Cal Just Can't Stop Talking Kentucky

In response to the Chandler Vessels article, Cal can't stop reflecting on his Kentucky days. He is now talking about Tyler Herro at Kentucky. He knows he wasted a golden opportunity with his extremely talented Sheppard and Dillingham team but he will never admit it. It seems like he is using Tyler Herro's success in the NBA to somehow remind people that Sheppard and Dillingham weren't his first big NBA draft surprises. However, it isn't the same because he wasn't playing much lesser players in front of Herro. Cal just needs to spend his time talking more about Arkansas and less about anything Kentucky. If Kentucky does well under Pope's leadership, he will want to take credit for the Pope hire. Lol

Agreed. He's making me nauseous always talking about UK. When he got here, he didn't talk about Memphis or UMASS all the damn time.

Go reach out to Big Nasty and leave us alone.
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Caliparis offensive schemes, spacing, and general coaching acumen allowed Tyler Herro to shoot a spectacular 10% from 3 in his last tournament game, matching other proven NBA scorers Jamal Murray and Devin Booker among others. I’m so thrilled that dipshit is gone. Half the NBA all star team and we haven’t even been a 1 seed in 10 years.
People want to talk about his record well that's the longest drought for a final four we've ever had that's your Calipari record right there
Hahahaha wow. Cal’s swagger turned you out bad.

Wait a second, aren’t you an Alabama football fan? UK basketball, Alabama football, now Arkansas as a second team?

You realize you’re not a real UK fan….righ

Hahahaha wow. Cal’s swagger turned you out bad.

Wait a second, aren’t you an Alabama football fan? UK basketball, Alabama football, now Arkansas as a second team?

You realize you’re not a real UK fan….right?
Sure I am. I have been for 50 years. Same with Alabama football . I am smart enough to do more than one thing at a time. Sorry you are not.
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He did himself in. He decided he was bigger than UK basketball. The assignment of winning SEC and National championships was not his priority after 2012. His goal was to put guys into the NBA and address generational poverty. He is such a narcissist he thought he was above it all.

The day Mitch cut him lose almost match the pure joy and happiness I felt when I was 11 years old and walked into Memorial Coliseum for the first time, saw my heroes in those baggy white warmups doing those precision warm up drills and the band and student section yelled “Hello Adolph.”
It took me a month to sleep right I was so damn excited and happy still wake up like ahh a fresh new day free of his mission being so much greater than wins he's been hired to win. Still thankful every damn day
There is a lot to unpack here . First Cal had a lifetime contract with a 33 million buyout at Kentucky if he was fired . If he talked to another school without informing Barnhart that was a breach of contract and forfeiture of 33 million. He knew Barnhart wanted to fire him but couldn’t afford it so please tell me how that leverage play went down lol

Cal wanted out as bad as y’all wanted him gone and just so happens Arkansas came open and his good buddy Tyson provided him a way out . He is now at a school that he has ample NIL and a fan base excited to have him .

As far as using Kentucky players and their NBA success as a recruiting pitch … of course he is and any coach would do the same .

There will never be any Kentucky players on the walls of the practice facility at the university of Arkansas but I would hope there is something in his office or house that points to his to the NBA success his kids have had . The same way musselman is going to use his former Arkansas players that were first rounders . If you haven’t noticed Cal also talks about his players from UMass and Memphis .

You guys got want you wanted in Cal gone and now you can’t let it go and please with the Arkansas is desperate crap and want to be Kentucky LOL . I would be more concerned about skipping back to the Billy G days with Pope in charge instead of throwing shade at your former coach . Muss left us for USC and there hasn’t been a thread about him on our board in 2 months. Y’all can’t stop taking about Cal and that says deep down you really didn’t want him to leave lol .
The Matt Jones cult keep repeating his ignorant made up BS. Basically a bunch of mindless sheep with mob mentality. Matt Jones can sell them any lie. Even when he tries to correct his made up BS that he got called on his mindless sheep carry the lie.

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Whats up Bass?
Matt Jones fanboy mad because daddy Matt got called on the lies the he bought. Learn to think for yourself dumb boy and you won’t always look so stupid. I know trash like you don’t care about the truth but surely you’re tired of always looking like a complete buffoon.

