How will they rule ??!

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Careful, Azurricat will claim you're a bad person spreading conspiracy theories, or does his type only pop up and make paid for posts when covid vaccines are mentioned?

Guess we shall see....
No because @vhcat70 is likely right based on Grayson's history. He's quite public on his battles with substance abuse and depression.

The other poster I called out was just spreading a conspiracy the right likes to use whenever someone young passes away.
Ah, then shouldn't you applaud it, then, being a natural.part of biology?

I mean, that's kind of your whole atheist argument isn't it? 🙂
No, you're assigning a value judgement to it when it's not bad or good, it just is. We're violent predators by nature as well, yet we've learned over the millennia to manage our environments and not eat ourselves out of house and home like evolution tells us to. Cultural knowledge. Society. Morals. Not a Commandment.
bone apart from bonaparte?

“The penis belonged to Evan Lattimer, whose renowned urologist dad beat out stiff competition at a Paris auction in 1977 to buy the organ for $3,000.”
Napoleon was no Rasputin that’s for sure.
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I had forgotten that Italy had joined forces with Nazi Germany and The Japs during WW2. Just saw a brief blurp on TV and recalled this from high school history.

Plus Romania, Hungary & Finland and some ME nations?
USSR initially supported the German invasion and partition of Poland
So they plotted with the Nazis for their benefit too

Italy under team Mussolini is a good example to reference if you wanna to use the term "fascist" correctly

The word seems to get tossed around by certain - activist oriented / motivated ppl a lot lately - but the context ALWAYS seems to be a way of defining offensive social or racial opinions

There is a book called "The Origins of Conflict" (1948?) - that outlines the key characteristics, motivations and outcomes of all the major powers of WW2

The primary tenants of fascism were something like:

The individual exists ONLY to serve The State

The majority of people aren't capable of understanding moral distinctions- therefore an elite and enlightened tier of rulers are needed to decide for them

War is continually glorified

History is reinterpreted or revised to fit the needs of the State - I believe the Italians actually "discovered" that DaVinci and other historical figures were ALSO trying to express the importance of such political arrangements

Corporations are granted enforcement/unelected government type powers and functions

This is also a good example of "bad nationalism"

So - I THINK the Fascists MAY not be the ones who are being so loudly denigrated as Fascists

Funny how effective it is to accuse your enemy of that which you are guilty of

Whacky world, man
No because @vhcat70 is likely right based on Grayson's history. He's quite public on his battles with substance abuse and depression.

The other poster I called out was just spreading a conspiracy the right likes to use whenever someone young passes away.

A) odd that you pop in randomly to reply to a 'sudden death' type post
B) are you denying that there does seem to be a glut of strange 'sudden deaths' among a lot of young, generally healthy people, more so than say, five years ago?
Open question that probably fits here -

How do you define "Conspiracy Theory"?

If / when you use that term -- what do you mean?

Aren't there all KINDS of historical examples of people/nations & groups - conspiring together to increase their standing/wealth or power?

Somehow a "conspiracy" became iron clad associated with misinformation - fabricated or otherwise - untruth w/a hint of Bolshevik wrath raining down upon the purveyors

I think its NICE when the corporate/political castes think so much of our well being -

Anywho - its a worthy line of conversation if someone tosses out CT too lazily or in a way that ignores reality
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In my experience, a conspiracy theory (with respect to politics) is an opinion on something that someone you are politically opposed to, expresses about a situation.

For example, when Trump said the DOJ was unjustly investigating him in the runup to the 2016 election, the mainstream media and the DNC said he was a conspiracy theory nut.

Turns out, however, that the DOJ and DNC were, you know, unjustly investigating/smearing him. LOL
In today's completely moronically detoriated political climate, a conspiracy theorist is simply someone who knows they're being lied to.

The label is used to dismiss facts/arguments they can't substantively contend.

Its a term that somehow became widely understood to have a very narrow & restrictive definition isn't it -

And somehow - its like kids calling DIBS
Its often considered unmovable and unquestionable once applied

isnt that so weirdly (and clumsily) wielded ?

