How will they rule ??!

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I wonder how many degrees of separation you have to get before you find someone in the average top Washington politician’s orbit who can:

Repair a toilet
Hammer a nail (while holding the hammer and swinging properly)
Grill a burger
Start a lawn mower
Change a tire
Nancy Pelosi should know how to use a hammer. After all, she is known for getting hammered and her husband is world renowned for his use of them.
Yes you can.

four patties per pound. 80/20 ground beef (never buy lean/angus burgers etc., they're terrible)

MIx the ground beef up with a generous amount of Worcestershire sauce (1 Tbsp), garlic powder (1 teaspoon), and a teaspoon of Dijon mustard) per pound of beef. Never add salt, or sprinkle anything else on, while you're grilling them

Put some effort into forming the burgers. with a 1/4 lb of meat, your burger shouldn't be any thicker than 3/8's of an inch (probaby thinner) IOW, about 4 inches in diameter (at least)

Direct heat (not blazing hot, like steaks, but charcoal that is pretty much ALL ashed over) and as soon as you see some smoke coming out of the vent, take the spatula, and slide/move them a little, so they don't stick.

Most of the cooking is done before you flip them. So like a 2 to 1 ratio (first side down, and then flip) time wise. When you crease them a little with the spatula, and the juice still has a little pink to it, but mostly clear, leave them on the grill, but move them off of the direct heat and adjust the vents way down (less air), and then, after about 5 mintues, put the cheese on, cover, and leave for 2 or so minutes.

Another thing that's good, is to add a half pound of ground Italian sausage per pound of ground beef (still making four burgers per pound of beef, they'll just be a little larger after adding 8 ounces of sausage)

People usually don't thin the patties out consistently, and use too much charcoal/too hot of a fire.
all sounds good but i only get 3 patties to a pound of 80/20. they shrink by damn near half

I’ve posted here a long time so I don’t know if you’re serious, or if this is sarcasm because you know I’m a tax attorney.
And I'm an astronaut.

You obviously didn't read the article. It cites facts about billionaires and their tax rates. You probably just saw "Vox" and blew a tonsil.
I wonder how many degrees of separation you have to get before you find someone in the average top Washington politician’s orbit who can:

Repair a toilet
Hammer a nail (while holding the hammer and swinging properly)
Grill a burger
Start a lawn mower
Change a tire
“Change a tire” reminded me of my high school days when I worked part-time at a Full Service Gas Station. Changed many flat tires. Went solo on many wrecker calls for stalled vehicles on I-75. Cars flying by me at high speed while I was hooking up the vehicle to be towed by my truck. Scared the absolute Hell out of me. On the plus side, I enjoyed washing front windows for gals wearing short skirts while I was pumping gasoline. 😊
Pretty sure we all realize that, hence all the sarcastic remarks about his grilling prowess or lack thereof. Question is, why do the photo op in the first place and put yourself out there for such ridicule. Photo Op or not, he looks like a moron putting cheese on a raw burger patty without thinking people will notice that shit.
I wasn't aware Jews were able to cook or eat beef.
If you're gay... guess what? I don't care.

But i do care about this so don't expect any support from me:

May be an image of text
First and last years under each. 🤣
GDP 2017 under Trump....2.3 percent growth.
GDP 2021 under Biden....U.S. gdp growth rate for 2021 was 5.95%, a 8.71% increase from 2020.

GDP growth 2020 under Trump....The US GDP growth rate in 2020 was NEGATIVE 2.77%, a 5.06% decline from 2019.

GDP growth 2023 under Biden....(GDP) increased 2.5% in 2023.

Job growth Trump...The economy LOST 2.9 million jobs during his 4 years.

Job growth Biden....15 million jobs created since he took office.

Unemployment under Trump averaged over 5 percent.

Unemployment under Biden is at 4 percent.

Facts are stubborn things.
You are a troll. Everyone knows that the above is BS. Why keep trying. Gaslighting this way is impossible.
Yes you can.

four patties per pound. 80/20 ground beef (never buy lean/angus burgers etc., they're terrible)

MIx the ground beef up with a generous amount of Worcestershire sauce (1 Tbsp), garlic powder (1 teaspoon), and a teaspoon of Dijon mustard) per pound of beef. Never add salt, or sprinkle anything else on, while you're grilling them

Put some effort into forming the burgers. with a 1/4 lb of meat, your burger shouldn't be any thicker than 3/8's of an inch (probaby thinner) IOW, about 4 inches in diameter (at least)

Direct heat (not blazing hot, like steaks, but charcoal that is pretty much ALL ashed over) and as soon as you see some smoke coming out of the vent, take the spatula, and slide/move them a little, so they don't stick.

Most of the cooking is done before you flip them. So like a 2 to 1 ratio (first side down, and then flip) time wise. When you crease them a little with the spatula, and the juice still has a little pink to it, but mostly clear, leave them on the grill, but move them off of the direct heat and adjust the vents way down (less air), and then, after about 5 mintues, put the cheese on, cover, and leave for 2 or so minutes.

Another thing that's good, is to add a half pound of ground Italian sausage per pound of ground beef (still making four burgers per pound of beef, they'll just be a little larger after adding 8 ounces of sausage)

People usually don't thin the patties out consistently, and use too much charcoal/too hot of a fire.
The best burger....50/50. (80/20) + 50% ground brisket.
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It's for the photo. He isn't actually cooking them like that. He isn't actually cooking at all.
Bless your heart. Why defend an idiot. Everything Dem is staged. But don't stage an "everyman" picture that is clearly BS and shows you know NOTHING about the subject matter.