Imagine being so pathetic like this assclown that you rely on other pro to tell you what to think.
There is a lot to unpack here . First Cal had a lifetime contract with a 33 million buyout at Kentucky if he was fired . If he talked to another school without informing Barnhart that was a breach of contract and forfeiture of 33 million. He knew Barnhart wanted to fire him but couldn’t afford it so please tell me how that leverage play went down lol

Cal wanted out as bad as y’all wanted him gone and just so happens Arkansas came open and his good buddy Tyson provided him a way out . He is now at a school that he has ample NIL and a fan base excited to have him .

As far as using Kentucky players and their NBA success as a recruiting pitch … of course he is and any coach would do the same .

There will never be any Kentucky players on the walls of the practice facility at the university of Arkansas but I would hope there is something in his office or house that points to his to the NBA success his kids have had . The same way musselman is going to use his former Arkansas players that were first rounders . If you haven’t noticed Cal also talks about his players from UMass and Memphis .

You guys got want you wanted in Cal gone and now you can’t let it go and please with the Arkansas is desperate crap and want to be Kentucky LOL . I would be more concerned about skipping back to the Billy G days with Pope in charge instead of throwing shade at your former coach . Muss left us for USC and there hasn’t been a thread about him on our board in 2 months. Y’all can’t stop taking about Cal and that says deep down you really didn’t want him to leave lol .
Mark damn Pope, I for one as a UK fan am not a fan of this middling ass roster, but hey he played here in ‘98.
When exactly is BBN supposed to stop talking about him?

He took 6 of our players and/or recruits, went to an SEC rival, and just covered his face all over the NBA draft that featured three of our guys. In addition, he keeps talking about us.

So when should we censor ourselves, Mr. Guy Montag, and start burning the threads you don't approve of?
Three of HIS guys, they played under him as a head coach.
Matt Jones fanboy mad because daddy Matt got called on the lies the he bought. Learn to think for yourself dumb boy and you won’t always look so stupid. I know trash like you don’t care about the truth but surely you’re tired of always looking like a complete buffoon.

Imagine being so pathetic like this assclown that you rely on other pro to tell you what to think.

Imagine making 500+ troll accounts for a message board, and then calling someone else pathetic.
I did not like or really understand the Shaedon Sharpe incident. Handlers handled that fiasco I am assuming. Cal could have dismissed him I guess but I am not sure if that was the way to go. I didn't like the outcome over the last few years. I try to be rationale and look at the seasons unfold. I do not rewrite history like many seem to do. Cal had a great run here. It came to an end and it was time for it to end. I attended many UK games during his time and I appreciate what he did. I will support UK like I always have but I will also, for the first time in my life, pull for Arkansas when they are not playing us. I don't care if you like that and don't care what you think about it.
Fake fan. Anyone who pulls for the pork rinds is a phony.
In response to the Chandler Vessels article, Cal can't stop reflecting on his Kentucky days. He is now talking about Tyler Herro at Kentucky. He knows he wasted a golden opportunity with his extremely talented Sheppard and Dillingham team but he will never admit it. It seems like he is using Tyler Herro's success in the NBA to somehow remind people that Sheppard and Dillingham weren't his first big NBA draft surprises. However, it isn't the same because he wasn't playing much lesser players in front of Herro. Cal just needs to spend his time talking more about Arkansas and less about anything Kentucky. If Kentucky does well under Pope's leadership, he will want to take credit for the Pope hire. Lol
To be fair, you’re still talking about Cal
Oh, really? So not bringing him up constantly and not making up factually inaccurate statements equates to loving him in your world?

Interested Ooo GIF by reactionseditor
No, just defending him constantly like you're a fat girl and Cal is your fudge sundae we got in the way of.
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This thread is just one big contradiction at this point.

OP and supports are mad Cal is still talking about KY, but anyone who is questioning why they are still talking about Cal just needs to get over it mind their business.