Sometimes you have to engage someone on how they define their terms - esp if they're granted the authority to define unfamiliar thoughts or facts as untruths -
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😀 i was about a minute behind you posting the same thing
it’s shameful that these moonbats are in any position of authority
Liberals hate America. There's no denying it and White liberal women are the absolute worst. She should be fired, because the day you can't fly an American Flag in our country is a day we should never let happen.
Open question that probably fits here -

How do you define "Conspiracy Theory"?

If / when you use that term -- what do you mean?

Aren't there all KINDS of historical examples of people/nations & groups - conspiring together to increase their standing/wealth or power?

Somehow a "conspiracy" became iron clad associated with misinformation - fabricated or otherwise - untruth w/a hint of Bolshevik wrath raining down upon the purveyors

I think its NICE when the corporate/political castes think so much of our well being -

Anywho - its a worthy line of conversation if someone tosses out CT too lazily or in a way that ignores reality

Phrase has been around for a long time. It only started taking on a negative connotation around the same time as the Kennedy assasination. Many people attribute this to the CIA trying to discredit anyone that would question the official narrative and we see it used all the time today towards anyone that would question the state much in the same way. Coincidentally, if you believe this, you may just be called a conspiracy theorist.

Pre this more modern era, it was simply an accepted way to try and understand the world…by questioning things that didn’t seem to add up.

Today, it’s gotten so bad, even questioning the most obvious things or thinking for yourself at all will bring anger and vitriol from the state, state run legacy media, and of course, their foot soldiers (fellow citizens) as we see on here daily.
Why are you so triggered???

Why are you asking me the sources of whatever wealth Biden has? Look it up yourself. My guess it's less than $100M though plenty could be hidden.

As for the billionaire candidate, it's nice to have a leg up from Dad. Vivek didn't. I don't think Biden did either.

By your definition, I don't have TDS.
Dude, you are the poster child for TDS.

I'm not triggered btw. You asked me for specifics when you only piss on Rs. So, instead of going back through thousands of pages, i'm just going to call you out when i see it.

Do you ever has HOW biden got his hundreds of millions ... while being a public "servant" the entire time?? Biden is so FOS it isn't even funny. Biden represents ALL of the things that are wrong with the country and the world.

You have to admit, that DJT may have gotten a leg up, and he built on that, he didn't squander it on drugs like little Hunter, or Algore's alcoholic kid, etc. I agree Vivek is an even better story. I've said many times before, i would have preferred RD or VR, but it is what it is and I am all in on Trump's policies. America First.
But…. But…… what about those 51 National Security experts who assured us that Hunters Laptop was Russian disinformation??? How did they get it so wrong??
The entire media and the entire "intelligence" community lost all credibility. And they did it to themselves. They cannot blame republicans "pouncing" or orange man. They are simply unbelievable (in a bad way) with levels of evil mixed together.

Gut them both and start over.
Here ya go @sambowieshin ….. You’re fully on board with four more years of The Vegetable:

Man, he knows who’s running this country behind the curtain. THATS why he’s fine with having the Walking Dead as president.

They think Obama is a literal god and they’re 💯 fine with having him be the hand up the dummy’s ass.
Dude, you are the poster child for TDS.

I'm not triggered btw. You asked me for specifics when you only piss on Rs. So, instead of going back through thousands of pages, i'm just going to call you out when i see it.

Do you ever has HOW biden got his hundreds of millions ... while being a public "servant" the entire time?? Biden is so FOS it isn't even funny. Biden represents ALL of the things that are wrong with the country and the world.

You have to admit, that DJT may have gotten a leg up, and he built on that, he didn't squander it on drugs like little Hunter, or Algore's alcoholic kid, etc. I agree Vivek is an even better story. I've said many times before, i would have preferred RD or VR, but it is what it is and I am all in on Trump's policies. America First.
"I'm just going to call you out when i see it." = triggered for that subject. I'm triggered by 1576. Enjoy his nonsense though. It's good to be appreciated.

I didn't didn't know - and still don't - that Joe has $100M+. I thought it was around 50. But either way, I do wonder. But not enough to go looking for something others already point out. Redundant.

I started out saying Trump was given huge wealth, net, or NET, I don't have to admit it again.

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