/J.EDGAR