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Cal thought Ky was the U of Calipari and the world evolved around him alot of the players at Ky did not become good until they got away from Cal and got to the pros.
Cal thought Ky was the U of Calipari and the world evolved around him alot of the players at Ky did not become good until they got away from Cal and got to the pros.
Because they didn't fear getting hurt and not getting paid. He heavily recruited types wanting to get to the NBA ASAP, with the minimum effort. I think he was like this from the beginning at UK (maybe before that, but I never watched him then).
Oh great another cal thread man these people are obsessed

Can you explain why you don’t want Calipari discussed on a UK forum? He was the coach here 15 years and just had a nasty divorce from UK, took our entire team, and continues to discuss UK from his new job. We discuss ADOLPH RUPP who was here friggin over 50 years ago and I’ve never once seen you upset over it yet Calipari being mentioned in any thread makes you triggered. It’s weird and stupid it’s a discussion forum and Cal is a lightening rod personality. It’s high drama and this is what we do here. You make absolutely no sense when you do this. I think it makes you feel smarter or something and really you just look stupid and your takes are misplaced badly. No offense.
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Sure I am. I have been for 50 years. Same with Alabama football . I am smart enough to do more than one thing at a time. Sorry you are not.

You are NOT a Kentucky fan you don’t support UK in any way im willing to bet you never attended UK again Sorry. You’re a casual bandwagon guy who has no loyalty and you pick and choose based off winning. That’s not what a real UK fan does it’s not what a real fan does of any team. Real Alabama fans and alumni would tell you the same. You’re a Walmart bandwagon t-shirt fan. So you can save the bs.
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You are NOT a Kentucky fan you don’t support UK in any way im willing to bet you never attended UK again Sorry. You’re a casual bandwagon guy who has no loyalty and you pick and choose based off winning. That’s not what a real UK fan does it’s not what a real fan does of any team. Real Alabama fans and alumni would tell you the same. You’re a Walmart bandwagon t-shirt fan. So you can save the bs.
Don't do this to yourself. Some of these people exist here to push their NBA and Cal's agendas. They are not fans of CMP (RuRi is one of those types), it really bothers them that CMP got hired here and that UK is going to return to what we fans remember it being :)
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Don't do this to yourself. Some of these people exist here to push their NBA and Cal's agendas. They are not fans of CMP (RuRi is one of those types), it really bothers them that CMP got hired here and that UK is going to return to what we fans remember it being :)

I think that’s exactly what it is. They were dead wrong and their cognitive dissonance is running wild. Instead of accepting he was what we said he was, instead of accepting it’s what it is, just start calling people obsessed and take it to an even weirder place. He turned them out they have to defend him even against their own mother it’s insane.
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Fake fan. Anyone who pulls for the pork rinds is a pph

You are NOT a Kentucky fan you don’t support UK in any way im willing to bet you never attended UK again Sorry. You’re a casual bandwagon guy who has no loyalty and you pick and choose based off winning. That’s not what a real UK fan does it’s not what a real fan does of any team. Real Alabama fans and alumni would tell you the same. You’re a Walmart bandwagon t-shirt fan. So you can save the bs.
Bless your heart. You are simply stupid. I did my graduate studies at UK. I have season tickets just to watch UK play. I am sure you are right that a few Alabama fans would tell me the same thing you mentioned. They have stupid people there as well.
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Bless your heart. You are simply stupid. I did my graduate studies at UK. I have season tickets just to watch UK play. I am sure you are right that a few Alabama fans would tell me the same thing you mentioned. They have stupid people there as well.

You don’t have to attend a university to be a fan so that’s not what I was saying. But a real fan is a real fan and you most certainly are not. You can call yourself whatever you want, it doesn’t make it true. You’re a bandwagon casual t-shirt fan and that’s not the same thing. Again, sorry. Continue your fandom of NCAA athletics which is really what you are.

You’re dismissed.
Bless your heart. You are simply stupid. I did my graduate studies at UK. I have season tickets just to watch UK play. I am sure you are right that a few Alabama fans would tell me the same thing you mentioned. They have stupid people there as well.
Called out for being a fake fan, responds by saying he has season tickets. LOL I took some undergrad classes at IUS, does that make me a Hoosier fan?
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Called out for being a fake fan, responds by saying he has season tickets. LOL I took some undergrad classes at IUS, does that make me a Hoosier fan?
Quit taking up your brain power by trying to be bad ass. No one cares. If you dont believe me, fine. I still go to games and enjoy my life. What a dick!!
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Because they didn't fear getting hurt and not getting paid. He heavily recruited types wanting to get to the NBA ASAP, with the minimum effort. I think he was like this from the beginning at UK (maybe before that, but I never watched him then).
The first few years at Ky Cal did a great job but I think it was because of his top assistant coach Robic was the reason I think that is his name but when Robic left Ky, Ky BB has been going down hill.
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