I bet you believe that Liz Warren likes beer.
Another big concert in Louisville this week. Over 25 thousand with no fights, shootings or violence there either.
Pride 2024.
Betas and les crowds are not know for their aggressive nature. They do not know how to fight. Also....that seems to be a verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry white crowd. Not diverse as to the flesh tones.
Upon closer examination, there is one burner on and also dion I thought you leftists didn’t cook with gas ? Remember it’s killing the earth and don’t eat beef because of cow farts 🍺🇺🇸
Yep, actually two. Its a Weber grill, expensive as far as gas grills go. Only two burner knobs so not a big one.

To all y'all out there. Use wood, pellets etc.... Gas is for Hank Hill. Not for real cooks.

If you want to use gas, get a Blackstone grill, cooktop. That does burgers just fine. Get a nice sear on them.
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Yes, Rome had tons of immigration. So much so that for much of the empire it ran the majority of the economy and military. The population of the Italian peninsula swelled for centuries with non-Italian born people.

So this was what you've been driving at this whole time by initially asking the question? Great Replacement Theory.
Fast-forward into Joe Biden's Amerika, and even WaPo blames current immigration policies on a tragic murder...

Officials tie Rachel Morin murder case to U.S. immigration policies

Libs fiddle while Rome burns.
Best Charcoal grill I've ever owned.

PK Grill Classic (it should be, for the price)

Looks like old school. I like to use lump charcoal when I grill gasless. I get such a good outcome on the Blackstone and with the large cooking surface I can knock out sooooo many burgers at I can caramelize onions, get some char on the buns, cook brats or dogs.... at the same time. A lot less work than getting the lump up to temp.
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And I'm an astronaut.

You obviously didn't read the article. It cites facts about billionaires and their tax rates. You probably just saw "Vox" and blew a tonsil.

I saw Vox. Knew the topic was tax. Ignored whatever vox has to say. I do the same with Propublica. I’m sure there’s a whole lot of conflating wealth and income and calculating effective tax rates on net worth, etc.
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These people are psychotic.

Edinburgh became the latest European capital city to ban ads for aviation, SUVs and more. EDINBURGH — Last month this Scottish city — filled with medieval spires and shadowed by the looming castle on the hill said to have inspired the Harry Potter books — made a startlingly modern decision.
“startlingly modern decision”, huh?

More like backwards and Orwellian as F.
And if you make them too thick they become a meatball
i don’t make them thick—pretty thin actually. some people like thick some like thin. i’m always cooking them for someone else since i don’t eat red meat, making them big enough for a regular size brioche bun.


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Overall, Trump effed up the Covid response but at the same time it was an unprecedented event that nobody was prepared for. I went back to my posts during that time and still agree with what I said then. He was in a no win situation. Was a re-election year and if he had not done the lockdowns (herd immunity) and a lot more people had died he would have went down as a catastrophic failure of a POTUS and easily lost the election. What he did not realize was how far Dems would take the lockdowns plus the massive mail-in vote scam and Covid Relief spending/fraud that helped create the inflation disaster that Biden injected steroids into. If he somehow wins in Nov, he needs to trust his gut this next term and anything these frauds/criminals tells him to do he needs to do the exact opposite.

I don't know how he wouldn't realize how far theyd take it. Look at everything else they did to him.

If he was going to be roasted either way, then might as well do the right thing. He had it right at the beginning then made the only politically driven decision he made the entire 4 years and it cost us all dearly.
We do not have a democracy. You "believed" the big lie.

See previous comment

Why shouldn't Biden have "a chance at winning"? Because he sucks at his job? What about all that winning crap you post? Oh ... you're admitting you know it is bullshit. Got it.
Said numerous times I don't like either candidate. Donated to Christie and Hailey. But if the choice is between an old man that will be guided by people that will not trash our democracy or an old man who listens to nobody but the insane voices in his head....gimme the drooling, blind old bassett hound over the frothing, rabid old shi* bull.
And y'all wonder why....

'Victory or Death'

Calling for executions in meetings....NUTS!!!!!!!
Bidenomics is on a roll!! Talked to two different friends of mine recently who work in prominent businesses in Ky.
Both told me that this last year was their company's best year EVER.
Kentuckiana Comfort Center and Midwest Sprinkler. Both dudes said business is BOOMING in commercial new construction and business expansion.
Oh.... this happened today too. Just another day of record stocks. How's ur 401k doin fellas??
There is no such thing as a "covid vaccine". It was an experiment. That was the ONLY thing "science" related to it. Masks ... no. Mandatory ... no. Stay inside ... no. Masking up and staying home were the 2 worst things we could have done. Scientific fact.

I'm still waiting for you guys to name a long term study on the efficacy of the experimental gene therapy... maybe in 7 years.
The stay at home mandates were meant to slow the spread in order to keep our healthcare system from being overwhelmed like it was in China and Italy.
Lives were saved, your memory is very selective and science is why many are alive today.

So why all the hate for non violent people?
Why hold up non-diverse lily white crowds for their being non violent? That is clearly a dog-whistle that black folks hear as....go to a rap concert event and there will be fights, gun violence etc... That is what you are saying. Shame on you. Black and Latinx folks can be just as peaceful as wealthy white folks.
Thank Big Bad Brandon for your big ole 401K....
Should we thank him for the trickle down concentration of wealth in the top 1%? How many inner-city moms have a 401K? Biden is playing to his base, the wealthy elites who have investments.
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